Over on AV Maniacs today, the director of BLOOD BEACH made a post in response to the thread (Post #4) they have there about the German DVD that's coming out:
"Hi, I'm the writer-director of Blood Beach. We've been trying to find the current legitimate rights holder of the movie for a long while. I am very interested in any info anyone can send me in this regard, and would like to know if the company planning to release a Blood Beach DVD has the contractual right to do so. Thanks. Jeffrey Bloom"
I then emailed Jeffrey telling him how much of a fan I was of that flick and offering what little I knew of the rights holders, them being Paramount. He replied telling me this, which I thought I'd share. I did ask for permission to post this on my facebook page and he said it was all right. So, I'd thought I'd also post it here to see if anyone had any leads on where this negative might be, if Paramount happens to not own the rights after all:
"Hi, I'm the writer-director of Blood Beach. We've been trying to find the current legitimate rights holder of the movie for a long while. I am very interested in any info anyone can send me in this regard, and would like to know if the company planning to release a Blood Beach DVD has the contractual right to do so. Thanks. Jeffrey Bloom"
I then emailed Jeffrey telling him how much of a fan I was of that flick and offering what little I knew of the rights holders, them being Paramount. He replied telling me this, which I thought I'd share. I did ask for permission to post this on my facebook page and he said it was all right. So, I'd thought I'd also post it here to see if anyone had any leads on where this negative might be, if Paramount happens to not own the rights after all:
"Thanks very much for your thoughtful note. I've been getting calls and emails from interested parties for years, all asking me if I have the answer. I don't. I also can't find a negative, from which to make a quality video. We had a screening in Los Angeles a couple of months ago at a well known revival house owned by Quentin Tarrantino. It was an SRO crowd, and the movie was received with genuine enthusiasm, even though what once was a very pretty film was pink and scratchy. Our DP, Steven Poster, came to see the film for the first time in close to 30 years, and left eager to remaster the neg, if we can find it. John Saxon came, as well. We've remained friends all these years.
If anyone can make a legit deal to license the film, and can find a quality print from which to create a dvd, they have my blessing. I'm also certain that their investment would turn a nice profit, because there are so many genuine BB fans. Regrettably, I don't control the rights.
Thanks again,
If anyone can make a legit deal to license the film, and can find a quality print from which to create a dvd, they have my blessing. I'm also certain that their investment would turn a nice profit, because there are so many genuine BB fans. Regrettably, I don't control the rights.
Thanks again,