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The best shot from your last roll of film/memory card.
Sorry, this is gonna be more than one but...
Hokkaido climate has officially gone insane. We get plenty of snow every winter, but this year the snow just won't stop. Many cities have been getting over 60cm of snow in a 24 hour time span... on multiple dates.
I don't mind in general because I love snow (and snow chaos!), but in Jan. and Feb. alone all trains have been cancelled for at least 8 days in total which makes commuting a pain in the ass. Yesterday and today even buses won't run. Yesterday the city of Sapporo announced their snow removal bill is the highest ever.
Jan. 14. Man protecting his house from the snow (isn't it supposed to be the other way around?)
Feb. 6
Feb. 6. Parking place
Feb. 11. Kita Hiroshima train station
Feb. 22
Feb. 22. This is when it started getting surreal. It's the same parking place in the Feb. 6 photo, different angle. Look for cars buried in snow (tip: windshied wipers). And no, there's no hill under the snow, just snow piled up. Gotta go vertical since no space left anywhere.
Feb. 22
Feb. 23
Last edited by Takuma; 02-22-2022, 09:47 PM.
Once again a render rather than a photo but as I've said before you need to know more about cameras to render than you do to take a snapshot. The cameras in 3DS Max have no auto settings (at least my version doesn't. I think maybe newer versions do).
Getting back to thinking about making my Covid cancelled film from 2020. I'd already done a lot of effects but it feels old to me now so I've started fresh.
"Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.
Last week Epic Games released the World Changing, Movies And Games Will Never Be The Same Ever, Ever, Again Version of the Unreal Engine and after all the hype I decided to allocate a few hours to learning it. I was making fun of them for their Industry Changing, Men Fainted At The Sight Of It etc schtick but they may have a point. A couple 10 minute youtube "How To" videos and a few hours of swearing at the screen later and I exported out this. Learning 3D is not meant to be that easy.
"Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.
It's been an age since I last shot a show. Long enough actually that I've been supplanted as the official stills photographer at my girlfriends burlesque school show day. So I took along a video camera instead. This show is nuts. Over 1100 people through the room performing and watching over a 10 hour stretch. It's fucking exhausting but, quite a thing. Also I have no idea why my youtube videos keep coming out pixelated. It's very vexing:
Last edited by Dom D; 08-28-2023, 03:52 AM."Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.
Originally posted by Dom D View PostIt's been an age since I last shot a show. Long enough actually that I've been supplanted as the official stills photographer at my girlfriends burlesque school show day. So I took along a video camera instead. This show is nuts. Over 1100 people through the room performing and watching over a 10 hour stretch. It's fucking exhausting but, quite a thing. Also I have no idea why my youtube videos keep coming out pixelated. It's very vexing:
"When I die, I hope to go to Accra"
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Once a year the students are kicked off stage and the teachers strut their stuff. It's suppossed to be all of them, which is about 15 or 16 at the moment I think, but Covid rolled through the school days before and cut the ranks down to about 8 or 9. I did a very bad job filming this one. After lockdowns and then living in the country sometimes crowds get me and such was the case on this night. Still it cut together okay:
"Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.