I thought that the first episode of the first season was awesome, barring the CGI blood. I was disappointed when it got dumb really fast. I didn't give a shit about any of the characters, and the dialogue and situations were predictable. the level of acting was sub-par. I heard that things were going to be different in season 2, and the first episode was a good start. Now i'm at the point already where i don't care again. People whose opinions I value think that it's great. This confuses me.
I really wish that they would just end this show. I think that people like it because they have no other horror-themed shows to compare it to. I hear the same arguments made for this season that I did for REVENGE OF THE SITH. "It's pretty good, compared to what came before it" That doesn't make it good.
I really wish that they would just end this show. I think that people like it because they have no other horror-themed shows to compare it to. I hear the same arguments made for this season that I did for REVENGE OF THE SITH. "It's pretty good, compared to what came before it" That doesn't make it good.