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Bargain Bin Diving!

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  • Hit up a $1 bin sale on Saturday and did some digging at a local show I was setup at yesterday and found some rad stuff for cheap.

    Daredevil Chronicles #1 (this is the Fantaco 'Daredevil' guide from 1982, has a cool Frank Miller cover, an article on Wally Wood and a pinup by Spain Rodriguez!)
    Batman Vs. Predator II #1-4
    Cherry Poptart #5
    Vampirella Strikes #1 (Comic Exposure Variant)
    Adventures Into The Unknown #167
    Wynd #1
    Captain Canuck #0
    Vengeance Of Bane II
    X23 #1
    Saga Of Crystar The Crystal Warrior #1
    New Teen Titans #16 (Captain Carrot!)
    Secret Origins #46 (1st Appearance of Arm Fall Off Boy!)
    Classics Illustrated - Moby Dick (by Bill Sienkiewicz)

    I also picked up an issue of Heavy Metal that had a story in it by some guy named Matt Allison.
    Rock! Shock! Pop!


    • Some $1/$2 score from yesterday.

      Razor/Warrior Nun/Poizon - Little Bad Angels #1
      Faithless #1 (variant)
      Evil Ernie Revenge #1
      Web Of Spiderman #36 (1st Tombstone!)
      Groo #10
      Hellraiser Bestiary #5
      Hellraiser #6
      Strange Academy #2
      Severed #1
      Marvel Tales #166
      Phantom Stranger #32, 36
      Toxic Crusaders #5, 7
      Weird War Tales #41
      Void Indigo #1
      Ghost Rider #7

      Rock! Shock! Pop!


      • Razor/Warrior Nun/Poizon - Little Bad Angels #1-Great find not easy to find
        Groo #10-Epic run?
        Hellraiser Bestiary #5-Boom I assume
        Hellraiser #6-Boom or Epic?
        Toxic Crusaders #5, 7-FUCK YES!!
        Weird War Tales #41-Any Veitch in that issue?
        Void Indigo #1-Got this and issue two years ago still need to read it.


        • Originally posted by Newt Cox View Post
          Razor/Warrior Nun/Poizon - Little Bad Angels #1-Great find not easy to find
          Yeah, had never actually seen this before. It has an add in the back for a goth dominatrix hotline number, haha.

          Originally posted by Newt Cox View Post
          Groo #10-Epic run?

          Originally posted by Newt Cox View Post
          Hellraiser Bestiary #5-Boom I assume

          Originally posted by Newt Cox View Post
          Hellraiser #6-Boom or Epic?
          Boom, though I'm getting close to finishing the Epic run, only need 3 more issues.

          Originally posted by Newt Cox View Post
          Toxic Crusaders #5, 7-FUCK YES!!
          Fun stuff.

          Originally posted by Newt Cox View Post
          Weird War Tales #41-Any Veitch in that issue?
          Not in this one.

          Originally posted by Newt Cox View Post
          Void Indigo #1-Got this and issue two years ago still need to read it.
          I have the graphic novel and issue #1, but don't have issue #2. I'll find it for a $1 some day. A shame it was never finished.
          Rock! Shock! Pop!


          • Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post

            Yeah, had never actually seen this before. It has an add in the back for a goth dominatrix hotline number, haha.



            Boom, though I'm getting close to finishing the Epic run, only need 3 more issues.

            Fun stuff.

            Not in this one.

            I have the graphic novel and issue #1, but don't have issue #2. I'll find it for a $1 some day. A shame it was never finished.
            In 92 or so I found Void Indigo #2 in the cheap bins. Maybe paid a quarter. But was one that got lost when one of the now ex wives set the collection on fire.

            MCS had both issues cheap few years ago. So ordered them. The OGN I will end up finally just going to EBAY and getting. Right now trying to finish my Rick Veitch collection before going to Gerber.


            • The GN spiked in value a while back as it was covered on a YouTube channel and got some attention. Too bad it was never finished.

              Rock! Shock! Pop!


              • Yea figure I might get lucky find a beat but complete copy for not too bad.

                Worst case I bite the bullet and sell something from the collection and use that profit to buy a high grade copy of the OGN.


                • It's still around cheap if you're patient, I think I paid $4 for my copy a few months ago.
                  Rock! Shock! Pop!


                  • Hell $4 iss what cover price... I can wait.


                    • The Nam #11-Great Golden cover and was a buck.


                      • Hit up a warehouse sale in CT on Saturday....

