Scott H. Biram - Whiskey. I'm gonna listen to this song over and over again for the next 20 minutes until it's time to go home.
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What's playing?
Bruce Springsteen - Born To Run LP.
I'm kinda drunk and when I'm kinda drunk (as opposed to really drunk) Bruce instantly becomes amazing. Then I sobre up and he's not so amazing but he has those moments, or rather I have those moments, where Bruce and I connect. And they're good moments. Earthy, hard working, blue collar moments. They frequently take place in New Jersey, and that kinda blows, but other than that, they're good.Rock! Shock! Pop!
Two in the rotation today are:
Bloodlights - Simple Pleasures This is the awesomely-named Captain Poon's post-Gluecifer outfit. Didn't care much for it at first but it's definitely growing on me. Not the OTT riffage of the Glue but still very 'eavy.
Psychedelic Disaster Whirl - this is a comp of 60s garage, super obscure and sooo great. Some of this sounds evil. If you like the Back From The Grave series and shit like that I highly recommend this.I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.