L.A. Takedown: Boston. Yup, that pretty much sumps it up.
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Watching the Band Of Brothers HBO series on blu. Not too bad, not overly sentimental or too talky, and well staged, intense battle scenes. I had tried to watch this before and it didn't click for some reason, but this time I really liked it. It was like I was watching something completely different than I had before. I got it at the public library. They also have tons of Criterion blu-rays.
Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010) - Glad I didn't read up on this film before I saw it. This is a real fun, interesting street art documentary/probably-mockumentary/documentary critique (?) and one of the best and most advanced pranks I can remember. The prank's main targets: us easily led on viewers and the vulgar, shallow, pseudo-intellectual luxury market the art world has gradually turned to during the last 20-30 years. Talk about selling their fat asses back to them. The most brilliant thing about it is you can't be 100% sure it is all a great prank - I may be 99% sure this is Banksy's scheme, but still... Mr. Brainwash (dig that name!) is still doing exhibitions with his lame, clicheéd pop-street art and the world is a really strange place...
I love it when a plan comes together. One of the best of 2010. 4+/5Last edited by Lars Jacobsson; 04-10-2012, 06:35 AM.
WRATH OF THE TITANS - Much better than I expected, yeah it's a CGI gangbang but it's fun and incredibly fast paced. And Rosamund Pike is stunning, wasn't really aware of her prior to this film but I am now a huge fan. She's got a classic beauty to her. The main villain is pretty cool too.I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.
Chopping Mall - I wanted something brainless and goofy and this fit the bill perfectly. Barbara Crampton takes off her top. So does some other blonde. Killer Robots, gratuitous Roger Corman poster placement, recycled Streetwalkin' soundtrack, Dawn of the Dead rip offs, a couple of moderately decent gore scenes and exploding paint. I liked it. Oh and one of the dudes from Head of the Class is the male lead.Rock! Shock! Pop!
Originally posted by Ian Jane View PostChopping Mall - I wanted something brainless and goofy and this fit the bill perfectly. Barbara Crampton takes off her top. So does some other blonde. Killer Robots, gratuitous Roger Corman poster placement, recycled Streetwalkin' soundtrack, Dawn of the Dead rip offs, a couple of moderately decent gore scenes and exploding paint. I liked it. Oh and one of the dudes from Head of the Class is the male lead.I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.
Having a catch-up-on-classic-movies-I've-somehow-not-seen week. So far:
The Apartment: Kind of brilliant on most levels. Bored the hell out of me by the end. I hate romantic movies. From a long way out there was only one way this thing could end and I got pretty impatient waiting for the screenwriter to catch up. Why is that so frustrating? When Bond only has a few hours to find and defuse the bomb you know how that's going to end as well but somehow that doesn't matter as much.
Annie Hall: "I like Woody Allen movies-except for that little nervous guy who's always in them". That guys in this one alot... I hate quirky movies anyway. It's a pretty good quirky movie.
All About Eve: Embarrassing ending. Horribly mannered. Pretty damned good film anyway. Betty Davis kills it in this one. My favourite so far."Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.
Best trailer ever, Andrew.
Blood Diner - yeah it's a big time rip off of Blood Feast but the ending is so over the top and nutty that I can't help but get a kick out of this. Hadn't seen it in years, it's still a lot of stupid fun. Great bad comedy and costumes and effects. Love the talking eyeball brain thing. Sheetar!Rock! Shock! Pop!
One word review:
Actually, the bat puppets are pretty great, but the rest of the movie's ludicrous.Last edited by Barry M; 04-12-2012, 11:36 AM.
APARTMENT ZERO - First time in many moons for this and it still holds up really well. In fact, I think I dug it even a little more. A film that any movie lover really should check out. It was much bloodier than I recalled and the ending is chilling.I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.