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  • The Trip (1967) - Excellent movie and portrayal of wide eyed wonder of a 1st acid trip. Recommended.

    The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane (1976) - Another excellent offbeat oddity. A keeper.

    Black Widow (1987) - Cliched, stupid and overly melodramatic dated 1980's melodrama. I would avoid this. Instant sell pile.

    Doc (1971). Tries hard to be a good western but for me misses the spot. Not really bad just not really good. Tries to put an alternative spin on the gunfight at the OK corral. Faye Dunaway shines as Katie Elder but still goes on sell pile.


    • Last night was Tenebrae in Italian & right now, A Simple Plan, is on.


      • Since Happinet released their first batch of roman porno flicks on blu ray...I checked out a blu ray rip of Toshiharu Ikeda's SCENT OF A SPELL. Hopefully, Synapse picks up some of these titles for US release. :up:


        • Just finished watching A Black Veil For Lisa. Great pre-Bird With the Crystal Plumage giallo. I'm finding myself increasingly fascinated by these earlier films, as the template differs so much from the ruleset Argento introduced. These are much more noiry as well as Hitchcockian in execution. Not as visually extravagant, as violent or as sexual, but still rather elegant in their own way.


          • I watched the Dodo Cheng WIP movie, aptly called WOMAN PRISON earlier. Stars Bo Bo Fung who is the sister of the late martial arts villain, Fong Hak-on. In tribute to him, I watched one the few movies he directed which is the excellent 1988 HK heroic bloodshed actioner, EDGE OF DARKNESS. So basically a family affair.


            • I saw Cast Away for the first time. It was okay. Technically well shot but I didn't enjoy aspects of it particularly Wilson. Good Hollywood pablum but worthy of an Oscar? Nah.
              "Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"

              Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.


              • Dolemite
                Vinegar Syndrome's release dropped into my mailbox earlier this week and wow was it worth the wait. Excellent release with flawless PQ and interesting extra features. Very interesting commentary from Moore's biographer, though they should've refrained from including audio snippets (telephone recordings) from Moore and others as they are completely unintelligible. Just garbled noise (I have no clue what was said, except for Howard Jackson's comments as they are from a better source). At least subtitle those parts of the commentary and have that as an option in the menu. Besides that small gripe this is pretty much a perfect release. Very much recommended! Can't wait for Human Tornado to drop. I got that pre-ordered. Human Tornado is even more excellent of a film.
                Senior Member
                Last edited by Nabonga; 05-07-2016, 02:20 PM.

                Oh, not on Cauliflower! Oh, not on Broccoli!


                • This week's movies were Don't Answer the Phone (I'd love to upgrade to the bd), My Bloody Valentine (it's amazing how much was cut out!), & The Deadly Spawn.

                  Tonight, I'll check out The Revenant someone else rented.


                  • Li'l Quinquin (Bruno Dumont, 2014) ****/**** Had never seen a Dumont film before, but had read enough about his work to feel like I knew what was in store for me. I was wrong -- I wasn't expecting this.

                    Dumont's Li'i Quinquin was originally made for French television, as a 4 episode miniseries, about a series of gruesome murders that have taken place in a sleepy, coastal farming community in northwest France. It establishes its own non-pc take on a town full of quirky characters -- it riffs on Twin Peaks, Fargo, and compares favorably to the same year's True Detective, all while weaving a layer of social consciousness that seems to tie directly into the nefarious goings-on. I wasn't expecting the comedic touches, of which there are many, and none so grand as the extended funeral for the first victim that closes episode one, featuring an overly-enthusiastic church organist and a youthful giggling priest. Quinquin (Alane Delhaye) and his pals like to throw firecrackers at unsuspecting passers-by, and are seemingly normal kids coming of age. They can also be racist, homophobic troublemakers and spend much of the runtime vacillating between tough and tender. Institutionalized racism, endemic throughout Europe, may also be a factor in the murders, so it's not difficult to see that the youths haven't fallen far from that tree. Trying to tie all this together, but not making much headway, are Commandant Van der Weyden (Bernard Pruvost) and his gap-toothed assistant, Lieutenant Carpentier (Phillipe Jore), who likes to drive the police car like it was a stunt car. Pruvost is the real revelation here -- his Van der Weyden is plagued by a vast collection of facial tics and overall weird mannerisms. He's like Inspector Clouseau and his adversary, Dreyfus, combined in one neat package -- but with an iconic presence, like a Tati or Chaplin. Pruvost's work here is tremendous, and certainly award-worthy.

