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Macklemore/Robin Thicke
Like Robin just said, THE HEIST is a solid CD...and I am not even a particualr fan of rap music!!!..Interesting raps....solid hooklines......good stuff....
That Robin Thicke song is also catchy as hell....althought the lyrics are a bit suspect!!!...and nice to see Pharell Williams on two of the most popular songs these days (Daft Punk)
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Nevermind how popular he is -- Macklemore is easily one of the most talented rappers out there in the industry at the moment. So no reason to run and hide on that one. People need to remember that popular doesn't necessarily = bad.
Listen to the entire album. "Thrift Shop" is just one of many amazing tracks on THE HEIST. It's very solid.
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Macklemore/Robin Thicke
Have to admit Thrift Shop and Blurred Lines are rad jamz.
::runs and hides::Tags: None
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