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paco plaza x
    Ian Jane

  • Rock! Shock! Pop! Interviews Director Paco Plaza

    Rock! Shock! Pop! Interviews Director Paco Plaza

    Filmmaker Pazo Plaza has made a pretty serious name for himself in his native Spain and the success of the [REC] films have brought him to attention on the international and horror film circuits as well. With the release of [REC] Genesis now under way, Mr. Plaza was kind enough to take time out of his schedule to conduct an email interview with Rock! Shock! Pop! editor Ian Jane. So without further ado...
    IJ: Let's start with a bit of background information. How did y
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  • Mark Tolch
    Senior Member

  • [REC] 2

    [REC] 2

    Released By: Sony Pictures
    Released On: 07/12/2011
    Director: Jaume Balaguero and Paco Plaza
    Cast: Jonathan Mellor, Manuela Velasco

    The Film:

    To sequel or not to sequel? That is the question. However, since even a suck-filled sequel to a successful film will generally result in a paycheck for everyone involved, the answer is pretty obvious for the most part. In the case of the 2007 Spanish horror flick [REC], which was remade pretty much...
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