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Mike Allred On The Silver Surfer!

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  • Mike Allred On The Silver Surfer!

    I don't pay much attention to Marvel or DC but I'm a big dork when it comes to the Silver Surfer for some reason. Always dug the character. Something about a naked silver guy flying around space on a surfboard talking like something out of a Shakespearean play trying to stop a giant guy in a purple suit from eating planets appeals to me. Not all of the Silver Surfer comes were good, but some of them were.

    This was announced back in October, that Allred would be illustrating a new ongoing written by Dan Slott, but I just heard about it today. I'm kinda stoked. I don't really know much about Slott but I've always liked Allred's art and he's a great choice for a new Surfer series.

    Here's the cover art for the first issue...

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	363986

    ...and if you wanna geek out some more:

    -A lengthy interview with Slott and Allred

    -Allred talks about why Jack Kirby was the best Surfer artist - that that, Moebius!
    Rock! Shock! Pop!

  • #2
    Something about a naked silver guy flying around space on a surfboard talking like something out of a Shakespearean play trying to stop a giant guy in a purple suit from eating planets appeals to me
    Time to re-start the therapy sessions Ian!!!


    • #3
      Yeah Silver Surfer was always cool. Remember the Mobius 2-issue series? Loved it. And for a while I liked the 80s series, but lost interest as boobs replaced superheroes in my life.


      • #4
        This looks fucking rad.
        Rock! Shock! Pop!


        • #5
          I got the first issue yesterday - liked it. I bought this mainly because of Allred's participation but it's an intriguing enough start that I'll stick with it for now. The art is as expected cool as fuck - really dug the 2 page spread of the Impossible Place. I haven't read any Slot previous to this, even though some people didn't like the big change on Spidey, get past that and his run is considered pretty good. It's easily the best selling Marvel book at my store, they had a huge stack of the new issue yesterday. Getting back to Surfer, Francavilla did a variant cover that's cool too - as did Chris Samnee (Daredevil artist).
          I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.


          • #6
            I flipped through it yesterday, geeked out over the art, and then put it back because I know I'll wind up waiting for the TPB.

            Allred's style is perfect for the character though.
            Rock! Shock! Pop!


            • #7
              CBR has a preview of issue #3, which comes out tomorrow, online here.

              The cover is kinda awesome.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	SILVSURF2014003-DC11-edec5.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	70.5 KB
ID:	346516
              Rock! Shock! Pop!


              • #8
                I liked the first two issues well enough, particularly the art, but I'd honestly kinda forgotten about this one. Late issues really kills momentum.
                I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Andrew Monroe View Post
                  I liked the first two issues well enough, particularly the art, but I'd honestly kinda forgotten about this one. Late issues really kills momentum.
                  This is why I have mostly sworn off floppies. That an the fact that even when books stay on schedule I don't usually get around to reading them in a timely manner. So yeah, when the trade drops for this I'm there.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Roderick View Post
                    This is why I have mostly sworn off floppies. That an the fact that even when books stay on schedule I don't usually get around to reading them in a timely manner. So yeah, when the trade drops for this I'm there.
                    Yep, I am on the verge of going nearly all trades for comics. I too have trouble reading single issues regularly (and remembering details), I'll keep a couple Avatar books on my pull and one or two others like Stray Bullets Killers but that's about it.
                    I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.


                    • #11
                      Issue #5 preview online at CBR.

                      Rock! Shock! Pop!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
                        Why am I not reading this? This is awesome!
                        It's all in the reflexes.


                        • #13
                          Maybe you're waiting for the trade like the rest of us? ;)
                          Rock! Shock! Pop!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
                            Maybe you're waiting for the trade like the rest of us? ;)
                            Haha more like I'm just trying to close my eyes and ears to all the sweet comics Marvel is putting out right now so they don't put a hurt on my wallet.
                            It's all in the reflexes.


                            • #15
                              First issue is free on Comixology right now.


                              Not sure how long it'll stay that way.
                              Rock! Shock! Pop!

