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The Terminator Movies

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    Ian Jane

  • Ian Jane
    Cover art for the upcoming US UHD release.

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Name:	458977087_1038814531539791_968072774116415532_n.jpg
Views:	79
Size:	82.4 KB
ID:	438625

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Name:	459089915_1038814554873122_7766067699731861450_n.jpg
Views:	47
Size:	265.6 KB
ID:	438626

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  • agent999
    Senior Member

  • agent999
    Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
    There's a listing up on a French website for a UHD release of the first movie, it would stand to reason that a domestic release is coming soon as well.
    Let me count the ways that Cameron can shit on this one... It's a sad state of affairs when Piranha 2 is probably the most authentic looking film of his in HD.

    Of course, I'll probably still buy it. I'm an idiot.

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  • Ian Jane

  • Ian Jane
    There's a listing up on a French website for a UHD release of the first movie, it would stand to reason that a domestic release is coming soon as well.

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  • Randy G
    Senior Member

  • Randy G
    Probably already said this but I much prefer T1 to the sentimental T2.

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  • Dom D
    Originally posted by Jason C View Post

    Which cut did you watch? I can't stand watching the Director's Cut anymore and find the Theatrical has far less that I have to look past to enjoy the film. Most of Furlong's dialogue/moments are cringy and Linda Hamilton is a bit to over-the-top at times, but I still find Arnold and the T-1000 to be a real treat in the film.
    We were watching the original. Not sure if I've seen the Directors Cut... the terminators are indeed great. Arnold's often made a bit too cute but the T1000 is one of the great movie villians. This was my first time watching a HD copy on a big TV. The effects don't always hold viewed that way but it's fascinating to see the tricks the effects team are pulling with very limited tools. They get really sophisticated results out of very clever use of extremely basic tools.

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  • Jason C
    Senior Member

  • Jason C
    Originally posted by Dom D View Post
    We progressed to number 2 tonight which I hadn't seen for a long time. My feeling is, this one has not aged as well as the first. The effects are better, the story grander but there's a lot that borders on unintentionally funny.

    "Now I know why you cry". "In an insane world it was the sanest choice". It's just a bit overwrought at times. Furlongs dialogue is often very uncool, a bit Pepsi Max! While Hamilton's is a bit too distraught. The 80s is the decade that Irony forgot and while tecnically T2 may be from the 90s, it's from 91 and the 80s is still there in force. I submit that time has not been entirely kind to this one.
    Which cut did you watch? I can't stand watching the Director's Cut anymore and find the Theatrical has far less that I have to look past to enjoy the film. Most of Furlong's dialogue/moments are cringy and Linda Hamilton is a bit to over-the-top at times, but I still find Arnold and the T-1000 to be a real treat in the film.

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  • Newt Cox
    Senior Member

  • Newt Cox
    I was about 16 when I first saw T2,after having seen the original a pile of times. Went twice the first month it was out ot see it. But over the years I just gotten where I don't like it. Really wish the series had ended with the first film.

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  • Mark Tolch
    Senior Member

  • Mark Tolch
    Originally posted by Matt H. View Post
    I saw T2 on the big screen at the perfect age: 11. Pretty much the greatest thing ever at the time. I remember saying to one of my brother's older, wiser friends, "That was better than the original" to which he replied, "The original is a cult classic." I never forgot it.
    I was just turned 16 when I saw it. Blew me away. As Dom said, though, some of it is so lame. In any case, T2 would have been the perfect end to the franchise, but of course, somebody had to fuck wit it

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  • Matt H.
    Senior Member

  • Matt H.
    I saw T2 on the big screen at the perfect age: 11. Pretty much the greatest thing ever at the time. I remember saying to one of my brother's older, wiser friends, "That was better than the original" to which he replied, "The original is a cult classic." I never forgot it.

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  • Dom D
    We progressed to number 2 tonight which I hadn't seen for a long time. My feeling is, this one has not aged as well as the first. The effects are better, the story grander but there's a lot that borders on unintentionally funny.

    "Now I know why you cry". "In an insane world it was the sanest choice". It's just a bit overwrought at times. Furlongs dialogue is often very uncool, a bit Pepsi Max! While Hamilton's is a bit too distraught. The 80s is the decade that Irony forgot and while tecnically T2 may be from the 90s, it's from 91 and the 80s is still there in force. I submit that time has not been entirely kind to this one.

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  • JoeS
    Senior Member

  • JoeS
    While T2 certainly has technical advances over the original, not to mention action beats, this is still the case where the first two films are a relative tie. And, with me, a Tie always goes to the original (see also LET THE RIGHT ONE IN "tying' LET ME IN

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  • Dom D
    I watched the first one with the girlfriend last night because she'd never seen it. It was enjoyed. Barely into it before she was saying "so this guy from the futures going to be the kids father right?" So the story was pulling no surprises. It's just a very well made movie though. What I'd forgotten was how much of a horror movie it is. The lame robot, dragging it's leg, seemingly moving at 2km an hour, somehow gaining on our leads through the final chase is straight out of Friday the13th or the like. The very elongated final action scene where the monster comes back not once, but twice is the first of its kind that I can think of and has to be as influential as anything.

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  • Toyboy
    like a hole in the head

  • Toyboy
    That's crazy - last night my wife and I were watching an episode of Beach Front Property Hunt and the couple on it had a son named Maxim and I said "...and their daughter, FHM."

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  • killer must kill again
    Senior Member

  • killer must kill again
    haven't seen any termintator movie after part 4. but I remember enjoying terminator 3 as a kid, haven't seen it since then.
    geez, kristanna loken what the fuck happened to her? I can still vividly picture her f̶a̶c̶e̶ boobs being on the cover of every monthly jerk-off mag back then...

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  • Mark Tolch
    Senior Member

  • Mark Tolch
    The movies had nowhere to go after T2 lol. They put so much in SFX into that one, there was no way they were going to top that feeling of seeing it for the first time, watching Robert Patrick's melty metal body get melty before it got body again.

    I didn't like 3 when I saw it, but warmed to it on a further visit.

    The rest of them, outside of the one where they blow Furlong away, can suck it. And that one, only the part where they blow Furlong away.

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