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Charlton Classics: Hercules #1
Stacia Stories #1
Scout #1
Elementals #1
Zot #1
Savage Avengers #2
Blue Ribbon Comics #1
Pitt Crew #2
Red Sonja #8
Evil Ernie Vs. The Monsters #1
Shaolin Cowboy #4
Ghostly Haunts #43
Marvel Knights Tour Book
Kabuki Circle Of Blood #1 (2nd print, foil cover)
Swamp Thing Vol. 1 #20
House Of Mystery #255
Pinhead Vs. Marshal Law In Hell #2
Marshal Law #2, 3
Marshal Law Kingdom Of The Blind
Fantastic Four #349
Americcomics Special #1 - Sentinels Of Justice (AC Comics had the right to the Charlton superheoes for a brief period of time, and this issue has Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Nightshade and The Question in it)
Judge Dredd #23, 28, 31, 32
And some non $1 pick ups, some of which were in trade.
Despair #1
Forbidden Knowledge Comics #1
Motor City Comics #1
Yellow Dog Comics #13
Mean Bitch Thrills #1
Bijou Funnies #4
Hup Comics #1, 3, 4
Self-Loathing Comics #2
Aline And Bob's Dirty Laundry Comics #1
Bob's Burgers #1
Infinite Crisis #3, 4
Thor #8 (the Jason Aaron/Jane Foster run)
Amazing Fantasy #1
Astonishing Tales #30
Lucifer #1
I picked this one up for under $4. The cover is detached and completely split, held together by two pieces of tape. But it really shows well and I love little surprises like this one.
"The popcorn you're eating has been pissed in. Film at 11".
Went to a con on Saturday, grabbed a few books on the cheap.
Star Wars High Republic Adventures #1, 2
New Gods #5, 9
Frank Frazetta's Creatures #1
Frankencastle #17
Ralph Snart Adventures #1
Green Arrow Green Lantern #2
Aliens Special #1
Rocketeer Special #1
Miracleman 3-D #1
Miracleman Apocrypha #1
Zodiac #2, 3
Astonishing Tales #4
Tales Of Ordinary Madness #1
Wolverine Blood Hungry TPB
Daredevil #191
Wonder Man #1
And not so cheap, but still very well priced.... a copy of G.I. Joe #21.
Hobby shop in town is getting out of comics and going to RPGS and CCGs. So comics are heavily discounted.
Elfquest vol 3 and 4.Those Starblaze tpbs from wwhat the 80s. was 5 for the two total
Prophet remission vol 1-that revamped prophet run was 3 bucks
Planetary vol 2-3 bucks
2001 a space oddesy issue 9-2 bucks.
They got a Police Comics issue with a nice Plastic Man cover I got my eye on. Still wanting 20 for it. Which is a decent price. But I know it has been in the shop for years. I wait a bit might get it for 10 or 15 from the owner.
Avengers 166
Daredevil 240
Defenders 47 - Moon Knight, did not know he was a member for 5 issues
The Grim Ghost 3
Marvel Team-Up 114 (Falcon) 120 (Dominic Fortune)
Marvel Super-Heroes 67 - Hulk reprint
Robocop 1 (1990)
Starman 42 (1994) Demon
Not $1 bin books as my usual Sat. morning place was closed today as all their employees were at NYCC but I did grab these for $3 each...
Green Lantern #100 (90s series - double cover!)
Godzilla #19 (Marvel series, getting close to finishing this run)
Zodiac #1
Kamandi #13, 20
Secret Society Of Super Villains #1
Tick Free Comic Book Day 2020
Tales Of Evil #3 (I'm a sucker for those Atlas books)
Fandom Confidential #1-Never heard of this mag sized Kitchen Sink Fummetti like comic.
Femforce Frightbook #1-Dick Briefer and Bob Powell reprinted in b/w horror stuff.
Leather and Lace #8-Got both the General audiences and the ADULTS only versions of this issue.
Nightcrawler 1,2,3,4-This is that Dave Cockrum wrote and drawn mini from the 80s. Issue 1 was 3 bucks. But loved this as a kid and haven't read it in 30 years.
Renfield A Tale of Madness TPB-A bit beat up but interesting TPB from Caliber Comics. Vince Locke front cover and Jill Thompson back covder.
Strange Brew-One shot from Aardvark Vanaheim by Michael T Gilbert. Had never heard of this till I saw it.
Tomb Of Dracula #10 (facsimile edition)
Barbarella #1
Detective Comics #1000 (Wrightson cover)
Wytches Bad Egg Halloween Special
Tiger-Man #3
Immortal Hulk #4, 6, 7, 12
Pinhead Vs. Marshall Law: Law In Hell #1
$1 each
Catwoman #40
Remote #2
Spawn #200
The Spirit #17
The Invincible Haggard West #1
Death Dealer #2, 3
Action Comics #1 (facsimile)
Skybound X #25
Miracleman Apocrypha #2
Intersect #1
Miniature Jesus #1
Bizarre Heroes #1
Batman Beyond The White Knight #1
Pentagram Of Horror #1
Canceled #1
Freebies for helping out a friend with some work:
DC Vs Vampires #1 (Felipe Massafera variant)
The Good #1 (signed by Powell)
Spring #2
Daredevil Vol. 2 #58
Man-Thing #8, 15
Ghostly Haunts #44
Cherry Poptart #1 (2nd print)
Omaha The Cat Dancer #1 (Kitchen Sink series)
Picked up quite a few coverless comics from MCS and a few other goodies.
The coverless:
$2.00 and under:
Adventure Comics 284 286
Brave & The Bold 31 (1st Cave Carson)
Gang Busters 25
Detective Comics 422
Jimmy Olsen 47 54
Over $2 but under $3
Batman 146
Blackhawk 69
Detective Comics 290
Strange Adventures 187 (1st Enchantress)
Over $3 but under $4.50
Detective Comics 292
Batman 142
Also blind bought a Tales Of Suspense 63 in poor condition for $9.40. It was missing an ad page, otherwise gvg condition (Origin of Captain America)
lLast but not least, volume 2 of Showcase Presents Strange Adventures. Who can resist alien snowmen on the cover?
"The popcorn you're eating has been pissed in. Film at 11".
Captain Britain And The Mighty Defenders #1
Lockjaw #1, 2
Maxx #1
Bill The Bull: Burnt Cain #1
Stray Toasters #1
Starslayer #3, 5
Man-Eating Cow #1
Mage The Hero Discovered #13, 14
Tales Of Terror #5, 7, 8
On A Pale Horse #1
Interview With A Vampire #1, 2, 3, 4