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  • #16
    Originally posted by Scott View Post
    The Jabba the Hutt comics written by Jim Woodring remain a true joy. They are pretty silly but I think that's the best approach for this character. A giant space slug gangster isn't serious business, it's best to embrace the absurdity. There's a touch of Doctor Doom and Marv Wolfman Dracula here. Jabba is such a joyous @sshole to behold. The art by Art Wetherell is at first pretty ho-hum but it suits it fine and the various depictions of Jabba leave me cracking up.
    I have to assume Woodring did rough layouts for those Jabba books because they flow very much like a Frank story with many stat faces and poses. I would've loved to have seen a short fully rendered by him.

    Slightly OT - I got the the chance to tour the Fantagraphics offices and warehouse a few years ago and the guy that was taking us around was saying that he was at a Fanta party with Jim Woodring and they were talking about Start Trek so the dude invited Woodring to his house the following weekend to smoke weed and watch Star Trek movies. Woodring accepted and a week later both of those things happened. I was super envious.
    like a hole in the head
    Last edited by Toyboy; 05-04-2021, 06:43 PM.
    Now everyone can have a complete KRULL lifestyle.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Toyboy View Post
      I have to assume Woodring did rough layouts for those Jabba books because they flow very much like a Frank story with many stat faces and poses. I would've loved to have seen a short fully rendered by him.

      Slightly OT - I got the the chance to tour the Fantagraphics offices and warehouse a few years ago and the guy that was taking us around was saying that he was at a Fanta party with Jim Woodring and they were talking about Start Trek so the dude invited Woodring to his house the following weekend to smoke weed and watch Star Trek movies. Woodring accepted and a week later both of those things happened. I was super envious.
      I think you're right about Woodring doing the roughs. I don't know how I didn't see it before, now I can't unsee it. I wish he'd at least painted one of the covers. I'd love to meet Jim Woodring someday. I hope they were watching classic Trek. I'm envious you toured the Fanta offices.


      "When I die, I hope to go to Accra"


      • #18
        OK for some reason I'm trying to collect every Married With Children comic NOW put out. I already got pretty much all the HTF ones,the Quantum Quarter flipbook of 3/4 being the rarest come from this run.

        Just got for a buck each plus shipping got 3 more issues. One of which is Married With Children Quantum Quartet issue 1.

        QQ is a suppose to be 4 issue mini series. Where the Bundys get teh Fantastic Four's powers. Al is Mr Fantastic,Peggy is Invisible Woman,Bud is Human Torch and Kelly is the Thing. They fight Male Nurse Doom. For years I had issues 1 and 2,was told that issues 3 an 4 never came out. Then at a con in the 10 comics for a buck bin 12 years ago I found the flipbook that is 3 and 4. Plus a pile of the other late era MWC comics from NOW.


        • #19
          The MWC comics show up in the $1 bins at my LCS semi-regularly. If you're still missing any issues PM me and if I ever come across them I'll send them your way.
          Rock! Shock! Pop!


          • #20
            LOW Vol 5: LIGHT BRINGS LIGHT
            Writer: Rick Remender, Art: Greg Tocchini

            The final chapter of humanity's attempt to bring the two remaining dome cities to the surface from the depths of the ocean, and then into the stars to find a new home.

            LOW comes to a great conclusion in this long awaited final chapter with plenty of surprises along the way. At time this story has felt fairly grim and hopeless, and I realize that's been the message the whole time, to have hope, but It was hard at times to hang in there so it's nice to see everything come together in these final seven issues. We get the history of the Burnt and what really happened when humanity fled into the ocean then it all builds to a gigantic climax.

            The art by Greg Tocchini remains stunning and captivating throughout. Visually there's nothing else like it. I don't know how he does it. I can't wait to see what he works on next.

            The last trade was only 4 issues so it was nice this was was a little thicker at 7 issues. There's a handful of variant covers and some process art.

            "When I die, I hope to go to Accra"


            • #21
              Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
              The MWC comics show up in the $1 bins at my LCS semi-regularly. If you're still missing any issues PM me and if I ever come across them I'll send them your way.
              I will update my want list and send it to ya sir. Thanks.


              • #22
                BITCH PLANET Vol 1:Extraordinary Machine
                Written by Kelly Sue DeConnick, Art by Valentine De Landro

                A sci-fi feminist take on women in prison films with a huge helping of THE RUNNING MAN. I thought this was dull, crass and uninspired. As a fan of exploitation movies I always cringe at these kind of modern takes on them because they always miss the point. And their disingenuous towards the finer quality of many of those films, skewing their homage more towards caricature rather than something lovingly. It feels cheap, and probably not the way the creators intended.

                I'd post pages of the art but posting them after posting images from LOW seems unfair.
                "When I die, I hope to go to Accra"


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Scott View Post
                  As a fan of exploitation movies I always cringe at these kind of modern takes on them because they always miss the point. And their disingenuous towards the finer quality of many of those films, skewing their homage more towards caricature rather than something lovingly. It feels cheap, and probably not the way the creators intended.
                  Have you read the Grindhouse stuff that Alex De Campi did for Dark Horse or Dracula, Motherfucker! from Image? I generally agree with your statement above but I think De Campi's stuff is an exception (but then I like her writing a lot).
                  Rock! Shock! Pop!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
                    Have you read the Grindhouse stuff that Alex De Campi did for Dark Horse or Dracula, Motherfucker! from Image? I generally agree with your statement above but I think De Campi's stuff is an exception (but then I like her writing a lot).
                    I don't think I've read any of her work. That Dracula book has caught my eye though. I am a sucker for Draculas.
                    "When I die, I hope to go to Accra"


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Scott View Post
                      I don't think I've read any of her work. That Dracula book has caught my eye though. I am a sucker for Draculas.
                      I liked it. I like most of her horror work though. She's currently doing some Dredd stuff for 2000 AD that I'm hoping will get collected at some point. I love 2000 AD but it's tough to keep up with when it's weekly.
                      Rock! Shock! Pop!


                      • #26
                        Got in that lot of 100 random indie comics. Filmed me opening it. Decent selection of 80s thru 2000s era stuff.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Newt Cox View Post
                          Got in that lot of 100 random indie comics. Filmed me opening it. Decent selection of 80s thru 2000s era stuff.
                          You should post that video in the dollar in thread!
                          Rock! Shock! Pop!


                          • #28


                            • #29
                              Currently reading Corben's Poe adaptations Spirits of the Dead. Will check out his Lovecraft stories next, I think his black and white stuff is great. Recently read Shadows on the Grave, the stories may be slight but that black and white art works so well.
                              I'm bitter, I'm twisted, James Joyce is fucking my sister.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by agent999 View Post
                                Currently reading Corben's Poe adaptations Spirits of the Dead. Will check out his Lovecraft stories next, I think his black and white stuff is great. Recently read Shadows on the Grave, the stories may be slight but that black and white art works so well.
                                All of the Poe and Lovecraft adaptations are excellent in my opinion.
                                Rock! Shock! Pop!

