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Dumb and Dumber To

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  • Dumb and Dumber To

    I was VERY nervous when I heard they were going to do this sequel...

    Especially as the Farrelly brothers seem to have lost whatever comedy instincts they have.....

    Anyway here is the trailer......


    CARREY and DANIELS look like they are gonna carry this movie beautifully...

  • #2
    The trailer looks promising, yes, but that bait and switch GODZILLA trailer was the last straw for me as far as believing they give you any insight into how the film will be. I'm still skeptical that they can come back after this long and make a truly funny film. We'll see.
    I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.


    • #3
      Yeah, noo. That trailer ruined it for me. I know the whole story now.

      That said, i'll probably see it anyhow. Most likely in the Cinema. Drunk.
      "No presh from the Dresh!"


      • #4
        Originally posted by The Silly Swede View Post
        That said, i'll probably see it anyhow. Most likely in the Cinema. Drunk.
        Rock! Shock! Pop!


        • #5
          Originally posted by The Silly Swede View Post

          That said, i'll probably see it anyhow. Most likely in the Cinema. Drunk.
          The BEST way to see it.

          I am confident CARREY and DANIELS can carry this movie off...DUMB AND DUMBER worked because it was just the two dumb guys reacting against everyone else in the world...and this one looks similar....

          The CAST is most important in these FARRELLY movies...when they are good (KINGPIN, DUMB AND DUMBER) the movies soar to new heights because the CAST raise the bar....if the cast is not as good the movies suck...simple!


          • #6
            Agreed on all counts. I hope it doesn't suck, the first one was hilarious. Even Jim Carrey's stupid hair cracks me up.


            • #7

              Anyone see this one yet?

              The reviews so far have not been even went so far as to say this was WORSE than the WHEN HARRY MET LLOYD one!!!

              Apparently almost EXACTLY the same plot as the first one.....except not as funny....or well made.

              Whatever happened to those guys who made KINGPIN (STILL a movie I can put on anytime and laugh at!!)..I miss them....Never got the SOMETHING ABOUT MARY stuff....but DUMB and DUMBER, KINGPIN...cant beat them!


              • #8
                I haven't no, but I see now that it opened here on wednesday the 12th. Hmmmm. Maybe I shall go see it drunk afterall? Probably shout at the screen and get thrown out.
                "No presh from the Dresh!"


                • #9
                  Kingpin is hilarious. I might give this one a pass.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mark Tolch View Post
                    Kingpin is hilarious. I might give this one a pass.
                    That's what I mean....can't really fault the movie on any meaningful level....It does what it needs to do without much fat......interesting that both KINGPIN and DUMB had a "moment" in the movie of sadness or realisation (Like the end of the other great movie PLANES TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES)...

                    It was THE big one-two with DUMB AND DUMBER

                    1996 Kingpin
                    1994 Dumb & Dumber

                    Then SOMETHING AOUT MARY was next...I didnt really enjoy it ..and was the begining of their descent....not sure what caused it, but look at what they have made since...

                    2014 Dumb and Dumber To
                    2012 The Three Stooges
                    2011 Hall Pass
                    2007 The Heartbreak Kid
                    2005 Fever Pitch
                    2003 Stuck on You
                    2001 Shallow Hal
                    2001 Osmosis Jones
                    2000 Me, Myself & Irene

                    Heres what PETER FARRELLY said about the new DUMB movie

                    Dumb and Dumber To is wrapped and he's excited!
                    Just finished shooting. “[I] don't want to brag, but it could be the best movie of all time.” It's currently scheduled for a Nov. 14 release, but the filmmakers are pressuring the studio to move the release date up, possibly for a summer launch.
                    Haha...the studios knew better!!

                    almost forgot, KINGPN had BILL MURRAY to knock it upa few levels...

                    Bill Murray is apparently excellent at improv and kissing.
                    One user asked how much of Murray's dialogue was improvised in Kingpin. Farrelly responded, “Bill Murray pretty much made up every line of dialogue he said in the film. He would look at the sides, then throw them away and wing it. Every time it was better than what was written.” Farrelly also saw the Ghostbusters star's other talents on set. “I saw him making out with a few extras - he really knows what he's doing.”


                    • #11
                      ON THE OTHER HAND......I am hoping that it is just reviewers pissing on the movie for no reason...and that , in reality, it IS as great as the first one!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by The Silly Swede View Post
                        That said, i'll probably see it anyhow. Most likely in the Cinema. Drunk.
                        Exactly what I did :).
                        Brought a thermos of rum spiced mulled wine. I thought it was alright, haven't seen the original in 10+ years, but it was a bunch of throwbacks to it. Maybe not a movie I'll revisit, but it worked watching it slightly intoxicated in the theaters, just don't expect any masterpiece (unless fartjokes is your thing).
                        I might have had a bit to high expectations, having had the two great comedy sequels in 22 Jump Street and Anchorman 2 in theaters this year, making me judge this a little harsher then I would normally. In the light that it's a follow up to a movie that came out 20 years ago and that besides that movie the Farrelly brothers only other really good movie is Kingpin, it's better than most of their other movies (maybe not saying that much, but it's the first one that hasn't left me totally disappointed in years anyway).

                        Click image for larger version

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                        • #13
                          GETEN my good man,

                          you have just renewed my hope!!

                          I know that this will not be a classic movie...or maybe not even a memorable movie...but i just want some humor, a rekindling of my love for the first movie and be entertained...

                          Looks liek ALCOHOL will also be involved in MY visit to the movie theater to watch this one!


                          • #14
                            Fuck yeah. I am seeing this in the cinema next week then....
                            "No presh from the Dresh!"


                            • #15
                              In the light that it's a follow up to a movie that came out 20 years ago and that besides that movie the Farrelly brothers only other really good movie is Kingpin, it's better than most of their other movie
                              THIS ^

                              Saw it tonight...SOBER.

                              Was worth a watch...but probably not going to watch it again anytime soon.

                              Nice to see the throwbacks to the first movie, and nice to see Harry and Lloyd again but........SOMETHING was off....seemed like they were trying a bit TOO hard to channel the first one....I can understand as it has been 20 years...but first one was more...natural....and Harry and Lloyd didnt seem as "innocent" in what they were doing a few times...not always...but a few...

                              Also, no need for this to be almost 2 hours long...a bit of editing would have trimmed this down to a much faster paced movie..There were also too many jokes that didnt really work...but a few VERY funny bits that had me laughing out loud...just not enough!..Also the tone of the jokes seemed to shift too much minute innocent, one minute minute fart stuff...

                              Overall i would say I am glad i saw it....and it is a DECENT follow up to part one.....but still not as funny as KINGPIN.

                              (Wonder if they will do KINGPIN 2 now as this one was successful....Would love to see Big Ern back on the screen!!!)

