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  • The Director's Cut of Nightbreed. It's been maybe a decade since I watched the theatrical cut and I've put off watching the director's cut for whatever reason. I think the first act is very strong in both cuts but it kind of stumbles in the 2nd act. The problem is a logical one: so the cops discover these mutants. Okay. Time to kill them all I guess? This would work if they were just dumb rednecks (like right out of a Dom Dohler movie) or religious fanatics or whatever. But garden variety cops deciding to kill all mutants? That's when the movie goes downhill for me.

    We needed more scenes establishing this world and the Nightbreed. What we got was just too brief.
    "Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"

    Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.


    • Originally posted by Alex K. View Post
      The Director's Cut of Nightbreed. It's been maybe a decade since I watched the theatrical cut and I've put off watching the director's cut for whatever reason. I think the first act is very strong in both cuts but it kind of stumbles in the 2nd act. The problem is a logical one: so the cops discover these mutants. Okay. Time to kill them all I guess? This would work if they were just dumb rednecks (like right out of a Dom Dohler movie) or religious fanatics or whatever. But garden variety cops deciding to kill all mutants? That's when the movie goes downhill for me.

      We needed more scenes establishing this world and the Nightbreed. What we got was just too brief.
      Considering the cops would be Mounties in the real world, I see no problem with the way they are depicted in Night Breed.


      • I'm watching a couple episodes a night of either ULTRASEVEN, ULTRA Q or RETURN OF ULTRAMAN. I'll pick one of the 3 and then dose up on 2 episodes. I'm thoroughly enjoying all 3 but ULTRA Q is my favorite. Way more horror elements and way less juvenile than the other 2. Also, the actress who played Fuji in the original ULTRAMAN is a regular on Q, albeit as a different character. She's incredibly cute! Last night's ULTRA Qs included a standout episode called "I Saw a Bird". Very melancholy, complete with a crazy memorable, sad music theme. Called to mind some similar episodes from the soon-to-follow ULTRAMAN but somehow even more emotionally involving. The last shot damn near had me a little dusty.
        I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.


        • Love Camp 7 (USA, 1969) - 1.5/5
          The foundations of the nazisploitation genre, unfortunately a piece of shit film. It starts out amusing enough alright. First we get a British general declaring "You'll be whores of the 3rd Reich for the next five days" with a wide smug smile on his face, having just conceived his master plan to infiltrate two American female spies into a nazi camp. You also get a French resistance leader asking the two busty operatives to strip buck naked and change in front of him while he does the mission briefing - a scene where not one viewer heard a single word he said. Unfortunately the amusement is stops there once you realize whoring is all this 90 min sex marathon has to offer. The premise isn't entirely indifferent to some Japanese exploitation films of the era, but the film is missing their professionalism and seductive visuals. What you get here is girls licking the boots of a nazi leader played by producer R.W. Cresse himself, giving a whole-hearted if comically bad performance that perhaps reveals more about his motivations than we needed to know.

          Women in Cellblock 7 (Italy / USA, 1973) - 2.5/5
          A crime / action / WiP hybrid with Anita Strindberg going undercover in prison to retrieve information to save her father who is being chased by gangsters. It would be a stretch to call this a good film, but the prison drama / erotica is a bit better done, more story driven than in many other WiP junk films, and the frame story sneaks in an entertaining car chase or gunplay scene 25 minutes. Oh, and Alien vs. Ninja stole a scene from this.

          Rulers of the City (Italy, 1976) [VoD] - 2.5/5
          Lightweight Fernando Di Leo gangster actioner with two young blokes trying their luck against the mafia. Moderately entertaining if you can get past the brain dead script and the fundamental question why make a film with these silly youngsters when there were older, more charismatic actors available? A very passable time waster, but Milano Calibro 9 this is not.

          Hell of the Living Dead (Italy, 1980) [VoD] - 2.5/5
          Idiotic zombie film mishmash that is nevertheless watchable. There's stolen Goblin music, nature stock footage, a half-arsed attempt to borrow from Cannibal Holocaust with social commentary, bargain basement gore effects, a staggering lack of logic, and brain dead arseholes (the heroes), one of whom is a reporter running out topless in the jungle. And yet the last half an hour is surprisingly solid, with some genuinely well done scenes (the sound design in the house scene near the end is great, fans of the 1996 Resident Evil video game should feel at home here) and atmospheric footage of zombies walking the earth. At 98 min the film ought to have lost 15 min, though.


          • Superman: Red Son. One of the best DC Animated movies I've seen in a long time.
            "Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"

            Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.


            • Bloodshot
              Another comic book movie. Yay! :-/ Vin Diesel stays failing outside of the FF universe.
              Incredibly "meh!" on all fronts. The always solid Guy Pearce slums for a paycheck and
              the rest of the cast are a bunch of boring no name "actor" persons I could give two shits
              about. I still fail to see the appeal of Vin Diesel. He's fucking terrible and looks like someone
              inflated Verne Troyer and put him on a diet of gravel and steroids for 6 months.

