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Scary Tales

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  • Scary Tales

    This movie is rad. I didn't realize this was out already.

    We're stoked to announce that our fifth BLEEDING SKULL! VIDEO release is Scary Tales (1993)! A hooded figure with glowing eyes appears in a dense plume of mist. He's encircled by silhouetted children who wait for him to read from an ancient tome. So begins a three-part, shot-on-video horror anthology from 1993, which by all appearances is a period piece that takes place in 1985. Drunk dads play darts, blaring ponytail rock drowns out middle-aged profanities. This is followed by demonic possession, bathtub nudity, wide-scale slaughter and a man fighting medieval dwarves in a field outside of Baltimore. Shot in Baltimore by filmmaker Doug Ullrich, SCARY TALES was never released legitimately on home video.

    BLEEDING SKULL! VIDEO's release has been meticulously pieced together from the original S-VHS master tapes, making it the best looking-and-sounding version of SCARY TALES that has ever been available. SPECIAL FEATURES New transfer from the original S-VHS master tape! MINIMUM UNDERDRIVE 'zine! Bleeding Skull! Video trailers! ABOUT BLEEDING SKULL! VIDEO BLEEDING SKULL! VIDEO is dedicated to sharing unreleased (or barely released) movies with the world.

    Partnering with Mondo, the art boutique of Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, BLEEDING SKULL! VIDEO specializes in ultra-obscure, no-budget horror and exploitation movies from the 1980s and 1990s. For more information, visit BLEEDINGSKULL.COM.

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    Rock! Shock! Pop!

  • #2
    Rock! Shock! Pop!


    • #3
      I definitely need this. Their last release, NIGHT FEEDER, was surprisingly good; one of the more ambitious SOV flicks I've seen. I wish they'd put their other releases on DVD; I don't want to add any more VHS to my collection.
      Why would anybody watch a scum show like Videodrome? Why did you watch it, Max?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Matt H. View Post
        I wish they'd put their other releases on DVD; I don't want to add any more VHS to my collection.
        I'm in the same boat. There's no advantage to it and a lot of the fun of going back to explore old SOV movies like this is getting commentaries and extras with them, which clearly you don't get on VHS. In a perfect world they'd do what Massacre does, put out a VHS for the VHS collectors and put it out on DVD as well, with extras when possible.

        I didn't get Night Feeder yet but I think I'm going to snag it along with Scary Tales the next time I place an Amazon order. Scary Tales I've seen before, it's essential SOV stupid trash garbage and it's great.
        Rock! Shock! Pop!


        • #5
          Watched this last night and if you love micro-budget horror camcorder epics like I do, well, it comes up a winner. The gore isn't completely over the top or anything but it is well done - sometimes surprisingly so! It doesn't overstay its welcome and it's funny to see the same guys playing different parts. Lots of quirky unintentional humor too. This was made in the 90s but it definitely feels like mid to late 80s to me. I'll definitely be watching this one again. Also it has a scene where a guy in red track pants punches a ninja in the dick.
          Rock! Shock! Pop!


          • #6
            That has to be one of the scariest belly buttons ever shown onscreen.
            "The popcorn you're eating has been pissed in. Film at 11".


            • #7
              Love Bleeding Skull but not sure about SOV trash, but then I did love SLEDGEHAMMER.


              • #8
                Coming 10/27!!!

                Scary Tales (1993)

                SCARY TALES proves that the films of John Waters and Don Dohler aren't the only genre miracles from Baltimore. A shot-on-video horror anthology that plays out like a public access version of CREEPSHOW, this is what happens when Satanic necklaces, bloodthirsty slashers, and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS-styled live action role playing collide with cool dads, neon lightbulbs, and dungeon synthesizers. AGFA and Bleeding Skull! are thrilled to present this charming, gore-filled dreamscape that has been meticulously pieced together from its original S-VHS master tapes.

                • Region Free Blu-ray

                • New transfer from the original S-VHS master tapes

                • Commentary track with director Doug Ulrich

                • 1987 demo version of SCARY TALES

                • Outtakes and vintage TV promo appearance

                • Early horror shorts by director Doug Ulrich

                • Bonus movie: DARKEST SOUL (1994), the follow-up to SCARY TALES

                • Reversible cover

                • English SDH subtitles

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                Rock! Shock! Pop!


                • #9
                  Watched this gem last night. I was laughing a lot at the dialogue, which is hilariously profane, but it also has some genuinely impressive gore gags (created by the director) and many nice touches. I loved the look of the demon(?) in the wraparound.
                  Why would anybody watch a scum show like Videodrome? Why did you watch it, Max?

