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Paramount Releasing The Hunted

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  • Paramount Releasing The Hunted

    This is coming out 7/5/22.

    "From Academy Award winning director William Friedkin (THE EXORCIST) comes this gut-wrenching game of cat and mouse. FBI agent Abby Durrell (Connie Nielson) and her recruit, L.T. Bonham (Tommy Lee Jones) are on the hunt for trained assassin Aaron Hallam (Benicio Del Toro). Hallam’s made a sport out of shooting deer hunters in the forests outside Portland, Oregon. Now, spanning both natural and urban wildernesses, Bonham and Durrell must outwit their killer with precision in this incredibly suspenseful thriller."

    I remember when this being filmed in Portland back when I lived there, but I don't think I've ever actually seen it.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	278108963_1649868882022991_5254893048042007237_n.jpg
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ID:	390924
    Rock! Shock! Pop!

  • #2
    This is the first film that I ever watched on an airplane, and the first time I became aware that they censored them haha


    • #3
      I know I've seen it and I didn't think it was a complete disaster like many of Friedkin's films immediately before it, but can't remember jack shit about it, which tells me I should probably not purchase it unless really cheap.

      I'd like to see the director's cut of Jade which I think only came out on VHS just to see if he was fucked over or if it was one of his near inevitable disasters.

      And I really want to see Rampage again, I had the UK VHS and then the BBC showed a radically different cut of it.
      Senior Member
      Last edited by agent999; 04-11-2022, 01:38 PM.
      I'm bitter, I'm twisted, James Joyce is fucking my sister.


      • #4
        RAMPAGE would be a huge announcement. I wonder what the hold up is?

        I've seen THE HUNTED as well and all I really recall is that it's a perfectly serviceable action/thriller. Nothing special or distinct about it.
        Why would anybody watch a scum show like Videodrome? Why did you watch it, Max?

