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Dolph Lundgren & JCVD Back Together Again For Universal Soldier 4: Day Of Reckoning

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  • Dolph Lundgren & JCVD Back Together Again For Universal Soldier 4: Day Of Reckoning


    "Sgt. Scott is the spiritual leader of a new order of government-manipulated soldiers who now are back in control of their minds and heading for world domination."

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    Magnet have got the rights for it and are planning a November 30th 2012 release. John Hyams is directing.

    This looks intense! I actually really liked the last one so this is welcome news.

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    Rock! Shock! Pop!

  • #2
    I loved the last one too (although Dolph was not in it enough!!)

    Bring it on !!!


    • #3
      Is Jean-Claude a zombie in this one? Seems extremely boss anyhow.
      "No presh from the Dresh!"


      • #4
        I dunno. He's definitely looking pretty messed up though. I'm curious to see where they take this.

        Dolph is on a role these days.
        Rock! Shock! Pop!


        • #5

          Ummm.... AWESOME!
          Rock! Shock! Pop!


          • #6
            This looks better then tits! And it stars three of my favourite action stars as well!
            "No presh from the Dresh!"


            • #7
              And how nuts does JCVD look with a shaved head? He looks extra crazy in this. And Dolph with his raccoon face warrior paint thing? It looks like they're really going into some strange territory with this one.
              Rock! Shock! Pop!


              • #8
                I just caught up with REGENERATION, that movie kicks ass! I dug the whole tone and the synth score.

                I can't wait for this sequel!
                "When I die, I hope to go to Accra"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ian Jane View Post
                  And how nuts does JCVD look with a shaved head? He looks extra crazy in this. And Dolph with his raccoon face warrior paint thing? It looks like they're really going into some strange territory with this one.
                  ...and I say BRING IT ON! :)


                  • #10
                    Just watch the trailer (the one here doesn't work but it is always on Youtube) and the movie looks fricking awesome... in fact it does enough to make me order the first three on blu-ray wich I will do next month :up:

                    Never seen the last two, but I like the first one so they can't be that bad...


                    • #11
                      Did you guys ever see the Coors ads JCVD did for the UK, shit's hilarious.

                      "When I die, I hope to go to Accra"


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          JCVD is the man.

                          Magnet released the poster art for this today.

                          Click image for larger version

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                          Rock! Shock! Pop!


                          • #14
                            That commercial worked. I will drink a Coors Light next time I am out and about, and even though I will hate it as it is bland shit, I will remember this Van Damme moment and enjoy!
                            "No presh from the Dresh!"


                            • #15
                              Man, I can't stop watching those Coors ads.

                              I guess Seagal doesn't think much of Van Damme ....

                              Van Damme impersonates Stallone, Arnold, Seagal and himself ....

                              On Letterman promoting Street Fighter, Dave does a skit at the end that's pretty funny ....
                              "When I die, I hope to go to Accra"

