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  • #16
    Aldo shows up in XXX Western around this time too, doesn't he?.

    I love this movie. Robert Gribbins/Crackers Phinn is one of my favorite USA cult film actors, especially in HITCHHIKE TO HELL.


    • #17
      I haven't seen HITCHHIKE TO HELL for years. You just made me want to.

      Oh, and where's the 35mm screening of CUT-THROATS NINE you just mentioned elsewhere?


      • #18
        Hitchhike to Hell... was that the one that was released like a year or two ago with Sandra Cassel (aka Mari)? If so, I loved it. It got a little goofy at times, but it was fun.


        • #19
          Clive: at the Hollywood Theater here in Portland as part of a.......wait for it.......Italian Western program! I know, but I don't have the heart to rib them about it, I feel too lucky! At least a local paper made note of its Spanish origin.

          Alison: HITCHHIKE was on the Something Weird double with KIDNAPPED CO-ED (or whatever the correct grammar is) and features the Professor from GILLIGAN'S ISLAND as the cop. I believe you may be referring to TEENAGE HITCHHIKERS which I would like to see.


          • #20
            Ah, I am. And you should. :up:


            • #21
              I'm seething with jealous rage now. It's certainly an odd choice for the program.

              Alison, yeah, I think that's TEENAGE HITCHHIKERS by Gerri Sedley you're thinking of. HITCHHIKE TO HELL's really good though - watch it!


              • #22
                I'm watching this's great when you dry up and rewatch stuff you've only seen drunk. It's like watching it for the first time. I just noticed the one sheets at the porno theater - THE JOY OF LETTING GO (or JOY LETTING GO...can't quite make it out), TEMPTATIONS, and HOT SKIN in 3-D.

                The little street urchin is Meeno Peluce (Soleil Moon Frye's brother) who was all over the place in the early 80's. I remember him most from the show Best of the West with Tracey Walter and from Dio's "Last in Line" video, but I swear he was on every show I watched when I was kid. Awesome name too. I was gonna post about Crackers Phinn being in HITCHHIKE TO HELL, but Miller beat me to it.

                This movie is making me scared to live so close to a park.
                like a hole in the head
                Last edited by Toyboy; 05-08-2011, 01:52 AM.
                Now everyone can have a complete KRULL lifestyle.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Toyboy View Post
                  This movie is making me scared to live so close to a park.
                  Yeah, but if you look shitty enough, people buy you cheeseburgers. I need to move closer to a park.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Toyboy View Post
                    I'm watching this now...
                    I think all my favourite stuff (apart from Aldo knocking Meeno over when he comes out of his screen door) happens on the threadbare little set with the dusty sofa. Tender, bittersweet moments.


                    • #25
                      Yeah, Meeno making a grab for Bondi's boobs! I wonder if he ever tried that on Soleil?

