Apparently the new FSK-18 rated version of EXTERMINATOR 2, released on 20th November in Germany, is the uncut 'R' rated version of the movie (NB - not the more graphic workprint) - something that's been quite hard to come by. I think this is the first official release of the film on DVD too, isn't it?

I've got an old bootleg copy of the Dutch VHS release, which I think is similarly uncut; I haven't seen the film in at least ten years, but it was a guilty pleasure of mine throughout the 1990s.
Has anyone seen this disc yet?

I've got an old bootleg copy of the Dutch VHS release, which I think is similarly uncut; I haven't seen the film in at least ten years, but it was a guilty pleasure of mine throughout the 1990s.
Has anyone seen this disc yet?