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The Terminator Movies

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    Paul L
    Scholar of Sleaze

  • Paul L
    Originally posted by Alex K. View Post
    Epic bump. I'm playing Terminator Resistance and it's a really good game.

    Highly recommended. It's a love letter to the original two movies.
    I downloaded this and started playing it a while back. I thought it was very good, though some of the gameplay was a little clunky. I need to get back to it and complete it.

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  • Alex K.
    Senior Member

  • Alex K.
    Epic bump. I'm playing Terminator Resistance and it's a really good game.

    Highly recommended. It's a love letter to the original two movies.

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  • Paul L
    Scholar of Sleaze

  • Paul L
    Originally posted by Mark Tolch View Post
    A revisit of Terminator 3 convinced me it wasn't as bad as I remember, but really, the only things great about the second film are the effects, and Robert Patrick's performance. Edward Furlong is fuckin terrible, the whole, "Hasta La Vista, Dickhead" scene was idiotic. Too bad that was the start of Arnie tryking to be humane in every single following performance.

    The first one is still a classic. Love it.
    Couldn't agree more about the relationship between the first film and T2, Mark. The first picture is a lean, mean thing - more horror movie than action. T2 was (imo) utterly unnecessary and pushed the series into the action realm, retrospectively affecting how viewers who came to the first film after the release of T2 saw the original TERMINATOR. There was so much potential for a sequel to THE TERMINATOR to go in a different direction - perhaps a more horror-focused picture using the original chameleon-like nature of the Terminator (as per the initial drafts of the script, up to the point that Henriksen was considered for the lead role).
    Originally posted by Alex K. View Post
    Salvation is almost underrated. At least it was different.
    TERMINATOR: SALVATION has its issues, and to be fair, they are massive; but I'll admit to liking it a heck of a lot more than the other sequels to THE TERMINATOR. There are some interesting ideas in that film (eg, the work camp).

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  • Mark Tolch
    Senior Member

  • Mark Tolch
    Originally posted by Alex K. View Post
    Salvation is almost underrated. At least it was different.
    I know I saw it, but like Genisys, I remember nothing about it.

    I also won't take a director who calls himself McG seriously.

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  • Alex K.
    Senior Member

  • Alex K.
    Salvation is almost underrated. At least it was different.

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  • Mark Tolch
    Senior Member

  • Mark Tolch
    Just watched this one since it showed up on Prime. I think I largely agree with most of what's been said. As a time-wasting action flick that has some involvement with The Terminator, it's...okay. The acting is horrible, though. Effects were okay, but yeah, make a list of each scene and try to tie it to an earlier Terminator flick, and you won't have much trouble.

    A revisit of Terminator 3 convinced me it wasn't as bad as I remember, but really, the only things great about the second film are the effects, and Robert Patrick's performance. Edward Furlong is fuckin terrible, the whole, "Hasta La Vista, Dickhead" scene was idiotic. Too bad that was the start of Arnie tryking to be humane in every single following performance.

    The first one is still a classic. Love it.

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  • Alex K.
    Senior Member

  • Alex K.
    I don't see how this is "the best of the bad sequels" it's the same exact movie as Terminator 2. There's not a shred of originality in this POS. Instead it bends a knee to the politically correct crowd in service of... Nothing.

    For fucks sake, they even rip off the ending of Terminator 3.

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  • Dom D
    As the Swede says, stale would be the word. Objectively it's comfortably the best of the series since the first two but, honestly, who can be bothered?

    I like the two new girls, the new Terminator is a scary beast again for the first time in a while and Linda Hamilton gets a paycheck (going by her performance, that's all she got out of it).

    It's a serious rehashing though. We've done all these scenes several times before by now and I miss the old days when the monster in a blockbuster would come back once after you kill him rather than 7 or 8 times. It just gets a bit relentless. I had to skip out on the last 20 minutes as something came up and I'm not sure I can be bothered going back for the rest. I feel it's already done the climatic action a few times in the last half hour and watching them do it another couple times for the last 20 minutes doesn't appeal hugely.

    Sounds like production wasn't a bed of roses. The director going on record recently to say he would never work with Cameron again. Linda saying she hopes the franchise is dead. The box office on this might finally do the trick for her.

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  • Alex K.
    Senior Member

  • Alex K.
    The Contrarian Swede strikes again!

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  • The Silly Swede
    Senior Member

  • The Silly Swede
    Since I never agree with Alex K on anything, I went and saw this. It was not quite as cruddy as he made it out to be. In fact, it was a helluva lot better then Salvation and Genisys.

    This said, this was not a good film by any means. It felt like a rehash of not only the old Terminator films, but of every modern blockbuster action in recent memory as well. It had extremely wooden acting from everyone, and the CGI was all over the place like embarrasing in moments and world class amazing in others.

    But what really does this film in is that it feels like such an example of studio filmmaking by commitee that all the things it has going for it feels wasted and accidental.

    Still, it was a step in the right direction as far as Terminator movies. But let us all hope this is the last step this franchise ever takes, as it feels staler then when they blew up the Death Star for the third time in Star Wars.....

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  • Newt Cox
    Senior Member

  • Newt Cox
    Originally posted by Darcy Parker View Post
    The biggest problem is that the whole point of the second movie is that nothing is inevitable, fate is not real, but for the sequels to be made, they had to ignore that the actions taken in the second movie had destroyed the seeds of the future events.

    Any further stories would have to piss all over what came before to even exist.
    The second film disregards the time travel rules they set up in the first film. Which is one of my many reasons why I have never cared for T2.

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  • Darcy Parker
    Senior Member

  • Darcy Parker
    Originally posted by Scott View Post
    It's such a great movie with a great score and a relentless pace. I love it to pieces. And agree about the future scenes.

    The second film takes everything we remember from the first movie and pokes fun at it. The rest of the sequels attempt to make sense out of something that isn't supposed to, similar to Star Wars and every other franchise that spawned from a single great film. All you have to do is watch the first TERMINATOR to see how much they get wrong with these endless crummy films. It's all about the tone and the atmosphere. It's a thriller and more of a horror film than a goofy action film. But they've been stuck in goofy action mode since part 2.

    For me at least.
    The biggest problem is that the whole point of the second movie is that nothing is inevitable, fate is not real, but for the sequels to be made, they had to ignore that the actions taken in the second movie had destroyed the seeds of the future events.

    Any further stories would have to piss all over what came before to even exist.

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  • Nabonga
    Senior Member

  • Nabonga
    Watched a cam yesterday. It's complete shit. As expected. Avoid.

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  • Alex K.
    Senior Member

  • Alex K.
    High five!

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  • Scott
    Intellectual Carrot

  • Scott
    Appreciate that.

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