                        $1 bin books:

                        Universal Soldier #3
                        New Teen Titans #21
                        Shaolin Cowboy #3
                        Rock N Roll Comics #1
                        Devil Jack #1, 3
                        Young Lust #7
                        Tales Of Inquisitor #1
                        Girl Crazy #1
                        Grips #9
                        Death Rattle #12, 13
                        Monolith #1
                        The Crow: Flesh & Blood #1
                        Snarf #1
                        Plop #7, 8 ,18
                        Sable #24 (Vigil cover)
                        Void Indigo #2
                        Zero Girl: Full Circle #1, 2
                        Lady Killer #2, 3
                        Captain Power #1
                        Dark Assassin #1
                        Heroica Super Special - Brat Pack/Maximortal #1
                        God Country #4, 5
                        Razor #30, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48
                        Midnighter / Apollo #1
                        Last Of The Viking Heroes #5 (cover by Jack Kirby and Dave Stevens!)
                        The Legends Of Elfinwild #1
                        Uncensored Mouse #2
                        Swamp Thing Annual #3
                        Tor 3-D Spectacular #1, 2
                        Tyrant #4
                        Rock! Shock! Pop!


                        • I went to the Joseph Koch warehouse yesterday, figured I'd hang around for an hour or so before going to visit a friend but that plan fell through so I wound up dollar bin digging for three hours. If you've ever been there, you know it's insane. Racks and racks, ceiling to floor, of comics, some organized, plenty not. Piles of old records, posters, books, men's magazines and toys. It is a literal warehouse in an industrial part of Brooklyn and the whole place stinks like a litter box because there are cats everywhere, presumably to deal with mice. I didn't take any pictures, but here's a video to give you an idea of how insane this place is.

                          So yeah, it's crazy in there but if you want to dig, it's a good place to do that. They have hundreds of $1 bin boxes and then plenty of higher end books as well. The higher end stuff gets priced at the counter and is usually more or less eBay prices, but sometimes they do bigger sales that are worth hitting.

                          Anyway, I only hit the $1 bins yesterday and here's what I grabbed:

                          Violent Tales #1
                          Essential Spread Love Comix #1, 2
                          Spread Love #18
                          Snarf #14, 16
                          Death Rattle Vol. 2 #3, 12, 17
                          Death Rattle Vol. 3 #1, 2
                          The Victim #1 (I have a soft spot for shitty Silverwolf/Greater Mercury comics)
                          Cheval Noir #36, 37 (Moebius)
                          The Gift #1 (Vigil art)
                          Masques #1 (Vigil art)
                          Assassin Force #1 (Greater Mercury comics)
                          Snarf #1 (Corben)
                          Ragemoor #3 (Corben)
                          On Raven's Wings #2
                          Hellboy The Crooked Man #2 (Corben)
                          The Protectors #1
                          Infinity Graphics Presents #1
                          Freaks #1 (Jim Woodring doing Tod Browning!)
                          The Victorian #7 (Wrightson cover)
                          The Bladesmen #1 (Vigil, Steve, Hughes)
                          The Bladesmen Super Special #0 (Vigil art)
                          Tipper Gore Comics And Stores #4
                          The Crusaders #7
                          Freak Brothers #6
                          War Against Crime (reprints) #2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11
                          Dracula In Hell #1, 2 (Vigil and Adam Hughes covers)
                          Cold Blooded: The Burning Kiss #1
                          Metalocalypse: Dethklok #1
                          Spoof Comics #3 (early Jim Balent art), 5 (early Adam Hughes cover)
                          Dark Wolf #13 (Vigil cover)
                          Dragonquest #1 (Vigil)
                          Army Of Darkness Vs. Re-animator #1
                          DC Comics Bombshells #1
                          Rock! Shock! Pop!


                          • Picked up a few $1 bin books last weekend.

                            Shazam! The Monster Society Of Evil #1, 2, 3 & 4 (Jeff Smith!)
                            Wonder Woman Annual #7 (Wrightson cover)
                            Young Terrorists #1, 2
                            Caliban #1
                            Creepy #10 (the Dark Horse run - Corben art!)
                            Phantom Road #1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (I'll grab most Jeff Lemiere stuff out of the $1 bin when I see it)
                            Rock! Shock! Pop!


                            • Was at a show yesterday and grabbed The Many Ghosts Of Dr. Graves #22 and 23 for $1 a piece, and then some friends hooked me up with Showcase #61, 61 and 64 (Spectre issues) and Star Fighters #2 and 3 (rad Ken Landgraf sci-fi craziness starring a guy named Axe McCord who has the universe's only laser powered guitar).
                              Ian Jane
                              Last edited by Ian Jane; 02-26-2024, 01:33 PM.
                              Rock! Shock! Pop!


                              • Went to the (infamous, at least locally) Joseph Koch Warehouse on Saturday with a group of friends and grabbed a few issues of Death Rattle, Aliens Worlds #4, Deadworld #10 and a few other books for $3 each, so I was pretty happy about that.
                                Rock! Shock! Pop!