              Kill Chain
              Middling but okay-ish hitmen holed up in a rinky dink hotel tosh. Nic Cage is the biggest
              name here and my sole reason for even checking it out. Sadly he does no trolling. Still I was
              entertained for its duration so worth a watch at least.

              Oh, not on Cauliflower! Oh, not on Broccoli!


              • Originally posted by Nabonga View Post
                Another comic book movie. Yay! :-/ Vin Diesel stays failing outside of the FF universe.
                Incredibly "meh!" on all fronts. The always solid Guy Pearce slums for a paycheck and
                the rest of the cast are a bunch of boring no name "actor" persons I could give two shits
                about. I still fail to see the appeal of Vin Diesel. He's fucking terrible and looks like someone
                inflated Verne Troyer and put him on a diet of gravel and steroids for 6 months.

                Kill Chain
                Middling but okay-ish hitmen holed up in a rinky dink hotel tosh. Nic Cage is the biggest
                name here and my sole reason for even checking it out. Sadly he does no trolling. Still I was
                entertained for its duration so worth a watch at least.
                Is Bloodshot on any streaming service? I wanted to see it but thought it was suppose to hit theaters recently.


                • Originally posted by Newt Cox View Post
                  Is Bloodshot on any streaming service? I wanted to see it but thought it was suppose to hit theaters recently.
                  Youtube and Amazon are your best bet.
                  "Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"

                  Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.


                  • It leaked in certain places. :-)

                    Operation White Shark
                    Poverty row eurospy shenanigans. To be honest, I was waaay too tired when I was watching this
                    so I might've dozed off a couple of times. Anyway, it stars some guy named Rod Dana I've never
                    heard of. The only reason I watched this was because Janine Reynaud is in it and I love her to bits.
                    Sadly, not even she can save this boring drek. The plot (what I grasped of it, since I was barely awake
                    at times) had something to do with a nuclear device that could end all life. The Dana dude was tasked
                    to stop the evil organization from doing evil things with it. That's about it. Lame actiony eurospy stuff
                    ensues. I think the copy I watched was some beat up old VHS rip because it looked atrocious and sounded
                    like you were under water listening the whole time.

                    The Wizard
                    While the NES was all the rage growing up I never managed to see this as a kid. Kid me would've thought it
                    was the best movie ever. Almost 38 year old me thinks it's a slice of heartwarming nostalgia. I spent countless
                    hours playing all the games featured and while I was never a wiz at gaming I knew kids who were and they did
                    enjoy a certain status from it. This film is one giant video game commercial but the film around it works surprisingly
                    well. Very fun film I'll definitely pick up somewhere down the line.

                    Holy hell, this was a pleasant surprise! I enjoyed this way more than I expected to. Atmosphere is on point, the
                    creatures are creepy and the film is refreshingly devoid of forced agenda pushing if you disregard some of the dialogue
                    about mans affect on nature (which I don't necessarily disagree with in this case). This is about people stuck in a shit
                    situation and trying to solve it through teamwork. I like K-Stew. Always have. Sure, she's not the best actress in the world
                    but she's very watchable and does good here. This movie was shelved for three years and I don't understand why. I've seen
                    infinitely worse in my day.

                    A pretentious anti-family screed. Hollow and boring. Imogen Poots cute as fuck doe.
                    Senior Member
                    Last edited by Nabonga; 03-30-2020, 05:59 AM.

                    Oh, not on Cauliflower! Oh, not on Broccoli!


                    • The Lady Of Burlesque (1943). Barbara Stanwyk starring in a murder mystery in a burlesque house based on a book called The G-String Mruders ("I can think of two things wrong with that title") by Gypsy Rose Lee. How can you go wrong? Well not much goes right. There's not a lot of mystery but there sure is a lot of brassy dames shrieking at each other, some terrible comedy routines and the censorship of the day ensures no g-strings. Censorship though doesn't excuse the lack of murders. It felt like about an hour before the first one. I sat around for another ten minutes or so hoping that that was the one that set the dominos falling but nope. Just more shouting. Kind of interesting to see the scale of a burlesque show back in those days assuming the crowd shots are at an actual grindhouse.
                      "Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.


                      • Tobe Hooper's Eaten Alive. I watched it on Youtube (yeah, I know) and I didn't realize that I accidentally had another movie play in the background with lower volume as I was watching Eaten Alive. That was Necromentia (2009) which just added to the bizarre soundtrack for Hooper's film.

                        It's no Texas Chainsaw but it's pretty interesting slice of down south mayhem. It's a movie I'd like to see a remake of TBQH. And no one mention Jim Van Bebber's ill-fated Gator Green.

