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  • Oh, I know she's in the novella. I just don't like the character and thought she was more annoying than anything else. Good film but I have issues with it. Brave ending though.
    "Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"

    Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.


    • DARK AGE - Nifty little gem here, easily one of the best killer croc films I've ever seen. True the competition is weak but how many of these films have you rooting for the beast to live by the end? And that's after he's eaten a kiddie! The ecological angle is even more surprising when you consider it's a film from the mid-80s. Check this out.

      EXTERMINATORS OF THE YEAR 3000 - Fun pasta-pocalypse. Spaghetti western veteran Giuliano Carnimeo directs this unusually blatant ROAD WARRIOR riff, copies it right down to the cars and motorcycles chasing an 18 wheeler. In addition to the usual evil biker gang, there's mutants and a bionic kid. As I say, fun film but it's also mildly depressing to me to see a great spaghetti western actor like Eduardo Fajardo in a Santa beard in this thing. Beryl Cunningham also surprisingly pops up.
      I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.


      • I watched Six Days in Roswell the other night. I liked it a lot, but was let down a bit that the host was more acting the part than being that much of a weirdie. Still, I liked it way more than I like Todd.


        • The Age of Heroes. A brittish-norwegian WW2 film, with Sean Bean and Danny Dyer (who speaks in heavy london-gangstah accent that just feels very out of place in the 1940s). Very cheap looking film. But still somewhat enjoyable, as it reminds me of the mass produced "men on a mission" WW2 flicks of the 70s and 80s.
          "No presh from the Dresh!"


          • Originally posted by Alex K. View Post
            Blastfighter is fun. Takes a while to get going but once it does it rocks. No idea why it isn't on DVD yet.

            Watching The Mist: Good film. But I remain pretty meh about the creatures and the ultra religious lady. Something about giant insects doesn't do it for me, the religious lady came off as a trope to make the whole thing seem a little different than the usual Night of the Living Dead setup.
            Yes, why isn't there a dvd of this?

            The Mist. I completely agree about the creatures and Marcia Gay Harden is normally an ok actress (loved her in Miller's Crossing), but the she plays it pretty hammy and the writing doesn't help at all. The character played off better in the book, sort of... However, I still like the movie despite her and the down right bad cgi.


            • Whew. After three nights, I finally made it through the new film version of TINKER, TAILOR, SOLDIER, SPY. I liked it (I haven't read any Le Carre yet), but it may be one of my new "cure for insomnia" movies. It's like a cinematic manifestation of the physiological effects of alcohol and mandrax. I really liked the use of the French lounge/big band (Julio Iglesias) version of "La Mer" which plays over the final scenes; a daring and bold move by the director and I think it works very well. Haunting, and woke me up each time.
              paul h.
              woly boly
              Last edited by paul h.; 04-21-2012, 05:49 PM.


              • PICKUP ON SOUTH STREET. Richard Widmark can't keep his artsy fingerbones out of Jean Peters' muffin handbag: from the opening subway sweaty grope fantasy (with lip-biting and bug-eyed voyeurism), you know they're made for each other; by the end of the movie, that purse is flopping open of its own accord. "You look for oil, sometimes you hit a gusher." But Widmark's a three-time loner, headed for life: he lives at 66 South Street, a bait shack two planks from shore, and the way he keeps his loot, he could give tips to the Anal Retentive Chef. It's going to take more than rubbing his face in the flag to get him back into things, but when he swings into action, it's all flags flying. Thelma Ritter's the most Runyonesque, great with her fat kitty and Mam'selle playing in her room. Also includes New York Public Library microform readers, dumbwaiter getaway suspense, focus longer than a Sam Fuller ceegar, and bonus mcguffin commies.


                • Rewatching the Rocky movies. Haven't seen them since I was a kid. Don't remember which I saw or if I saw all of them. I'm pretty sure I remember seeing part four in the theatre with my mom. She had a thing for Stallone, haha. Tonight we'll watch part three. It's funny seeing them now, how much of Rocky's persona they stole for Tony Danza's character on Who's the Boss.

                  Tomorrow night... part four.



                  • Originally posted by Alison Jane View Post
                    Rewatching the Rocky movies. Tonight we'll watch part three.
                    This movie is silly so far. Silly but fun.


                    • The Borrower (1991): Never heard of this one until I caught this review

                      Fun flick with great bladder effects.
                      "Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"

                      Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.


                      • PENITENTIARY and PENITENTIARY II. Malcolm Gladwell is great as Too Sweet. The first one's intense & serious, really pretty great, but the sequel's committed to the your pleasure like a hooker who's just been handed a yard & a half by a dwarf. Wilbur "Hi-fi" White is awesome: cross-dressing Chicago blue comic/musician greatness. Ernie Hudson meets Mr. T: it's like a special Saturday morning ghostbuster cartoon. The Arrow DVD is region-free, includes II as a bonus, and looks pleasantly like un-anamorphic crap: plenty of room for a special edition for these.

                        Edit: couple of Hi-fi White links:


                        Barry M
                        Super Fiend
                        Last edited by Barry M; 04-24-2012, 10:26 AM.


                        • Melancholia. Not as disturbing as Antichrist, some really nice cinematography, celebrity filled wedding, golf courses, Last Year at Marienbad references, nice boobs. B +.

                          Also just listened to the first half of the multi person commentary on FULL METAL JACKET. Great stuff.


                          • Originally posted by Alison Jane View Post
                            Tomorrow night... part four.
                            Wow, that was terrible. I will say though that it had the best "end match" of the series in my opinion. I found a lot of the others a bit disappointing.


                            • Originally posted by Alison Jane View Post
                              Wow, that was terrible. I will say though that it had the best "end match" of the series in my opinion. I found a lot of the others a bit disappointing.
                              Dolph makes it. Well, Dolph and James Brown.

                              Watched The Theater Bizarre last night, it's well named. Interesting stuff, some of the stories work better than others. I need to think on it a bit more and delvce into the extras but if you dig fucked up anthology movies, you'll want to check it out.
                              Rock! Shock! Pop!


                              • FACCIA DI SPIA aka CIA SECRET STORY - Wow, it's a tall order to describe how bizarre this film is. A semi-documentary style look at how the CIA has its fingers in everything from the Kennedy assassinations to anti-commie actions in South America. Aside from some mondo-style footage of decapitated heads in the opening moments, the first hour or so is mostly a tame but fascinating look at Che Guevara's time in Bolivia among other things (Claudio Camaso aka Volonte as Che, haha), then the last half hour turns into a hideous array of torture methods - live dismemberment, needles into dicks, eels into vaginas, rape,'s all extremely graphic and nasty. Weird shit like seeing Lou Castel as a rapist/torturer in an almost hardcore scene (I'm certain a body double was used for the near penetration sequence. Just a really strange film. Ends with a scene of blood running down the World Trade Center towers, a scene that chills in ways the director didn't intend these days. Lots of left wing conspiracy theories are posited. I'm not sure if it's a good film but it's damn sure something you'll never forget!
                                I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.

