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Any LIFEFORCE fans out there?

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  • Any LIFEFORCE fans out there?

    Watched this on Netflix in lovely HD recently and had a blast.

    Stupid stupid stupid but wildly entertaining. And words cannot describe the thermonuclear hotness that is Mathilda May.

    The climax is sheer insanity and I love the fact that Steve Railsback SCREAMS practically every one of his lines.

    Where is the Blu Ray?

  • #2
    I haven't seen this in years but remember it being fun. I'd spring for a Blu-ray, I remember it having a lot of very cool visuals.
    Rock! Shock! Pop!


    • #3
      Any LIFEFORCE fans out there?

      It has really amazing set design with the vampire space ship and the desiccated corpses are a nice macabre touch.

      And finally there is this:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	ImageUploadedByTapatalk1346956015.459286.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	22.4 KB
ID:	339618


      • #4
        I can tell by the space clock on the space wall that picture was taken at 2 o'clock.
        Rock! Shock! Pop!


        • #5
          I can dig it. I need to watch this one again too, it's been a long time. I like Steve Railsback, even if he's rather manic here. This is another film that got a large push in Fangoria, I remember being surprised when it came and went so fast in theaters. Another reason this is cool is the great British actor Frank Finlay is in it.
          I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
            I can tell by the space clock on the space wall that picture was taken at 2 o'clock.
            There is a clock in that picture? Also, there is a wall in that picture?


            • #7
              God, Mathilda May! I thoroughly enjoy LIFEFORCE. It was a hoot and a holler to see it in a crowded theater when it was new. The DVD is okay. I'd buy the blu-ray in half a heartbeat.

              I understand there is a longer version than we got here in the USA, correct? Has anyone seen the longer version? Does it contain more of Mathilda?

              Everyone should check out Mathilda May in the French-Argentine noir NAKED TANGO (1991). She performs the tango au naturale. I read somewhere she is a professional dance instructor who runs a dance school in France and occasionally she made a movie.

              Do post more screen grabs. But do we really need the "sexy lady parts" sign? I mean, we all know about these things.
              a straight arrow
              Last edited by Richard--W; 09-06-2012, 07:05 PM.
              "I've been to college, but I can still speak English when business demands it."
              - Raymond Chandler, 1939.


              • #8
                I have always loved this movie.

                Even the scenes without the naked Ms May.
                "The popcorn you're eating has been pissed in. Film at 11".


                • #9
                  Totally underrated movie. Not sure why it got so much hate when it came out.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Richard--W View Post
                    I understand there is a longer version than we got here in the USA, correct? Has anyone seen the longer version? Does it contain more of Mathilda?
                    The longer version is (I think) the European cut, which is the cut used on the MGM dvd and widescreen Laserdisc. The short version is the US cut that played here theatrically. Most of the cuts were made for shortening the running time, it seems, not necessarily for nudity or gore effects. I think the sequence of the astronauts boarding the alien craft was structured a bit differently, for example. It would be cool to see a list of the differences between the cuts. A blu-ray would be more than welcome, especially if it was loaded with extras!


                    • #11
                      According to Wikipedia:

                      The film was edited for its US theatrical release by Tri-Star Pictures to a 101 minute domestic cut version that was partially re-scored by Michael Kamen, with a majority of Henry Mancini's original music still remaining. The original 116 minute international theatrical cut version, which is now currently available on video and DVD, contains more violent and erotic footage that Tri-Star cut from the domestic version, along with the entirety of Mancini's full music score in place of Kamen's occasional music cues placed at the last minute for US domestic prints of the film.


