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Van Damme In... Six Bullets

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  • Van Damme In... Six Bullets

    Watched this last night and enjoyed it for what it is. The movie has elements of Taken in it. An MMA fighter and his wife travel to Eastern Europe for a match and their daughter is kidnapped by slave traffickers. Van Damme is a butcher, former mercenary, who used to be involved in saving kids from stuff like this but has retired - it probably goes without saying that his last mission went wrong. At any rate, he comes out of retirement and teams up with mom and dad to get their little girl back. Lots of people get shot.

    It's not a particularly smart film and it's got some sizable plot holes and runs about 20 minutes longer than it should, but the action scenes are solid despite some shaky cam and JCVD is pretty cool in it. Not a classic, but entertaining enough.
    Rock! Shock! Pop!

  • #2
    This is due out over here next week, Ian. I've got a copy on preorder and shall watch it when it arrives. Mind you, I've still got the last Lundgren DTV movie, STASH HOUSE, to watch.

    I need more free time... :D
    'You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow' (my photography website)
    'All explaining in movies can be thrown out, I think': Elmore Leonard


    • #3
      I bought Stash House a month ago or something like that, still haven't found time for it yet!
      Rock! Shock! Pop!


      • #4
        Like Ian I has recently bought Stash House and have yet to see it. This looks boss also. Alas, the swedish DVD labels have become crippled by the demize of movie rentals and are brining in fewer titles then ever before, and later then ever before to. So I shall have to pay or some such site a visit soon.
        "No presh from the Dresh!"


        • #5
          Swedish Joe, I think you would like this one very much. It's your kind of movie.
          Rock! Shock! Pop!


          • #6
            I'm halfway through this and really enjoying it. I have to go back to work, so will watch the rest later, but so far it's a strong film - considering Barbarash's previous DTV action movies. Then again, this one was written by the Law brothers, who also wrote HERO WANTED and THE HIT LIST - both of which are DTV flicks that I'd say are pretty much top of the pile - they've all got a strong noirish sensibility.

            SIX BULLETS is surprisingly long for a DTV action film, though, isn't it? It's nearly two hours in length.
            'You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow'

   (my photography website)
            'All explaining in movies can be thrown out, I think': Elmore Leonard


            • #7
              Originally posted by Paul L View Post
              SIX BULLETS is surprisingly long for a DTV action film, though, isn't it? It's nearly two hours in length.
              I think had they chopped 20 minutes or so out of it and tightened the pacing a bit it would have been a stronger picture. I won't spoil the end, but it gets goofy. Enjoyably goofy, with lots of ass kicking, but still kind of goofy.
              Rock! Shock! Pop!


              • #8
                I watched STASH HOUSE about a month ago and liked a lot more than I thought I would. It's a good 'un.
                I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons.


                • #9
                  Watched the last half of SIX BULLETS and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's probably not trendy to talk seriously of Van Damme's acting chops, but I reckon he's as good here as he was in UNTIL DEATH, which was the film that really opened my eyes to his ability as an actor - not just as an action film star. That 'lived in' quality that defines his increasingly craggy face brings a little depth to these kinds of roles too. In fact, he plays a similar role in both films, don't you agree - a self-doubting, almost noirish anti-hero.

                  The ghostly girls were a nice touch too, I thought.

                  I also watched STASH HOUSE last night and had a good time with it too. The young couple grated on me at first but I became more sympathetic to them as the film progressed. It was an interesting film, quite low-key - it reminded me a little of THE DESPERATE HOURS mixed with elements of the 'yuppie in peril' films popular at the turn of the 1990s (UNLAWFUL ENTRY, PACIFIC HEIGHTS). There's an interesting theme of surveillance too: I thought the use of CCTV-like footage worked nicely, puncturing the action sequences and offering a slightly dry, ironic comment on them.

                  Then again, I also enjoyed one of the other After Dark action pics that I've seen, the recent TRANSIT. (EDIT: DRAGON EYES was an After Dark production too, and I loved that one.)

                  It's interesting that we've go a Blu-ray release of SIX BULLETS over here (and in Germany, for that matter), but as far as I can tell it's only been released on DVD in the US. Is that correct? If so, I wonder why that is.
                  Paul L
                  Scholar of Sleaze
                  Last edited by Paul L; 10-04-2012, 07:28 AM.
                  'You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow'

         (my photography website)
                  'All explaining in movies can be thrown out, I think': Elmore Leonard


                  • #10
                    Yeah, it's DVD only in the US. No Blu-ray for us for whatever reason. I think JCVD has a bigger following in Europe than North America these days?

