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OLDBOY - Spike Lee Remake

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  • #46
    I'm not one to judge before I've seen... However, Oldboy doesn't need a remake IMO and I seriously doubt Spikes version will live up to the original. If it does, well awesome!
    do yourself a favor and click this...


    • #47
      Gotta love the cover art on this Chinese bootleg DVD release!

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Old-Boy-Remake-Bootleg-650x926.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	70.3 KB
ID:	345327

      Rock! Shock! Pop!


      • #48
        "Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"

        Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.


        • #49


          • #50
            That is just amazing...I might try and pick one up now just so I can have the awesome truthful advertising!


            • #51
              Watched the remake this morning.

              First off, nothing's going to top the original. But goddam if this wasn't a really fine piece of work. It was missing a lot of the trademark Lee moments (maybe that's why I dug it so much) and definitely dropped some of the more culturally unique aspects of the Korean film. But Brolin was excellent, Samuel L. Jackson was great....there were great performances all around. I really thought that Lee was going to tone down the reveal at the end, but I'd say he actually amped it up a bit.

              Anyway, there's still the original, and it was probably an unnecessary remake, but I thought it was worth seeing, for sure.


              • #52
                Originally posted by ChicGandil View Post
                The violence was beautifully rendered and carried a charge.

                Lee's Oldboy is to Oldboy what Scorsese's The Departed was to Infernal Affairs - a worthwhile but largely unnecessary remake.
                Good comparison.


                • #53
                  I have no interest in Spike's Old Boy remake, but I do want to see his Ganja & Hess remake.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Mark Tolch View Post
                    Watched the remake this morning.

                    First off, nothing's going to top the original. But goddam if this wasn't a really fine piece of work. It was missing a lot of the trademark Lee moments (maybe that's why I dug it so much) and definitely dropped some of the more culturally unique aspects of the Korean film. But Brolin was excellent, Samuel L. Jackson was great....there were great performances all around. I really thought that Lee was going to tone down the reveal at the end, but I'd say he actually amped it up a bit.

                    Anyway, there's still the original, and it was probably an unnecessary remake, but I thought it was worth seeing, for sure.
                    WOW...with all the reviews and stuff I thought this would be a total trainwreck of a movie,,,,,since u say it was well made piece of worl it is a shame it wasnt more popular.....Whereas other shittier remakes do ok....but I guess OLDBOY was never gonna please anyone...The fans of original would avoid it...and rgular JOE AMERICAN wouldn't be interested int he story.....N win situation I guess


                    • #55
                      Yeah, it's enough outside of the idea of a traditional love story that most of Joe Public would stay away...even the action fans would probably be like ewwwwwww.

                      I'll say this, it was wayyyy better than the Robocop remake.

