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  • WEIRD SCIENCE had me laughing hysterically from beginning to end. So stupid but oh so funny.


    • A LIFE LESS ORDINARY - I remember not liking this when it was new, but I wanted to give it another chance because I think Danny Boyle has a pretty extraordinary track record. This has to be his worst film. I found it to be unbearably annoying. Holly Hunter gives perhaps the worst performance of her career.
      Why would anybody watch a scum show like Videodrome? Why did you watch it, Max?


      • Tone-Deaf
        Well produced current year male bashing propaganda. Every man is stupid,
        impotent, weak & suicidal, a serial killer or a bumbling lame pathetic ineffectual
        duck. It's the lets kill the "stuffy" old maga-type white guy routine wrapped up
        in an obnoxious little hipster package. The bad guy skulks around with an old
        tomahawk only so the leading lady can go "Like, oh my god! That's like textbook
        cultural appropriation, like REEEEEEEEEEE!!!" That kind of thing. It's all very tiresome
        and predictable. And of course Robert Patrick's characters estranged son turns out to
        be gay. Oh well, at least the title of the film is apt. Also, and the leading lady we're
        supposed to root for is a totally despicable vile cunt piece of shit. We're supposed to
        like this utter bitch on wheels? I regret wasting bandwith to download this garbage.
        I know T-1000 gotta eat but shame on you Robert.
        Senior Member
        Last edited by Nabonga; 09-16-2019, 01:16 PM.

        Oh, not on Cauliflower! Oh, not on Broccoli!


        • I liked TONE-DEAF.
          Why would anybody watch a scum show like Videodrome? Why did you watch it, Max?


          • Cut-Throats Nine (Spain/Italy, 1972) [VoD] - 4/5
            Nihilist survival western with a sergeant and his daughter left alone with 7 chained killers in the middle of snowy mountains after they've been attacked by robbers. Brutal, unique and captivating if not quite masterclass in execution, unmistakably 70s. A grindhouse cousin to Il grande silenzio.

            Silent Night, Deadly Night (USA, 1984) [DVD] - 3/5
            A ridiculous Christmas trauma overkill followed by a much better second half with some inventive Christmas kills. The reindeer bit is easily the highlight. If you ever wanted to go postal after watching a slasher, this film is probably the best inspiration. "Naughty! Punish!"

            Blade Runner: Final Cut (USA, 1982/2007) [IMAX / Digital] - 5/5
            Finally Blade Runner on the big screen! A 35mm projection of the director's cut is a life goal that I may never achieve, so this digital IMAX served as an acceptable compromise for now. One of the 10 best films ever made!


            • Rewatched The Long Goodbye on TCM tonight. Love it still.


              • Originally posted by Randy G View Post
                Rewatched The Long Goodbye on TCM tonight. Love it still.
                Such a great movie. I love Sterling Hayden's performance: "BALLS, BABY, BALLS!!"
                Why would anybody watch a scum show like Videodrome? Why did you watch it, Max?


                • Agree, one of my all-time favorites.


                  • Originally posted by Matt H. View Post
                    Such a great movie. I love Sterling Hayden's performance: "BALLS, BABY, BALLS!!"
                    He is terrific in it. I was surprised to read that the ending is a change to the novel as I can't imagine how else it could end. 'It's okay with me.'


                    • Death by Invitation on TCM. Man this is a real weirdo gem.


                      • "Vampyr" (1932)

                        I bet Ken Kish isn't showing this this weekend in any format. I am not going to Cinema Wasteland {expenses}, but I still think of you.
                        The Univ. of Chicago [DOC Films] is showing this on Thursday night.
                        ** Thursday 10/3 at 9:30 PM
                        Carl Theodor Dreyer, 1932
                        An early example of the power of atmosphere in horror movies, Carl Theodore Dreyer's "Vampyr" follows Allan Gray, a young man whose obsession with the occult leads him to the small village Courtempierre. Strange visions follow him as he explores the village, leading the audience to wonder what is real and what is an illusion. Striking visuals and an eerie soundtrack lend a hauntingly impressionistic power to this surrealist masterpiece.
                        runtime: 75m format: 35mm


                        • Originally posted by Randy G View Post
                          He is terrific in it. I was surprised to read that the ending is a change to the novel as I can't imagine how else it could end. 'It's okay with me.'
                          It's a great book. Easily Chandlers best. I like the ending either way.
                          "Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.


                          • Joker (USA, 2019) [DCP] - 3/5
                            Scorsese by Phillips, for incels. Socially relevant, but too slick to have grit, too superficial to be genuinely challenging.

                            If my assessment offends you, you take this one instead:

                            Joker (USA, 2019) [DCP] - 3/5
                            Scorsese by Phillips, for super hero audiences. Socially relevant, but too slick to have grit, too superficial to be genuinely challenging.

                            Senior Member
                            Last edited by Takuma; 10-04-2019, 11:16 AM.


                            • ^^ I've been ignoring superhero films for awhile now but that Joker trailer pulled me in. You're the second person I've seen call it "superficial and slick" so it looks like I'll pass. Thanks


                              • Autofocus. I'll never be able to see Hogans Heroes quite the same way again... This one surprised me because half of its a really good movie. The first half is a really nicely shot biopic about a shady sex addict with lots of (to me) interesting sidebars about early video tech. It totally gets lost along the way though. At some point they start shooting it like a horror movie and Badlamenti's score is swirling around creepily and uninterruptedly for about 20 minutes. Very strange stuff. Totally fails to work.

                                Oddly I didn't know Crane was murdered till watching this so that last scene caught me off guard.
                                "Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.