                      • #12
                        From IMDB alternate versions
                        •Scenes cut from 101 min but in 116 min version.◦Voiceover describing the Churchill's mission and the Nerva device.
                        â—¦Derebridge has a conversation with the Radar Technicians about the object in the comet and it being 150 miles long.
                        â—¦The opening line of Carlsen about what is 150 miles long Astronauts going into the comet has remarks from Derebridge about the state of the craft.
                        â—¦The Spacecraft opening up has bits and pieces removed.
                        â—¦Dr. Bukovsky being told by a RAF officer about the state of Churchill's orbit and it had not changed since leaving the comet.
                        â—¦Bukovsky and a NASA official agreeing that the Columbia should be sent into space to investigate.
                        â—¦Scenes with the Columbia rescue party trimmed in particular talk about fate of the crew and obtaining the video tapes.
                        â—¦A whole scene is removed which introduces Fallanda and The Pathologist which sets up Fallanda's character.
                        â—¦A Cabinet Minister discussing the crystal cases with Fallanda, Bukovsky the pathologist and a Metallurgist.
                        â—¦The Minister is inquiring whether X Rays have been done and their results -- blurred images. The metallurgist is very puzzled by the cases. Plus comments about are the bodies being alive.
                        â—¦After being shown the Guard's body, Colonel Caine is interrogating Bukovsky and Fallanda about the Space Girl (Matilda May). Being told about the Churchill's escape Pod being missing, the fire and the cases. After this Fallanda's conversation with Caine about is there life after death is trimmed.
                        â—¦The Hyde Park scene is trimmed; the Police Inspector (Nicholas Donnelly) has three lines in 116 version but in the 101 min version he has one line.
                        â—¦Bukovsky on the phone about Carlsen being in a Walter Reed Army Hospital, he demands Carlsen is brought to London.
                        â—¦Carlsen's debriefing in 116 version also includes Bukovsky introducing Colonel Caine of the SAS remarking about we all thought You were dead plus the comments about a pretty nurse, the Churchill flashback is trimmed.
                        â—¦Just before Carlsen's nightmare a scene where Bukovsky informs Caine that NASA have tracked a strange object leaving the comet which is heading for Earth in two days time also there is to be a meeting at Downing Street (The Prime Minister and his Cabinet meet at the PM's home for non UK readers).
                        â—¦After the hypnotizing of Carlsen's comments made by Bukosvsky about the vampires of legend taking their Earth with them ( The majority of comments about vampires in 116 version are missing from 101 version explains why the title was changed from Space Vampires to Lifeforce).
                        â—¦The scene with Ellen(Nancy Paul) is cut slightly.
                        â—¦The attack on Dr.Armstrong(Patrick Stewart) is shortened.
                        â—¦The Kiss between Armstrong and Carlsen is removed.
                        â—¦After the deaths of Sir Percy(Aubrey Morris) and Armstrong, the Churchill flashback the love scene between Carlsen and the Space Girl is cut to the bone. Likewise the scene with the Infected PM (Peter Porteous) and his Secretary, Miss Haversham(Katherine Schofield) has had huge chunks cut out e.g. the PM being told of The Home Secretary's demise. Plus there are lines reactions closeups omitted here where and everywhere. The 101 Min version had some more zombie mayhem.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Richard--W View Post
                          Everyone should check out Mathilda May in the French-Argentine noir NAKED TANGO (1991). She performs the tango au naturale. I read somewhere she is a professional dance instructor who runs a dance school in France and occasionally she made a movie.
                          NAKED TANGO is a fantastic little film, sadly still unavailable on DVD - unless a release has slipped me by.

                          I love LIFEFORCE. Made quite an impact on me as a teenaged lad, and I've been a fan ever since. Wacky fun.
                          'You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow'

                 (my photography website)
                          'All explaining in movies can be thrown out, I think': Elmore Leonard


                          • #14
                            I always thought Hooper was an odd choice to direct this film. That said, I must say I think this film is criminally underrated. I mean you got space vampires coming to Earth because of Charlie Manson. What more could you ask for in a film!

                            Anyone else think this film deserves a special edition?


                            • #15
                              i believe there is a German DVD of NAKED TANGO although I haven't seen it. It was filmed in English and at 1.85. The VHS was full-screen and it's all I have to go by.
                              "I've been to college, but I can still speak English when business demands it."
                              - Raymond Chandler, 1939.

