David Lynch shot and edited a Duran Duran concert on the fly, clips of which can be found on Youtube. Much of what I saw was DD on stage, in B&W, with superimposed shots of a spinning bicycle wheel and little clay puppet heads. There are also the typical Lynchian textures (i.e. super close-ups of dirty carpet) and fire. In addition there is footage of Simon LeBon on a tour bus trying to impress Lynch and the viewer by describing this lame-ass dream he supposedly had, yet he seems to be making it up on the spot..."The dream starts on a dry...dusty day...in...in Europe...at a...at a...at a castle!"
This was some bullshit. How is it possible to simultaneously think Lynch is a genius and a complete dingus?
This was some bullshit. How is it possible to simultaneously think Lynch is a genius and a complete dingus?