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OLDBOY - Spike Lee Remake

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  • OLDBOY - Spike Lee Remake

    Couldn't find the old thread...sorry....

    Anyhow, NOT feeling this one at all......

  • #2
    Just imagine how much more of a farce it would've been if Will Smith had been cast as originally planned? Surprised Spike didn't manage to get Rosie Perez and Giancarlo Esposito cast in this somehow? oh well, I see his boy Samuel L. is there though. I see people are getting worked up about this remake and are quite indignant about a "classic" like OLD BOY being remade but I just shrug it off. I mean Spike isn't even relevant as a movie director anymore, so who cares? Suffice to say that I'll be avoiding this at all costs. Out of sight, out of mind I say. Guess this is just the tip of the iceberg with planned remakes of SYMPATHY FOR MR. VENGEANCE & THIRST on the way as well.


    • #3
      So, I see Josh Brolin counts as a headliner these days. What exactly has he done to merit this?
      "No presh from the Dresh!"


      • #4
        Josh Brolin is kinda fuckin awesome.

        Spike Lee isn't. If I see it, it'll probably be 47Lab said, does anyone even care about Spike Lee anymore? I noticed he stopped calling his films "A Spike Lee Joint", so maybe he grew up a little.


        • #5
          Originally posted by The Silly Swede View Post
          So, I see Josh Brolin counts as a headliner these days. What exactly has he done to merit this?
          Josh is cool.....His turn on making MEN IN BLACK 3 watchable deserves a credit all of its own....Shit, being James Brolin's son ALONE gets him a pass in my book!!

          As for this movie...Even without the obvious comparisons to the original I would STILL NOT WATCH IT....

          Actually surprised Spike Lee cast a white guy in the main role


          • #6
            Originally posted by sukebanboy View Post

            Actually surprised Spike Lee cast a white guy in the main role
            All the black ones must have turned him down.
            "No presh from the Dresh!"


            • #7
              Aw, come on. As much as I'm not a fan of Spike Lee, a good number of his films have featured white leads.


              • #8

                As he is getting older, he is getting grumpier though....and no one likes a GRUMPY Spike Lee!!!


                • #9
                  He is definitely getting grumpier. Can he channel his grumpiness into a good remake though? Probably not.

                  Trailer is supposed to launch this week. I think that'll be a better indicator than this wacky looking one sheet image.
                  Rock! Shock! Pop!


                  • #10
                    Spike hasn't made a good film since 25th Hour.
                    "Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"

                    Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Alex K. View Post
                      Spike hasn't made a good film since 25th Hour.
                      Indeed. I thought 25th HOUR was good, actually. I've always thought that Spike was waaaaaaay too overrated, though. He got more hype than what he actually delivered in his films, IMO.


                      • #12
                        Red Band Trailer.
                        Rock! Shock! Pop!


                        • #13
                          At least it looks violent. And now the poster makes more sense.

                          In all fairness to a remake I find completely unnecessary, I have to say, if I weren't familiar with the original movie, I'd probably be pretty stoked to see this.
                          Rock! Shock! Pop!


                          • #14
                            I hear ya.


                            But knowing the payoff with the daughter in the original, which this trailer leads me to believe will not happen in this version, I have to wonder what they'll use as an alternative in this one...'cuz that shit was pretty fucked up.
                            Now everyone can have a complete KRULL lifestyle.


                            • #15
                              Spike Lee has always been "grumpy", he speaks his mind. A white person speaks their mind and they're called honest. A black person speaks their mind and they're called grumpy or angry. I seen him talk a couple years back at a University and he was great. I'm pretty grumpy too tho' and agree with pretty much everything he sez regarding, well, most everything. Educated black men still make some white people nervous and insecure. That's their problem.

                              He has enough truly great films under his belt that I will always admire him, even if he has some duds. His perspective is reality.

                              Slightly OT: But I only just realized Patrice O'Neil is in the 25th HOUR as the bouncer to the club. RIP.
                              Intellectual Carrot
                              Last edited by Scott; 07-11-2013, 12:38 AM.
                              "When I die, I hope to go to Accra"

