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    After a lengthy discussion re time travel with my physics grad student nephew, I realized I've wanted to see PRIMER for a few years now and still haven't gotten around to it.

    Is it as incredible as it sounds? I'm very interested in seeing a cerebral, intensely brainy look at time travel.

    TIMECRIMES is another one I hear is good.

    What's your favorite time travel movie?

    "We can't all be God's kids, some of us are Satan's."

    - Cage

  • #2
    Yes, PRIMER is worth it. It becomes completely impossible to follow towards the end but the joy is watching them make the premise totally believable using very simple means. I haven't seen TIMECRIMES either but have heard similarly good things.


    • #3
      I haven't seen PRIMER since it first came out but I recall being very impressed with it. I thought it was quite a clever little film that had a wonderful low-key approach to its subject matter.

      TIMECRIMES is solid too, but it's a whole different kettle of fish.

      In terms of favourites within this subgenre, I'm fond of TIME AFTER TIME and LA JETEE. I also remember really liking 12:01 (the short with Kurtwood Smith, rather than the 1993 TV movie), but I haven't seen that since the early-1990s. Come to think of it, I'd really like to see that again: is it available on DVD, does anyone know? I guess ARMY OF DARKNESS has to get a mention, as I love that picture. More recently, I enjoyed Mike Judge's iDIOCRACY. 1997's RETROACTIVE was also a pretty good little film.
      'You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow' (my photography website)
      'All explaining in movies can be thrown out, I think': Elmore Leonard


      • #4
        I haven't seen PRIMER since it first came out but I recall being very impressed with it. I thought it was quite a clever little film that had a wonderful low-key approach to its subject matter.

        TIMECRIMES is solid too, but it's a whole different kettle of fish.

        In terms of favourites within this subgenre, I'm fond of TIME AFTER TIME and LA JETEE. I also remember really liking 12:01 (the short with Kurtwood Smith, rather than the 1993 TV movie), but I haven't seen that since the early-1990s. Come to think of it, I'd really like to see that again: is it available on DVD, does anyone know? I guess ARMY OF DARKNESS has to get a mention, as I love that picture. More recently, I enjoyed Mike Judge's iDIOCRACY. 1997's RETROACTIVE was also a pretty good little film.
        'You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow' (my photography website)
        'All explaining in movies can be thrown out, I think': Elmore Leonard


        • #5
          Know anything about PRIMER director's second film? UPSTREAM COLOR. Sounds equally intriguing.
          "We can't all be God's kids, some of us are Satan's."

          - Cage

