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The Official Walking Dead Thread

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  • The Official Walking Dead Thread

    I thought that the first episode of the first season was awesome, barring the CGI blood. I was disappointed when it got dumb really fast. I didn't give a shit about any of the characters, and the dialogue and situations were predictable. the level of acting was sub-par. I heard that things were going to be different in season 2, and the first episode was a good start. Now i'm at the point already where i don't care again. People whose opinions I value think that it's great. This confuses me.

    I really wish that they would just end this show. I think that people like it because they have no other horror-themed shows to compare it to. I hear the same arguments made for this season that I did for REVENGE OF THE SITH. "It's pretty good, compared to what came before it" That doesn't make it good.

  • #2
    I gave up on the show after the one season. Fuck them. And those that cream over it must never have seen a Romero or a Fulci zombie flick. Zombies are hip, and people are supposed to like them now, so they do. Stop watching the show and be done with it.


    • #3
      My girlfriend has been watching it. Since i'm generally in the room, even though tonight I am fucking about on RSP, I have caught most of this season.


      • #4
        Do what I do when my wife watches shitty-ass "reality" shows...find another room to hide in.


        • #5
          RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD is where I stopped giving a hoot about the undead. That was 1985. I have seen a few zombie films since then that had moments - Bill Murray in ZOMBIELAND being the most recent - but I flat out refuse to believe that any provocation can be squeezed from the concept in 2011. The Walking Dead...I get it. The survivors are the walking dead! I got that when the comic came out. Also, people are assholes and will become bigger assholes in a crisis. Yep.

          The show is up on Netflix streaming at the moment so I thought I'd at least watch the first episode and give it a fair shake. Couldn't do it. Less than 3 minutes in the cop walks up on the little girl and she's a zombie. One of those zombies whose lips are all munged up for no discernible reason. That's your hook, The Walking Dead? A kid zombie is supposed to grab and shock the viewer 43 years after NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD did it? Fuck off.
          Now everyone can have a complete KRULL lifestyle.


          • #6
            Yeah, but this one costs more.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Toyboy View Post
              RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD is where I stopped giving a hoot about the undead. That was 1985. I have seen a few zombie films since then that had moments - Bill Murray in ZOMBIELAND being the most recent - but I flat out refuse to believe that any provocation can be squeezed from the concept in 2011. The Walking Dead...I get it. The survivors are the walking dead! I got that when the comic came out. Also, people are assholes and will become bigger assholes in a crisis. Yep.

              The show is up on Netflix streaming at the moment so I thought I'd at least watch the first episode and give it a fair shake. Couldn't do it. Less than 3 minutes in the cop walks up on the little girl and she's a zombie. One of those zombies whose lips are all munged up for no discernible reason. That's your hook, The Walking Dead? A kid zombie is supposed to grab and shock the viewer 43 years after NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD did it? Fuck off.
              Not to defend Walking Dead which I have no strong feelings about either way, but couldn't you say the above about any franchise or genre that has been beat to death?

              BATMAN: YEAR ONE is where I stopped giving a hoot about Batman. That was 1987. I have read a few Batman books since then that had moments - Batman in PLANETARY being the most recent - but I flat out refuse to believe that any provocation can be squeezed from the concept in 2011. The Bat Man...I get it. The orphan is a bat AND a man! I got that when the comic came out. Also, criminals are assholes and bats are cool. Yep.



              • #8
                Originally posted by Roderick View Post
                Not to defend Walking Dead which I have no strong feelings about either way, but couldn't you say the above about any franchise or genre that has been beat to death?

                BATMAN: YEAR ONE is where I stopped giving a hoot about Batman. That was 1987. I have read a few Batman books since then that had moments - Batman in PLANETARY being the most recent - but I flat out refuse to believe that any provocation can be squeezed from the concept in 2011. The Bat Man...I get it. The orphan is a bat AND a man! I got that when the comic came out. Also, criminals are assholes and bats are cool. Yep.

                You're absolutely right, which is why after reading issue 2 of the new Batman comic last week I decided I was done. I felt the exact same thing with that.

                Also, like with zombies, Batman gets shoe horned into a lot of shit where he doesn't belong simply because he sells. The only difference, for me personally, is that I like looking at Batman. I love the character design and as far as live action goes I'm always up for seeing people's interpretation of the character, good or shitty, whereas with zombies I'm fed up and have been for a while.

                Here's my real beef with both the comic and the TV series of The Walking Dead - I made this kind of story already in my own head. Robert Kirkman is telling a tale that I don't need to be a part of because when I was deep in my zombie phase I played all these scenarios out, so while I can understand someone who is younger or less of a fanatic getting into this program, I'm pretty certain I'm not going to find much to spark my imagination in there. Again, that's just me being the jaded old dude but zombie time is over for me and has been for a while now.

                With that said, I went into Time Warp Comics in Boulder recently and they have dubbed themselves "Your Walking Dead Headquarters". While I was digging in the quarter bins I heard the employees - dudes in their 20's - excitedly discussing the previous night's episode with a customer. If this show is getting people into comic book shops, more power to it and its creators.
                like a hole in the head
                Last edited by Toyboy; 11-04-2011, 11:57 AM.
                Now everyone can have a complete KRULL lifestyle.


                • #9
                  I agree the zombie thing has been way played out for quit a while now but for whatever reason it doesn't bug me much. But what I would like to see is some folks mine the supernatural cause route and tell stories from that perspective. Like the old Deadworld comic and "there's no room left in hell" schtick. That kinda bullshit.

                  Also, Batman DOES look pretty cool. But Robin is lame.


                  • #10
                    Yeah, how 'bout some voodoo zombies.

                    I'm waiting for the Golem craze to start. The magic, Jewish, clay dudes, not the LOTR hoo-hah.
                    Now everyone can have a complete KRULL lifestyle.


                    • #11
                      Frank Black did a Golem record a while back so the waters ARE being tested...


                      • #12
                        The other difference between a franchise like Batman or Star Trek is that those are insular properties that must be given the go ahead by the rights owner. Anybody can add zombies, vampires, and werewolves to their creation and so it's much easier to saturate the market with lame variations of those tropes than it is to throw out a new Batman story. That's not to say that Warner Brothers is hesitant to do so, but there's a least a limit to what can be done with that particular world. I just searched "zombie" on Netflix and there were 53 movies with ZOMBIE in the title on the first 5 pages. My guess is that I could find another 50 zombie or undead movies on imdb in the next 15 minutes.
                        Now everyone can have a complete KRULL lifestyle.


                        • #13
                          Golem, golem, golem
                          I made him out of clay
                          Golem, golem, golem
                          He fucks me everyday


                          • #14
                            I'm enjoying the 2nd season far, far better than the first of this show. Deep budget cuts are forcing more discussions to the fore rather than zombie interactions but they're getting consistent with that balance pretty quickly. Character changes from the comic (in Shane and Daryl, basically) are welcome updates, too, and give some extra tension that actually works. Is it the end-all, be-all of TV or zombie fare? Nope but it's not trying to be; I think a lot of the "raving" press it's getting are from folks that aren't as steeped in the genre, perhaps?
                            It's not going to suck itself...


                            • #15
                              I fucking HATE The Walking Dead. My respect for Kirkman is rapidly fading.