                    And trendy to talk about or not, Van Damme has been proving himself as a legitmate actor for a while now. I think it all started with In Hell - he was seriously very, very good in that and has since started to show strong dramatic range in most of his other pictures, even the lesser ones. It's interesting to watch his earlier stuff and compare it to the films he's been making now that he's hit middle age. There's a lot of growth and maturity evident in the stuff from the last ten years that was lacking in the flashier early stuff.
                    Rock! Shock! Pop!


                    • #11
                      JCVD is god in europe. At least compared to Seagal and Snipes.
                      "No presh from the Dresh!"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
                        Yeah, it's DVD only in the US. No Blu-ray for us for whatever reason. I think JCVD has a bigger following in Europe than North America these days?

                        And trendy to talk about or not, Van Damme has been proving himself as a legitmate actor for a while now. I think it all started with In Hell - he was seriously very, very good in that and has since started to show strong dramatic range in most of his other pictures, even the lesser ones. It's interesting to watch his earlier stuff and compare it to the films he's been making now that he's hit middle age. There's a lot of growth and maturity evident in the stuff from the last ten years that was lacking in the flashier early stuff.
                        I forgot about IN HELL. Good call on that one, Ian. Another recent film I enjoyed immensely was REPLICANT - sorta reminiscent of DOUBLE TEAM but with a little more pathos and a nice foil for Van Damme in the form of Michael Rooker.

                        On a related note, when's that CYBORG Blu-ray out in the US, or has it already come out?
                        'You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow'

               (my photography website)
                        'All explaining in movies can be thrown out, I think': Elmore Leonard


                        • #13
                          I think it came out Tuesday along with Death Warrant, didn't see either of them in Best Buy yesterday though (no shock there). Will probably get them with my next Amazon order.
                          Rock! Shock! Pop!


                          • #14
                            REPLICANT seemed to be where the shift in tone to more serious and gritty films started, but I agree IN HELL is where I first noticed his acting getting really really good along with WAKE OF DEATH (my favorite) and UNTIL DEATH. Those three movies sold me on his acting. I still have to catch up with the rest of his more recent movies but I haven't heard much praise (besides JCVD and UNIVERSAL SOLDIERS: REGENERATION which are awesome). Are there any other stand-outs from his post 80's and 90's period? His collabos with Ringo Lam have all been amazing. When I think of John Woo's Hollywood films and how disappointing they were I think of how right Ringo Lam got it.

                            I heard Sly is doing a DEATH WISH remake but I secretly wish Van Damme was doing it instead. I guess with stuff like IN HELL and WAKE OF DEATH he kinda already has but still.

                            I absolutely cannot wait for the DOUBLE IMPACT sequel, probably my favorite of his 80's movies. Or at least tied with BLOODSPORT and KICKBOXER. Sigh, I feel a JCVD report card coming on ....
                            "When I die, I hope to go to Accra"


                            • #15
                              Yep, I'd love to see Van Damme in a DEATH WISH remake, or something similar too, Scott.

                              WAKE OF DEATH is out on Blu-ray in Germany. Sadly, it's heavily cut. However, it's said that an uncut Blu-ray release should be incoming from Splendid Entertainment at the end of November.

                              What happened to THE EAGLE PATH, btw? It was scheduled for release over here last December; I had it on preorder, but the release dropped off the face of the planet.

                              Of JCVD's post-2000 output, DRAGON EYES wasn't a starring role for Van Damme, but I thought it was a very good little film. Peter Weller plays the villain, which is about enough to sell any movie to me, to be honest. I liked THE SHEPHERD too. THE HARD CORPS, ASSASSINATION GAMES and SECOND IN COMMAND are, by objective standards, mediocre. DERAILED was, quite literally, a train wreck of a film, although I was surprised when Tomas Arana cropped up as the villain. I seem to recall Laura Elena Harring turning in a performance for DERAILED that was memorable for two reasons. That film is sort of a camp classic in our household - an even wackier, cheaper pastiche of UNDER SIEGE 2: DARK TERRITORY, which was already well on its way to being a camp classic.
                              Paul L
                              Scholar of Sleaze
                              Last edited by Paul L; 10-04-2012, 06:41 PM.
                              'You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow'

                     (my photography website)
                              'All explaining in movies can be thrown out, I think': Elmore Leonard

