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New Motorhead Album For 2013

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  • #61
    It does suck to see Lemmy getting old. But then, he's always been old it seems. I fear Jack is right though, Motorhead won't last forever.

    The new album, however, is pretty damn good. At least I think so. Got the place to myself this morning so it's pretty loud right now. Hope the neighbors like it.
    Rock! Shock! Pop!


    • #62
      So Brian May plays on one of the songs, eh? The songs I've heard so far haven't really grabbed me yet but I'll probably pick this up this week.
      I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.


      • #63
        Damn, it happened again. Sounds like a tour is beyond his capabilities right now, he probably needs to concentrate more on his health.
        I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.


        • #64
          I was there, they opened with Damage Case and Stay Clean, and you could tell from the get-go that he wasn't in the shape to be doing this and struggled through the material.
          EuroCultAV Reviews


          • #65
            Just had a look at the videos from the last gig and yeah, that didn't look good. And you could tell he was genuinely upset he couldn't continue. I've read many people saying he should give it up but the thing is Motorhead still put on one hell of a show when Lemmy's 100% so if he gets his health in check than by all means go hard. At the moment however as someone on another site put it, he runs the risk of playing subpar shows or as has the case over the last few weeks, having to cut shows short which just isn't fare to those who bought a ticket and the band knows it.

            I think them not touring would kind of be a shock to their system. Pretty much all they do is write, record, tour, repeat. It's strange thinking of a studio only Motorhead.


            • #66
              Saw that video this morning, and it was sad. Lemmy needs to rest up, get better, and then decide whether he can continue or not. After seeing that video, it is obvious that he needs to take some time off, no question. He even sounded "off", and the band had to slow it down a bit for him.

              It was also sad to see him visibly upset that he couldn't continue. And when he walked offstage with his cane, it reinforced the fact that Lemmy is, in fact, an elderly man. I'm a huge fan of Motorhead; they're my favourite band, but I'm bracing myself for the announcement in my newsfeed that Lemmy has passed. I hope that's not for a long, long time, but the man does NOT look well. The fact that he's made it to 70 with the lifestyle he's led says a lot about his constitution, but he can't keep it up forever, as sad as it is for all of us that are fans. :(


              • #67
                I somehow won free tickets for Riot Fest in Toronto this weekend. I can only go today, but that means I'll be standing in the rain with an annoyed 15 year old watching DOA, The Dead Milkmen, Gwar, Motorhead, and a few others. I hope I can hear Motorhead this time....last time I saw them they were so loud I couldn't hear a thing.


                • #68
                  ^ Earplugs, man... Earplugs.


                  • #69
                    Ha! Never!!!!


                    • #70
                      Well.....I'm glad that I went. And my daughter got to see a living legend. That being said, it was sad to see a guy who only 4 years ago could blow the doors off bands half his age struggling to keep up with the band. I'm not knocking him, I'm in the Go, Lemmy camp!, but he's having a hard time of it and it shows.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Mark Tolch View Post
                        Well.....I'm glad that I went. And my daughter got to see a living legend. That being said, it was sad to see a guy who only 4 years ago could blow the doors off bands half his age struggling to keep up with the band. I'm not knocking him, I'm in the Go, Lemmy camp!, but he's having a hard time of it and it shows.
                        Yeah, he's not looking good lately. I've seen them twice, and would go again, but I'm sure it would be a different show. Nonetheless, Lemmy is a legend, and even playing slower plays better than lots of folks.


                        • #72
                          Good news for those in the Go, Lemmy camp:

                          via Twitter:


                          • #73
                            Is that the store on Queen West, Barry?
                            Rock! Shock! Pop!


                            • #74
                              I think so. I stole the pic from twitter.


                              • #75
                                I bought condoms there once.
                                Rock! Shock! Pop!