                    Just the fact that it's a comedy, tho a distinctly Dumont "comedy", should be enough to throw anyone off.

                    I like this quote from a review I found:

                    ...starts off like it might be France's answer to Twin Peaks, then begins to feel like Robert Bresson was asked to make True Detective with the cast of Freaks.
                    Kino-Lorber has put out a blu-ray that combines the episodes into a 206 minute runtime -- a shame they didn't offer the episodic narrative as an alternative option (I believe this is on Netflix streaming also, but I don't know if it's shown as one long movie or not). Still, I highly recommend this to any fan of quirky police procedurals, with the added bonus of having a European art-film sensibility.

                    Here's the NSFW trailer:


                    • Craving Desire (Sergio Martino, 1993) - Pretty sure I've sung this films praises here before but another viewing of it compelled me to do it yet again. Of all the erotic thrillers that followed in the wake of Fatal Attraction and Basic Instinct, this delicious helping of spaghetti flavored sleaze from maestro Martino stands head and shoulders above the rest. There are a variety of reasons for this, chief among them the excruciatingly hot Vittoria Belvedere killing it as the lead psycho cousin from hell. There's also the storyline which eschews the typical noirsh/crime plot a lot of these types of films employed in favor of centering the film around a toxic, taboo relationship, with Martino throwing incest and even a bit of cannibalism near the end of the film into his boiling pot of perverted pasta. No pretention to be found here. Everyone involved new the kind of film they were making and relishing in it.

                      The film also makes for a nice time capsule, screaming early 90's erotic thriller with the production design, fashions, giant cell phones and soundtrack, especially the soundtrack, all being 90's a fuck. Also, interesting bit of trivia for Italian genre fanatics, during a scene in a movie theatre the movie being shown is Umberto Lenzi's The House of Witchcraft (1989). This is slightly humorous because The House of Witchcraft was in fact a made-for-TV movie.


                      • I bought a bunch of Santo DVDs to share with a friend eventually, but so far have watched:
                        Santo En La Venganza De La Momia
                        Atacan las Brujas
                        El Santo contra la Invasií³n de los Marcianos


                        • I'm currently watching "Clay Pigeon" from 1971:

                          Last night, I watched "The Outfit" from 1973 & based on a Richard Stark book:

                          Both films were on Turner Classic Movies


                          • Raw Force
                            This is a glorious achievement in filmmaking. I haven't had this much fun with a
                            film in forever! The entire segment of the village people attacking the boat and the
                            ensuing mayhem had me cheering in the sofa. And the fight in the cabin, between the
                            rad karate dude and the nazi with the gasoline tank, around and on the nude tied up woman had
                            me squeeling with joy. Also who is/was that woman?!! She's hot as shit! Oh, and the fact that
                            there's cannibal monks, ninja zombies and a goofy looking nazi with a bazooka just completes the
                            picture perfectly. I LOVE this film.

                            Oh, not on Cauliflower! Oh, not on Broccoli!


                            • Another one for my next VS order then... These forums are expensive.


                              • I've been eyeing Raw Force & that review sealed the deal. I think I saw something about a VS sale Memorial Day weekend.

                                Right now, I'm watching Tommy Lee Jones in "The Hunted". It's kind of dumb but the locations & knife fighting plus Johnny Cash is good.

                                Last night, was "Intruder" bd. Silly, gory supermarket fun.

