Miller's Crossing. How good is this film? I must have seen it 5-600 times. Last night though I finally figured the film out. One of the things that's interesting with Byrne's character is you don't know his he actually playing both sides? Is he doing it all for the love of his woman or the love of his mate? Either way it seems like a failure as they go off into the sunset together leaving him high and dry. Only last night did I twig that this was a story about a man trying to pay back his gambling debts. And he does. So it's a happy ending.
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Originally posted by Dom D View PostMiller's Crossing. How good is this film? I must have seen it 5-600 times. Last night though I finally figured the film out. One of the things that's interesting with Byrne's character is you don't know his he actually playing both sides? Is he doing it all for the love of his woman or the love of his mate? Either way it seems like a failure as they go off into the sunset together leaving him high and dry. Only last night did I twig that this was a story about a man trying to pay back his gambling debts. And he does. So it's a happy ending."When I die, I hope to go to Accra"
Originally posted by Scott View PostIt's kinda hard to argue against any of them. Even their duds are pretty good.Why would anybody watch a scum show like Videodrome? Why did you watch it, Max?
The Big Lebowski, Fargo, Blod Simple and Millers Crossing are all the best one. The Coens had a streak between Blood Simple and The Big Lebowski that I'd say is unmatched. Each film is touched by genius with only The Hudsucker Proxy sticking out as a slight misstep. After that run though they are very hit and miss for me. Even the ones I really like I don't have any particular attachment to. I respect No Country For Old Men, and it's probably, objectively, as good as any of the older films, but I'm not going to rewatch it a few times a year."Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.
Originally posted by Dom D View PostThe Big Lebowski, Fargo, Blod Simple and Millers Crossing are all the best one. The Coens had a streak between Blood Simple and The Big Lebowski that I'd say is unmatched. Each film is touched by genius with only The Hudsucker Proxy sticking out as a slight misstep. After that run though they are very hit and miss for me. Even the ones I really like I don't have any particular attachment to. I respect No Country For Old Men, and it's probably, objectively, as good as any of the older films, but I'm not going to rewatch it a few times a year.
THE HUDSUCKER PROXY is wonderful but I get how someone might find it too silly or quirky."When I die, I hope to go to Accra"
Originally posted by Scott View PostTHE HUDSUCKER PROXY is wonderful but I get how someone might find it too silly or quirky."Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.
Originally posted by Dom D View PostI think the Hudsucker Proxy is very good indeed, it just suffers in comparison. If you have a run of the 7 or 8 films and Hudsucker is the weakest then you've done unbelievably well.Originally posted by Matt H. View PostJennifer Jason Leigh is amazing in HUDSUCKER."When I die, I hope to go to Accra"
Originally posted by Dom D View PostMiller's Crossing. How good is this film? I must have seen it 5-600 times. Last night though I finally figured the film out. One of the things that's interesting with Byrne's character is you don't know his he actually playing both sides? Is he doing it all for the love of his woman or the love of his mate? Either way it seems like a failure as they go off into the sunset together leaving him high and dry. Only last night did I twig that this was a story about a man trying to pay back his gambling debts. And he does. So it's a happy ending.
I love MILLER'S CROSSING. BARTON FINK is possibly my favourite of their films, though MILLER'S CROSSING and BLOOD SIMPLE are close behind.
Originally posted by Scott View PostI thought both O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU? and THE MAN WHO WASN'T THERE were both prime Coen. IMO there only missteps were the next two films, INTOLERABLE CRUELTY and THE LADY KILLERS. I liked both of them when I saw them in the theater but they are missing the Coen veneer. I never did see BURN AFTER READING, even though my mom keeps trying to sell me on it. Nor have I seen INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS, but I plan to eventually. I think I'm the only person that didn't care for their TRUE GRIT remake, but then again I hate most modern westerns and am definitely the odd man out there. I liked HAIL CAESAR! a lot more than I should have.
THE HUDSUCKER PROXY is wonderful but I get how someone might find it too silly or quirky.
I like HUDSUCKER but at the time of its cinema release it felt to me like an attempt to make something that tapped into a more mainstream audience, something which seems even more evident in INTOLERABLE CRUELTY and THE LADYKILLERS.'You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow' (my photography website)
'All explaining in movies can be thrown out, I think': Elmore Leonard
Originally posted by Paul L View PostLook into your heart!
I love MILLER'S CROSSING. BARTON FINK is possibly my favourite of their films, though MILLER'S CROSSING and BLOOD SIMPLE are close behind.
I feel much the same way about the Coens' work as yourself, Scott. (We've talked about this many times before, as I recall.) However, I'd urge you to watch INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS; I thought it was very good, much better than most of their post-O BROTHER output. A SERIOUS MAN was pretty good too, though that one often gets forgotten.
I like HUDSUCKER but at the time of its cinema release it felt to me like an attempt to make something that tapped into a more mainstream audience, something which seems even more evident in INTOLERABLE CRUELTY and THE LADYKILLERS.
Ha, yes we've talked about this plenty before. That reminds me I will make it a point to see INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS and a SERIOUS MAN. I had completely forgot that one."When I die, I hope to go to Accra"
Originally posted by Mark Tolch View PostI'm watching the Beastie Boys Video Anthology via the Criterion double DVD. Through headphones. Cranked. With a rye and ginger and some killer weed.
The commentary tracks are awesome. Spike Jones is there with the guys to provide commentary for the videos he directed, and the ones he didn't direct have the Boys crank calling the directors.
Originally posted by Mark Tolch View PostI needed music, so I'm watching BAD RELIGION - LIVE AT THE PALLADIUM with headphones set to a violent level.
s old place passed by 2 times in their boat. They didnt appear to be fishing. But I didn't pay much attention to them.Last edited by Newt Cox; 04-23-2020, 02:03 AM.