Hit up a $1 bin sale on Saturday and did some digging at a local show I was setup at yesterday and found some rad stuff for cheap.
Daredevil Chronicles #1 (this is the Fantaco 'Daredevil' guide from 1982, has a cool Frank Miller cover, an article on Wally Wood and a pinup by Spain Rodriguez!)
Batman Vs. Predator II #1-4
Cherry Poptart #5
Vampirella Strikes #1 (Comic Exposure Variant)
Adventures Into The Unknown #167
Wynd #1
Captain Canuck #0
Vengeance Of Bane II
X23 #1
Saga Of Crystar The Crystal Warrior #1
New Teen Titans #16 (Captain Carrot!)
Secret Origins #46 (1st Appearance of Arm Fall Off Boy!)
Classics Illustrated - Moby Dick (by Bill Sienkiewicz)
I also picked up an issue of Heavy Metal that had a story in it by some guy named Matt Allison.
Daredevil Chronicles #1 (this is the Fantaco 'Daredevil' guide from 1982, has a cool Frank Miller cover, an article on Wally Wood and a pinup by Spain Rodriguez!)
Batman Vs. Predator II #1-4
Cherry Poptart #5
Vampirella Strikes #1 (Comic Exposure Variant)
Adventures Into The Unknown #167
Wynd #1
Captain Canuck #0
Vengeance Of Bane II
X23 #1
Saga Of Crystar The Crystal Warrior #1
New Teen Titans #16 (Captain Carrot!)
Secret Origins #46 (1st Appearance of Arm Fall Off Boy!)
Classics Illustrated - Moby Dick (by Bill Sienkiewicz)
I also picked up an issue of Heavy Metal that had a story in it by some guy named Matt Allison.