Watched this one yesterday, with a lot of beer in me, after not having seen it in probably a good decade if not longer.
When I was younger, upon first viewing, I was pretty sure that this was the greatest movie ever. Now, as an adult revisiting it through beer tinted glasses, I'm sure of it.
Why, Ian? Why do you feel this way? Is it because JCVD is so dreamy in it? Nope. He's pretty dreamy but he's not the reason.
Is it because it has a cyborg in it? Nope. The movie could have been called Not-Cyborg and been just as effective.
It must be because of those awesome matte paintings at the beginning and end, right? No, those are cool and they help, but that's not it either.
Huh. Then it's got to be the excessive violence and the naked boobies, right? Well, those are great too, but no. That's not it.
This is it.

He's got weird blue eyes, he'll cut you, he growls and yells his dialogue and he'll fight you to the death. He makes this movie.
He is rad.
Also, JCVD gets crucified, which is weird. Also the movie has weird gatling gun things and eyes that hold data and stuff.
That is all.
When I was younger, upon first viewing, I was pretty sure that this was the greatest movie ever. Now, as an adult revisiting it through beer tinted glasses, I'm sure of it.
Why, Ian? Why do you feel this way? Is it because JCVD is so dreamy in it? Nope. He's pretty dreamy but he's not the reason.
Is it because it has a cyborg in it? Nope. The movie could have been called Not-Cyborg and been just as effective.
It must be because of those awesome matte paintings at the beginning and end, right? No, those are cool and they help, but that's not it either.
Huh. Then it's got to be the excessive violence and the naked boobies, right? Well, those are great too, but no. That's not it.
This is it.
He's got weird blue eyes, he'll cut you, he growls and yells his dialogue and he'll fight you to the death. He makes this movie.
He is rad.
Also, JCVD gets crucified, which is weird. Also the movie has weird gatling gun things and eyes that hold data and stuff.
That is all.