Originally posted by The Silly Swede
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'You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow'
http://www.paul-a-j-lewis.com (my photography website)
'All explaining in movies can be thrown out, I think': Elmore Leonard
Originally posted by The Silly Swede View PostSpring Breakers. Nice Visuals and lots of almost naked women but material for maybe 40-50 mins spread out to 90.
Also not that much happens...lots of "voice over narration" (which I get tired of easily)...and just didnt seem to fulfill its potential of being a kick as movie...
FRANCO livens this up with his gangsta character...but in the end he seemed a bit tame for all his talk....
STrangely enough I enjoyed this one more than the original...
Maybe I was in a better mood this time...or maybe my expectations were lowered going in,,,,but I enjoyed it for the most part....Didnt really like the bad guy (annoying) but Leguizamo (SP???) was excellent....
Jim Carrey was pretty good too...and , although it didnt manage to sustain everything for the whole 100 mins..there was enough for me to feel I hadnt wasted my time...
Someone will do an AWESOME anti-superhero OR real-life superhero story and really nail it....I think lots of movies (like this and SUPER, HANCOCK etc) get PARTS of it right....but no one succeeded 100% yet...
THE SPIRITUAL BOXER - Dir. Liu Chia-Liang (1975)
Watched this again after many years. Stars the other Wang Yu, not Jimmy but the Shaw Brothers comedic one with cameos by SB stalwart bad asses Ti Lung & Chen Kuan Tai. Nothing special in terms of story or action and merely a precursor to the kung fu comedies that were to become big a few years down the road.
THE BRAVE AND THE EVIL - Dir. Jimmy Wang Yu (1971)
Love this flick & recently got the officially licensed DVD after watching it on bootleg for many years. Jimmy Wang Yu's second directorial effort is chock full of amazing swordplay choreography and all around kung fu mayhem & his character, "Iron Palm" is totally bad ass. The scenes involving the 'flaming ropes' used by the baddies to ensnare Jimmy were awesome! Co-star, Polly Shang Kwan Ling-feng's certainly doesn't take a back seat as her martial arts prowess is on full display as well. An 8.5 out of 10!
Another SB spy vehicle starring Lily Ho as a secret police agent going deep cover to infiltrate a criminal syndicate known as the Dark Angels. A lot of groovy 60s fashions, cool Q-type trick gadgets (purse gun, tranquilizer perfume and mini watch time bombs) & a bevy of beauties. Not much in the way of nudity or violence but there are occasional scenes of exposed skin (the curvaceous Fanny Fan providing the eye candy moments) & a hilarious scene involving a decapitation by hair dryer!
My latest rentals:
The Berberian Sound studio. Nice, Moody but a little to slow and I did not particularly like the ending. 3 out of 5 toasters.
The Lone Ranger. Funny but Meh. To long and to obvious but some nice gags, stunts and effects. Depp phoned in his role but was still ok. How the fuck this cost over 200 million US is a mystery though. Probably lots of Hookers and blow on set. 2 out of 5 toasters.
Phantom. Ed Harris, Lance Henriksen , William Fichtner and David Duchovny as soviet submariners in the Cold war trying to prevent or start World war 3. Quite nice B-Movie. Solid acting and nice believable plot. 3 out of 5 toasters."No presh from the Dresh!"
Behind the Candelabra Wow! Impressive shit. Michael Douglas is so insanely good in this return to form. 4 out of 5 toasters
The Bling Ring Good looking film with horrible soundmix. Repetitive and boring quite fast. Sofia Coppola is obviously a one trick pony. 2 out of 5 toasters"No presh from the Dresh!"
Rubber's Lover - Very weird cyberpunk horror/sci-fi surrealist hybrid. Makes for a great watch when you suffer from insomnia.
Originally posted by Richard--W View PostThen what's a "blinger" ?
A rare hybrid race on the brink of extinction, essentially, a black skinned ginger. Originally thought to have been extinct until one was recently spotted in the heart of Liverpool.
Whoa look at E, he's got pitch black skin and bright orange hair, dude's a blinger.
When you cannot determine whether a girl is blonde or ginger.
Rich: Yeah shes that blonde girl
Bish: I thought she was ginger?
Rich: Good call, shes a bit of both...she's blinger
One who blings in a fashionable sense.
"I got bling-bling," exclaimed Ernie the Blinger.