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Robin Bougie's Gutter Hunter

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  • Robin Bougie's Gutter Hunter

    This might be of interest to some people here:

    Click image for larger version

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    This new comic-sized, annually-published publication is a celebration of the weirdest, most memorable, rarest, and altogether most eyebrow-raising independent comics of all time. Small press, '90s alternative, '80s black & white explosion, '70s and '60s undergrounds - all of the most amazing non-corporate sequential art ever produced is on the table, and being rifled through. Many of these are comics made by actual cults, outsiders, outlaws, and oddballs, and most of the stories here have NEVER BEEN TOLD BEFORE in any magazine.

    I have, for 25 years, been peering my investigative eye towards this very topic, but where it resides in the history of cult movies. In the book and magazine series of Cinema Sewer I've been uncovering and unearthing the behind-the-scenes dirt on the making of cult films, tracking down the people that made these cinematic marvels, and getting them to tell their stories. Now I'm turning that same eye, that very same writing style and focusing it on a road even less travelled: on the disrespected, underappreciated, and misunderstood history of indy comix.

    Gutterhunter #1 is 100 pages, perfect bound on black and white newsprint paper (the paper that feels SO RIGHT for the history of this medium) with each page lovingly hand-lettered and hand drawn by myself and the whole cadre of featured creators. Featured in this first issue are:

    The bizarre comics of the 'Children of God' cult, Joe Matt, 'The Eyes of Jade', Larry Fuller, Julian Lawrence's 'Crucial Fiction', Marc Hansen's 'Doctor Gorpon', Salvatore Perretti's 'Ultraficiton', Tim Grant's 'Off-Kilter', Art Wetherell's '2 Hot Girls on a Hot Summer Night', Jim Pinkoski's 'Spaced', Susan Van Camp's 'Varcel's Vixens', Jeff Bennett's 'Demon's Blood', Skids Clark's 'Stimulator', Marc Bell's 'There is Nothing!' ...and SO SO much more, including the regular feature: 'The indy comic cover art hall of fame'.

    There are only 600 copies being produced in this very limited first printing of #1 of GUTTER HUNTER, so don't blink -- you very well might end up gutter-hunting for it down the road, and wishing you'd grabbed it while it was easily available exclusively from its creator, who would have happily signed it for you (request that in the text box during checkout)!

    The first 200 people to order GUTTER HUNTER will receive a high quality vinyl sticker. I've stuck previous versions of these things to outdoor metal street signs, and they're still there, years later, despite all types of wet Vancouver weather. So when I say these glossy stickers are high quality, I mean it!
    Rock! Shock! Pop!

  • #2
    Ordered. Why am i such a sucker for stickers?


    • #3
      Just ordered my copy


      • #4
        As of an hour ago there were 85 copies left, this will sell out soon.
        Rock! Shock! Pop!


        • #5
          And it is now 100% sold out as per Robin's FB page.
          Rock! Shock! Pop!


          • #6
            Robin said to mention that since this sold out so fast he's doing a 2nd printing. You can pre-order it here.

            Rock! Shock! Pop!


            • #7
              My copy showed up yesterday. About 20 pages into it so far, it's pretty dense but the content is great so far. Lots of good reading.
              Rock! Shock! Pop!


              • #8
                Yea got my copy in yesterday. Just did a quick flipthru and it looks great.


                • #9
                  Not sure how I missed this except that I avoid FB like the plague. Pre-ordered now for the second run.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the heads up about this! I've also got a pre-order in for the second printing.

                    Edit: And my copy has arrived! Looks like the second printing is 800 copies total, so if you want your own don’t sleep on it! On the third page there’s a pin up drawing of a nekkid lady with a Ralph Snart tattoo, which definitely tells me this is my kinda comicx zine. I was sad to see Cinema Sewer end its run but am delighted to see Gutter Hunter take its place.
                    Last edited by FnordChan; 02-02-2022, 11:14 AM.


                    • #11
                      Robin mentioned on IG yesterday that Vol. 2 is in the works.
                      Rock! Shock! Pop!


                      • #12
                        I got a copy of the first print a few days ago from FAB Press. Thanks to postage, VAT and the postal service's fee (dis-service!) this 12 dollar zine cost me 44 dollars! >_<

                        But despite having paid thru the nose it doesn't hamper the joy of reading it. I love this zine!
                        Jack J
                        Senior Member
                        Last edited by Jack J; 04-13-2022, 11:13 AM. Reason: Grammar, spelling, fat fingers
                        2019: The only blog to survive the nuclear holocaust


                        • #13
                          Issue #2 is now on sale.


                          Click image for larger version

Name:	file_0ea2c2d6cd_400w.jpg
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ID:	392249
                          Rock! Shock! Pop!


                          • #14
                            Ordered it. Still need to finisn issue 1,but what I have read is damn good.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
                              Mine is on the way; I love Robin's stuff so much (also picked up the last collected volume of Cinema Sewer, but that'll come later) and I'm glad to see his stuff selling out so quickly!

