Originally posted by Nabonga
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Moist Fury (USA, 2011)
Close Encounters of the Inbred Redneck Kind (USA, 2012)
OMG, I'm starting to really dig Chris Seaver flicks. I should be using my time on this earth more wisely. Thousands of films sitting on my shelf and for some reason I grabbed these. I really enjoyed Close Encounters...too much. There is something wrong with me.
Modesty Blaise. I'd like to have been at the meeting of financiers and producers when this project was being spitballed. They're after a light, breezy, pop art spectacle, with some cheesy laughs and a bit of sex appeal. Who did they go with for director? Joseph fucking Losey. Its a truly bizarre pick. I like Losey but its hard to think of a project further from his wheelhouse and boy does he drop the ball. Every moment of this movie is boring which is a shame because its got a good cast, a good budget and a great look. But just misthought on every other level.Last edited by Dom D; 11-12-2020, 05:17 AM."Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.
Originally posted by Dom D View PostModesty Blaise. I'd like to have been at the meeting of financiers and producers when this project was being spitballed. They're after a light, breezy, pop art spectacle, with some cheesy laughs and a bit of sex appeal. Who did they go with for director? Joseph fucking Losey. Its a truly bizarre pick. I like Losey but its hard to think of a project further from his wheelhouse and boy does he drop the ball. Every moment of this movie is boring which is a shame because its got a good cast, a good budget and a great look. But just misthought on every other level.
With that movie they were trying to tap into the pop 60s culture that was happening at the time like CASINO ROYALE, DANGER: DIABOLIK and the BATMAN tv show. They only took the barest surface elements (and even that they got wrong, Modesty a blonde? Yuck!). The tone should be somewhere between a serious James Bond novel and Indiana Jones. Serious tales of Modesty and Willie fighting drug and human trafficking or rescuing hostages or occasionally getting revenge. There's lots of rape and murder and terrorism and all kinds of serious danger. They are a lot of things but they definitely aren't silly like that movie."When I die, I hope to go to Accra"
Originally posted by Jason C View PostModesty Blaise is a film I've been close to picking up more than a few times, but my spidey senses always seemed to kick in and warn me it would be a disappointment."When I die, I hope to go to Accra"
Originally posted by Dom D View PostModesty Blaise. I'd like to have been at the meeting of financiers and producers when this project was being spitballed. They're after a light, breezy, pop art spectacle, with some cheesy laughs and a bit of sex appeal. Who did they go with for director? Joseph fucking Losey. Its a truly bizarre pick.
Losey made this one between KING & COUNTRY (also scripted by Evan Jones) and ACCIDENT (scripted by Pinter). It's like a weird intersection point on a bizarre Venn diagram of cinema.
It's a mess, but I've always had a soft spot for this one though. Monica Vitti is just lovely, and Dirk Bogarde clearly relishes camping it up. Terence Stamp is... well, Terence Stamp. Flippant approach to empire and all that. Like sipping a pint o' brown ale in the Meditteranean sun. Probably best enjoyed with a tab of acid, in a tie-dye t-shirt and flip flops.
'She'll turn your head, though she might use a judo hold...''You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow'
http://www.paul-a-j-lewis.com (my photography website)
'All explaining in movies can be thrown out, I think': Elmore Leonard
Originally posted by Paul L View Post... and get the guy that wrote THE DAMNED (and would later write WAKE IN FRIGHT) to work on the script with uncredited input from Harold Flippin' Pinter!!!!
Losey made this one between KING & COUNTRY (also scripted by Evan Jones) and ACCIDENT (scripted by Pinter). It's like a weird intersection point on a bizarre Venn diagram of cinema.
It's a mess, but I've always had a soft spot for this one though. Monica Vitti is just lovely, and Dirk Bogarde clearly relishes camping it up. Terence Stamp is... well, Terence Stamp. Flippant approach to empire and all that. Like sipping a pint o' brown ale in the Meditteranean sun. Probably best enjoyed with a tab of acid, in a tie-dye t-shirt and flip flops.
'She'll turn your head, though she might use a judo hold...'
Originally posted by Mr. Deltoid View PostHa! 'Like sipping a pint of ale in the Meditteranean sun'. I'm sure Ray Winstone in Sexy Beast would approve! I'm going to nick that turn of phrase Paul. :up:'You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow'
http://www.paul-a-j-lewis.com (my photography website)
'All explaining in movies can be thrown out, I think': Elmore Leonard
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Decent movie. A bit too long. But still worth seeing.
Green Room
Owned this for years and finally watched it this past weekend. holy fuck was this good.
Escape from Hell Hole
Late 70s WIP movie. Watching it off a Video Asia set. So it looks like ass. Not a bad film but would rather see a non-vhs rip of this.
Outland (1981): somehow this film and I had never crossed paths but it came up a couple times in Sean Connery obituaries so I stuck it on the watch list. Connery is tasked with maintaining law and order on a mining rig on a Jupiter Moon. Sounds like a rough gig at the best of times and he wastes no time getting himself into trouble when he starts delving too deeply into a series of strange suicides.
For a while it plays shamelessly with an Alien aesthetic but the Alien never turns up. Instead it turns into High Noon in space. Killers are dispatched to gun down our sheriff, he does what a man's gotta do and then jets off back to earth. It's a very loosely scripted film. Why he waits for the killers is not really touched upon. Why offing them provides him a sense of resolution isn't touched upon at all. It gets to feeling very inconsequential which is a shame as the first 40 minutes or so have some nice build.
Top class sets and miniatures. Can't have been a cheap film."Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.
Originally posted by Dom D View PostOutland (1981): somehow this film and I had never crossed paths but it came up a couple times in Sean Connery obituaries so I stuck it on the watch list. Connery is tasked with maintaining law and order on a mining rig on a Jupiter Moon. Sounds like a rough gig at the best of times and he wastes no time getting himself into trouble when he starts delving too deeply into a series of strange suicides.
For a while it plays shamelessly with an Alien aesthetic but the Alien never turns up. Instead it turns into High Noon in space. Killers are dispatched to gun down our sheriff, he does what a man's gotta do and then jets off back to earth. It's a very loosely scripted film. Why he waits for the killers is not really touched upon. Why offing them provides him a sense of resolution isn't touched upon at all. It gets to feeling very inconsequential which is a shame as the first 40 minutes or so have some nice build.
Top class sets and miniatures. Can't have been a cheap film.I'm bitter, I'm twisted, James Joyce is fucking my sister.
I was I would have caught OUTLAND as teen. It would have likely been a favorite I revisited often. When I first viewed it ten years ago, I thought it looked good and started off well enough. I was just underwhelmed by the final act. Its been on my mind to revisit the past few months as I've had a hankerin' for scifi.