Watched this one last night for the first time in at least six years and forgot just how much it feels like something S.F. Brownrigg would have made. Nick Phillips (Millard) brings the same sort of negative and clinical vibe to this one that he does to his softcore work, you know something is not quite right even when nothing is happening. It's a seedy movie, not super gory but gory enough (though the effects are so low budget they never quite convince).
Some very strange, sordid atmosphere here. Priscilla Alden is pretty awesome as 'Crazy Fat Ethyl' and I think she, more than any other factor at work here including Millard's work, makes the movie succeed.
Some very strange, sordid atmosphere here. Priscilla Alden is pretty awesome as 'Crazy Fat Ethyl' and I think she, more than any other factor at work here including Millard's work, makes the movie succeed.