The Dark Corner
Lovely film noir from the 40's. Mark Stevens and Lucille Ball (she was quite the fox back then, despite the poodley haircut)
have lovely chemistry as the private dick and his secretary. Lots of snappy, fun flirty dialogue between them and the great
William Bendix provides menace as the hulking guy stalking them for unknown reasons. I really enjoyed this film. I loved the
reference to William Powell and the Thin Man movies. Bendix's demise was weak sauce though. He seemed smarter than that.
Oh well...
The Shadow Of The Cat
Cozy little story on the English countryside about some nasty people murdering a relative for the inheritance,
fake wills, even nastier relatives who come visit, a vengeful cat who witnessed the murder and the nice lovely
girl who was the murder victims favourite relative that realizes something is not up to snuff here. This was lots
of goofy fun. Everyone hams it up to the hilt. The cat fx are shit. You can clearly see the string they've tied to
the cat to reign it in somewhat and the superimposed glowy eyes in the dark don't match at all and are super
wonky in their jerky motion. BUT... it's fun seeing angery kitteh bump off murderous scum one by one.
The Barge People
A.k.a. Chavs on boats. Ambitious Wrong Turn rip-off. Meh, it's alright. This sort of stuff has been done
way better before. Highly unoriginal.
To Be Twenty
Man, this movie was all over the place and not in a good way. It's too scatterbrained for its own good.
Plus, the two main characters are severely unlikeable. They're obviously smoking hot (especially Guida)
but that's about it. I wouldn't go so far as to wish death upon them but I can't say I really care either.
Maybe I need to give it a second whirl sometime but as it is, I was very underwhelmed.
Lovely film noir from the 40's. Mark Stevens and Lucille Ball (she was quite the fox back then, despite the poodley haircut)
have lovely chemistry as the private dick and his secretary. Lots of snappy, fun flirty dialogue between them and the great
William Bendix provides menace as the hulking guy stalking them for unknown reasons. I really enjoyed this film. I loved the
reference to William Powell and the Thin Man movies. Bendix's demise was weak sauce though. He seemed smarter than that.
Oh well...
The Shadow Of The Cat
Cozy little story on the English countryside about some nasty people murdering a relative for the inheritance,
fake wills, even nastier relatives who come visit, a vengeful cat who witnessed the murder and the nice lovely
girl who was the murder victims favourite relative that realizes something is not up to snuff here. This was lots
of goofy fun. Everyone hams it up to the hilt. The cat fx are shit. You can clearly see the string they've tied to
the cat to reign it in somewhat and the superimposed glowy eyes in the dark don't match at all and are super
wonky in their jerky motion. BUT... it's fun seeing angery kitteh bump off murderous scum one by one.
The Barge People
A.k.a. Chavs on boats. Ambitious Wrong Turn rip-off. Meh, it's alright. This sort of stuff has been done
way better before. Highly unoriginal.
To Be Twenty
Man, this movie was all over the place and not in a good way. It's too scatterbrained for its own good.
Plus, the two main characters are severely unlikeable. They're obviously smoking hot (especially Guida)
but that's about it. I wouldn't go so far as to wish death upon them but I can't say I really care either.
Maybe I need to give it a second whirl sometime but as it is, I was very underwhelmed.