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What is the furthest you have traveled to see a band?

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  • What is the furthest you have traveled to see a band?

    From St. Louis to Manhattan to see The Pogues with Ian and Alison.

    release all the farts

  • #2
    Can people post DISTANCES please as I have no idea where anywhere is apart from my hometown!


    • #3
      1003 miles
      release all the farts


      • #4
        That was good time.

        I technically flew from Portland to NYC to see Hank III & Reverend Horton Heat.

        Google says that's 2903 miles.

        Honestly though I was flying out to see Alison and catching the show was a bonus. I did buy tickets in advance though. So I think it counts.
        Rock! Shock! Pop!


        • #5
          Flew from L.A. to Austin a couple of times to see The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black. Also rented a car and drove from Austin to Dallas both times to see them again. Second trip, Kembra asked if I wanted to sub for one of their dancers who was sick. I spared the world that indignity. Probably the best lineup I ever saw was at Emo's that first trip: Speed Queens, Red Aunts, Supersnazz and TVHOKB.


          • #6
            Well, I saw an Italian metal band called Venadium in Rome but I didn't go there specifically to see them so I guess that doesn't count. I guess it'd be Atlanta from here in SC, about 300 miles, to see DRI. Not very far. They followed us back here and played in someone's garage to about 25 people the next day (and bitched about it later in RIP magazine).
            I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
              That was good time.

              I technically flew from Portland to NYC to see Hank III & Reverend Horton Heat.

              Google says that's 2903 miles.

              Honestly though I was flying out to see Alison and catching the show was a bonus. I did buy tickets in advance though. So I think it counts.
              CHEATER..doesn't count


              • #8
                75 miles to see Robert Cray, Stevie Ray Vaughn & Eric Clapton. It was the next to last concert SRV would play as he was killed the next night in a helicopter crash.
                "The popcorn you're eating has been pissed in. Film at 11".


                • #9
                  Traveled from Moss Point MS to Colorado to see the Sex Pistols on their first reunion tour. Want to say it was at least 4000 miles.


                  • #10
                    Does travelling to play count?

                    Since a lot of stuff comes to Chicago or the general area, I rarely have to travel much to see shows...

                    I will be going to Texas to see Goblin in October...Seeing them here before that as well...


                    • #11
                      Re: What is the furthest you have traveled to see a band?

                      266 miles to see Anekdoten play in Verviers, Belgium; turned into a very boozy few days discovering lots of Belgian beers. Also had my first raw beef dish, ordered Steak American thinking it was some sort of burger and got a slab of raw meat...


                      • #12
                        Growing up the only place to see anyone was 100 miles away. So 200 miles to see anyone I saw back then.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Busterface Wallace View Post
                          From St. Louis to Manhattan to see The Pogues with Ian and Alison.

                          Skewed facts.

                          You went from STL to Cherry Hill, NJ for a horror convention with Wicked Pixel. THEN, you went from Cherry Hill to piece of shit New York to see a bigger piece of shit band.

                          Went to Teaneck, NJ to see Mucky Pup. 224 miles. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than Busterface's ride from Cherry Hill to piece of shit New York.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Gav M View Post
                            Also had my first raw beef dish, ordered Steak American thinking it was some sort of burger and got a slab of raw meat...
                            Yeah, I think I'd be shocked too if I ordered Steak American and got raw beef, haha. Hopefully you had plenty of beer to wash it down.
                            I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Paul Casey View Post
                              You went from STL to Cherry Hill, NJ for a horror convention with Wicked Pixel. THEN, you went from Cherry Hill to piece of shit New York to see a bigger piece of shit band.
                              You just hate on NYC because everyone here wanted to beat you up.

                              For some reason a few weeks ago my dad tried to get me to drive from NYC to Virginia to go see Rev. Payton's Big Damn Band. I declined.
                              Rock! Shock! Pop!

