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Dracula and his Vampire Bride blu-ray from Snappy Video (Thunderbean)

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  • Dracula and his Vampire Bride blu-ray from Snappy Video (Thunderbean)

    Hi Rock Shock Pop folks! This is a great forum... I'm really enjoying it!

    I run a little company called Thunderbean that releases mostly cartoon sets on Blu-ray and DVD. We've started to release other films as well (through our Snappy Video label), including Tower of Screaming Virgins (1968) and others. I've been enjoying reading the Blu-ray reviews and finding out so many more things are out than I knew about.

    We're doing a pre-order of the newest Blu-ray release "Count Dracula and his Vampire Bride". We're scanning from a nice 35mm print. It's a limited release (BDR) but if we can sell enough of the pre-order we'll replicate the disc.

    You can see details here about the pre-order:

    Thanks all for a really entertaining forum! I'm looking forward to reading more!

  • #2
    Hey there and welcome. Feel free to keep us up to date on your company's releases. If you look around there are threads on some of the earlier ones around these parts.
    Rock! Shock! Pop!


    • #3
      I've taken a chance on this, considering that I was pleasantly happy with the TOSV release, AND the prolonged absence of Warner's releasing Satanic rites of Dracula officially is driving me insane. If taken from a good 35mm theatrical print, this has to look better than the 1000 public domain dvd releases out there (I'm hoping so at least). The one thing that I would be slightly wary of is that The Dracula and his vampire bride version is alleged to be shorter, but nobody can really validate that.


      • #4
        The VAMPIRE BRIDE version supposedly runs 3 min shorter ( 87 min Vs 84 min ).
        I used to have it on VHS, and seem to recall the sacrifice sequence lost some material, but details are hazy.
        Sadly my dupe of that tape is long gone.

        Hopefully Steve can give us a run time on the print once it's been scanned.


        • #5
          I will once the print is scanned. It looks to be 5 almost full 2000' reels, so the runtime of 87 minutes seems about right.... we'll compare though!

          Does anyone have a source for the edited version? I have a 'Satanic Rights' copy already here. Got the trailer for the US release this week and looking for the British one...


          • #6
            Is it true that this has now been pulled, Steve? And if so, is it because of Warner?


            • #7
              The Corporate Powers intercept


              • #8
                They haven't cared one bit about innumerable companies releasing this on crappy DVD, but the moment someone goes to release it on Blu, they put a stop to it, despite refusing to release it themselves and saying as much on their FB pages...


                • #9
                  The irony is, its probably because of the influx of comments from the Hammer Lovers group that Warners became aware of it. Such is life. Sorry that Snappy had to pull it though. Maybe Steve can reassure us that we will receive this regardless.


                  • #10
                    I recently ordered TOWER OF THE SCREAMING VIRGINS on Blu and loved it. That's exactly the kind of transfer I like, one that comes from a film print that looks good but isn't quite perfect. It recreates the drive-in experience so well. More horror films, please, Thunderbean. I'll buy each and every one of them.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Lalala76 View Post
                      Maybe Steve can reassure us that we will receive this regardless.
                      It looks like it...from another forum
                      We'll of course honor the orders already sold but are withdrawing our release beyond these handful of copies. Thanks to all who order the pre-order.


                      • #12
                        Is there any further news on this?. I cant even remember when this was scheduled now (prior to it being withdrawn)


                        • #13
                          Cancelled but if you pre ordered you will get a copy. Warner's got in touch and put the kibosh on the release.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by John Bernhard View Post
                            Cancelled but if you pre ordered you will get a copy. Warner's got in touch and put the kibosh on the release.
                            I'm aware of that. That's not exactly what I meant. I mean those that did pre-order when was it due to ship. I cant remember.


                            • #15
                              I just saw this on another forum, a post from Steve
                              Phantom Planet is next (in cleanup right now) with Dracula following. I hope to have all out within the month.

