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Texas Chainsaw 3D

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  • Originally posted by Newt Cox View Post
    That is some crap.
    that will also probably be your review of the movie after you have seen it I think!


    • Originally posted by Newt Cox View Post
      That is some crap. I want to see the unrated version,but do not do digital downloads.
      Same here. It's kind of insulting to the customer base, actually.
      Rock! Shock! Pop!


      • Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
        Same here. It's kind of insulting to the customer base, actually.
        No more insulting than making ANOTHER crap sequel / reboot for the Chainsaw fans!!


        • Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
          Same here. It's kind of insulting to the customer base, actually.
          No, the real insult is the film. Hahaha, what a fucking piece of tripe this is! What they did to Leatherface in this film is disgraceful. It's made even more insulting by them having the nerve to show clips from the original in the opening credits, it's like saying, okay here is the real deal now bend over and take our film sucker! If you are intent on watching this I recommend having a large amount of grain alcohol handy, believe me, you'll need it. UGH.
          I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.


          • That bad? I'll wait until it hits the $10 or under section on Blu then. It's kind of a whole in my TCM collection, so the idiot collector inside me needs it.
            Rock! Shock! Pop!


            • Just curious; what did you think of Part 4, Ian? Because Chainsaw 3D comes awfully close to being as bad.
              "Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"

              Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.


              • Yep, it's that scratch that, it's WORSE! I ain't kidding or exaggerating in reference to what Leatherface does in this, it's not a slap in the face it's a combat boot in the balls. He starts out as the villain and then...well it isn't pretty.

                If you twist my arm I guess I'll say it has some decent gore even in the cut version but that's really looking hard for the silver lining.
                I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.


                • I'd say 4 is worse just because of it being a pseudo-remake, terrible pacing, a plot that goes nowhere fast and completely neuters Leatherface as a threat. When you have Renee Zelwegger (I'm not looking her name up on Google to spell it right) just tell Leatherface to sit down and he does so right away. There is no way you can see that character as anything but a joke at that point. That's actually worse than Busta Rhymes beating the shit out of Michael Myers in Halloween 8.

                  The whole Illuminati thing could have been interesting but just came off as a half-baked idea that went nowhere.
                  "Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"

                  Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.


                  • Yeah, wasn't a fan of 4 at all. I can't not be curious about this one though. You know what they say about a fool and his money...
                    Rock! Shock! Pop!


                    • I just watched it last night and enjoyed it . Way better than 4. Not a great film but nearly as bad as I kept hearing.


                      • Hmmm. I will risk a flaming by saying I enjoyed this film on some bizarre level. Part I is easily one of my favourite films of all time. I even teach it. This new one...I don't know. I laughed throughout, making fun, couldn't believe how bad it was...and then something weird happened and I started being drawn to it. At the same time, I am aware it is absurd and kind of an insult.


                        • was gory i suppose...but as soon as it hits the fairground sequence (about 40 mins in) from then on it just gets progressively worse.....until the last twenty minutes when I couldnt believe they actually thought this was worth doing......and dont even MENTION the after credits sequence!!!

                          I was prepared to give this one a fair chance, and for a short while though it was entertaining enough (even if the guy who plays Leatherface is constantly trying to make me hate the film with his portrayal)....It was gory...They tried to keep the bits in Leatherface's lair like the original (like when he is cutting people up)...Both the HOOk and the FRIDGE make an appearance from the first movie ,Leatherface was chasing people and waving his chainsaw and it LOOKED like it might at least be a movie i could sit through without feeling pissed off... ..but it is just impossible with the direction they finally take the story.....

                          Oh, and another thing that pissed me off immensely...If you look closely at the clips form the original chainsaw at the beginning ( the kills) can see they digitally added Bill Moseley as the Cook into the old footage...Thus erasing Jim Siedow from it.....

                          Both Tobe Hooper and Kim Henkel put their names on this...and even the original Leatherface Gunnar Hansen is in it...They should all be ashamed of themselves.....

                          I dont want to spoil anything, but in the slaughterhouse, the lead girl shouts something at Leatherface was at that moment my hope completely gave was so dumb....and insulting....

                          so, it seems like they have messed up the franchise again after a moderatley sucessful reboot with teh previous two entries...back to the old drawing board!!!


                          • The final girl say's something like "Go get 'em cuz!" right?
                            "Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"

                            Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.


                            • Originally posted by Alex K. View Post
                              The final girl say's something like "Go get 'em cuz!" right?
                              I think it was closer to "Go do your stuff Cuz"

                              Whatever it was it left me baffled as to who could possibly know the Chainsaw franchise (as the filmakers obviously do coz they recreate some similar scenes and a few bits of the movie are actually effective) and then write crap like that????

                              I think I hate this film more than the other sequels / reboots because it COULD have been entertaining.....They were KIND OF on the right track, they had SOME good stuff in there amongst the drivel and large Plot Holes....Which was more frustrating than a "WTF WAS THAT?" Chainsaw 4 kind of way.....because that was just irredeemable

                              The portrayal of Leatherface was a joke too...was supposed to have the intelligence of an eight year old....but didnt portray it very well..Mask was shit, you actually saw some of his FACE in a mirror when he put the mask on and his reactions were a DID try to make his story/survival make sense..but too many plot holes....


                              • So Lionsgate may be working on a follow up to this, but it's gonna be a prequel?

                                Leatherface: The Teenage Years.

                                Or so says Bloody Disgusting.
                                Rock! Shock! Pop!

