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New candidate for Worst Song of All Time?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Mike T View Post
    What does my head in is that the lead singer "rocks it up" so much with piercings, tatts and a bare torso...then sings such a poncey song! WTF? WTF!
    Shit, all that shit has become so fucking mainstream - the goldfish and flower tat sleeves, tribal yin yang, Asian character, spiderweb elbow, faux-hawk, facial piercing "rock star" bullshit. Fuck all those pieces of shit ass fucks.

    F you in the A

    And fuck you too

    Oh, and fuck you in the ass

    and you

    and you

    and don't forget the ladies

    Stars and doves and shit. Pistons. Fuck off. All of you.
    Now everyone can have a complete KRULL lifestyle.


    • #62
      Totally agree. Fuck all them shits.


      • #63
        Currently burning off all of my tattoos with a hot spoon.


        • #64
          I like my tattoos.
          Rock! Shock! Pop!


          • #65
            Poor Mick. That song eats it so fucking much.

            I'm glad that I'm not the only one who gets uncontrollably ANGRY at this shit.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Mark Tolch View Post
              Currently burning off all of my tattoos with a hot spoon.
              Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
              I like my tattoos.
              You guys have cool, meaningful tattoos. These fuckers wear that shit like a $100 t-shirt, fucking douchebag dilettantes.
              Now everyone can have a complete KRULL lifestyle.


              • #67
                Here's a real fucking rock star with real fucking tattoos.

                Real fucking rock star with real fucking tattoos

                Maroon 5 and Avenged Sevenfold should choke on dicks.
                Now everyone can have a complete KRULL lifestyle.


                • #68
                  There's more pure rock & roll fury in these two tattoos than in John Mayer's SRV wannabe, wedding ballad singing ass face.

                  Now everyone can have a complete KRULL lifestyle.


                  • #69
                    What is that bottom one? I can't even tell. It looks kinda like the Tivo logo.
                    Rock! Shock! Pop!


                    • #70
                      cigarette burn.


                      • #71
                        It's a snare drum with a stick and a wiggly motion line.

                        Or it's a cupcake with a candle in it.

                        Either way: Pure. Rock & Roll. Fury.
                        Now everyone can have a complete KRULL lifestyle.


                        • #72
                          Schon seit den Anfangstagen bei Kiss hat er eine Trommel auf dem linken Oberarm tí¤towiert. Erst etwa 1992 kam das Peter Criss Katzenlogo vom "Rock and Roll over" Cover hinzu:

                          Now everyone can have a complete KRULL lifestyle.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Toyboy View Post
                            Shit, all that shit has become so fucking mainstream - the goldfish and flower tat sleeves, tribal yin yang, Asian character, spiderweb elbow, faux-hawk, facial piercing "rock star" bullshit. Fuck all those pieces of shit ass fucks.

                            And fuck you too...

                            What Matt (and Todd) said: times one hundred + 1.


                            • #74
                              This instant tattoo bullshit pisses me off. Guys who can go into a shop and say "Here's 5 grand, tattoo my arms, neck, chest, and put a kitschy word across my stomach". fucking hell. My mother called it..."in 15 years, the real outlaws will be the ones without tattoos". When i was younger, all i wanted was a spiderweb on my elbow because it was so fuckin' badass. Not now.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Mark Tolch View Post
                                My mother called it..."in 15 years, the real outlaws will be the ones without tattoos". When i was younger, all i wanted was a spiderweb on my elbow because it was so fuckin' badass. Not now.
                                Your mum was right, and I will be badass one day (haha, yeah, right!). Do you feel embarrassed now that getting a tatt is virtually the same as going to the mall and buying the same shit clothes everyone else is wearing because it's "cool"? ;)