                        Hooper needed to do more psychotic southerner movies. There's only the two Chainsaw films, Eaten Alive and The Funhouse.
                        "Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"

                        Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.


                        • Charlton Heston is bored, horny and heavily armed as The Omega Man! I'd somehow never seen this before, probably because I read the book as a kid and this seemed like a pretty rough take.

                          Humanity has been wiped out by a virus, except for Charlton Heston who is immune. His immunity means his blood is a serum to cure the sickness. Are the guys working on the Covid examining this line to victory? I don't know... hopefully they've seen the film.

                          Anyway, surprisingly decent post apocalyptic thrills 70s style until other humans turn up challenging Heston's "Omega-ness". Then it gets very silly indeed before ending in some Christ symbolism that was unearned and a bit strange but I'm guessing Heston would have been a big Jesus guy.

                          I also find the sight of Heston running around blazing away indiscrimanately with automatic weapons a bit disquieting but maybe that's just me. As Covid viewing I give it a solid 7 out of 10.
                          "Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.


                          • Originally posted by Dom D View Post
                            Charlton Heston is bored, horny and heavily armed as The Omega Man! I'd somehow never seen this before, probably because I read the book as a kid and this seemed like a pretty rough take.

                            Humanity has been wiped out by a virus, except for Charlton Heston who is immune. His immunity means his blood is a serum to cure the sickness. Are the guys working on the Covid examining this line to victory? I don't know... hopefully they've seen the film.

                            Anyway, surprisingly decent post apocalyptic thrills 70s style until other humans turn up challenging Heston's "Omega-ness". Then it gets very silly indeed before ending in some Christ symbolism that was unearned and a bit strange but I'm guessing Heston would have been a big Jesus guy.

                            I also find the sight of Heston running around blazing away indiscrimanately with automatic weapons a bit disquieting but maybe that's just me. As Covid viewing I give it a solid 7 out of 10.
                            A movie with a similar vibe from around the same time is the Yul Brynner film, THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR (1975). Worth checking out, IMO if you like Yul and are looking for more '70s post apocalyptic trappings.
                            "When I die, I hope to go to Accra"


                            • Originally posted by Scott View Post
                              A movie with a similar vibe from around the same time is the Yul Brynner film, THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR (1975). Worth checking out, IMO if you like Yul and are looking for more '70s post apocalyptic trappings.
                              I do like Yul! Cheers I'll hunt it down.
                              "Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.


                              • Die Hard 1-3
                                I'd forgotten how fucking solid this franchise was up until
                                4.0. Imo part 2 is better than part 1. All three are immensely
                                entertaining though. Bruce at his movie star best (too bad he's
                                a massive prick irl by all accounts).

                                Taken 1-3
                                While consistently entertaining progressively worse as the series went on.
                                Part 1 is amazing and perfect. Whips by at a breakneck pace. Brutal and
                                engaging. Part 2 is very decent and part 3 good enough. It had no business
                                being close to two hours though. 90 minutes is just right for this sort of thing.

                                Con Air
                                Only saw this one once previously when it came out on VHS back in the day.
                                I didn't care for it much at the time but revisiting it it's great schlocky fun. I
                                kinda love it now. Nic Cage in a tank top and the worst haircut ever kicking
                                ass. How could you not love that.

                                Close Range
                                I like Isaac Florentine. Solid b movie dude. I'm still torn on Scott Adkins though.
                                Amazing fight scenes, ho hum shootouts and terrible Morricone wannabe music.
                                It was a very entertaining piece of mayhem. It's definitely got high replay value.

                                Run All Night
                                This was a very nice surprise. Loved every second of this action thriller. Liam Neeson
                                is once again solid as hell. Joel Kinnaman (he's a cocky douche irl, according to a friend
                                who worked with him when he was still slumming in Swedish crap cinema) does good as
                                his son and Ed Harris provides suitable menace.

                                One of Dolph's most solid acting/directing gigs. Ludicrously retitled The Killing Machine (a
                                title he apparently despises) and recut into what we have now. The producers only gave
                                Dolph 17 days to get it in the can. The result is pretty good however and miles above the
                                recent dog shit he's appeared in. The action is competent and the violence hilariously brutal
                                at times. I wish somebody would give him a big budget directing gig to focus on. I think he'd
                                do an excellent job.

                                What a great film. The sequel is better but this is still a fantastic little pulse pounder. Compared
                                to where the series later went it's fucking tragic what it became. I refuse to acknowledge anything
                                past T1 & T2. I miss Michael Biehn being in stuff. Such an underrated guy.
                                Senior Member
                                Last edited by Nabonga; 04-04-2020, 08:19 PM.

                                Oh, not on Cauliflower! Oh, not on Broccoli!

