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Snake Eyes

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  • Snake Eyes

    I had no idea this movie was being made and then for some reason YouTube decided I should watch the trailer.

    I haven't seen any of the modern G.I. Joe movies but this one.... maybe. Snake Eyes was my favorite Joe as a kid and I do like ninjas.

    Rock! Shock! Pop!

  • #2
    I'd watch that.
    G.I. JOE: THE RISE OF THE COBRA is a totally ridiculous
    guilty pleasure. Not as ninja-centric, though.
    paul h.
    woly boly
    Last edited by paul h.; 05-17-2021, 10:02 PM.


    • #3
      I came in expecting a thread about the De Palma film

      I remember the Snake Eyes figure from my childhood. (Those GI Joe toys were released as 'Action Force' over here, as I recall.) Ninja toys were the bestest.
      'You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow' (my photography website)
      'All explaining in movies can be thrown out, I think': Elmore Leonard


      • #4
        I was checking the cast listing's to see how high on the billing Andrew Koji was and noticed there's no one called Joe. Seems odd.
        "Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.


        • #5
          I gave it a watch because of the cast. You've got Warrior himself Andrew Koji in the second lead. Third and forth billed are Ursula Corbero (or Tokyo as she's known in the house) and Samara Weaving who is unquestionably the coolest of the near identical young Aussie blonde actresses confusing everyone in Hollywood right now. Feel a bit jipped. Lots of Koji, which is welcome, but despite their billing Corbero and Weaving only turn up for the briefest of cameos. Setting them up for future movies I suppose though I also suppose those future movies aren't coming now because this wasn't great.

          They needed to give more thought to the combat in this film. Lots of problems. For instance in the first scene Snake Eyes is getting himself absolutely hammered in a cage fight. He gets a flying knee to the neck from a 250 pound dude who then proceeds to pummel him about the head mercilessly.. The big dude leaves off on the carnage for a moment to go grab a hammer to smash our boys skull in and all of a sudden Snake comes alive and starts leaping about the cage like a fucking gymnast and destroys the big fella. Now, I've seen a few televised fights in my time and never once have I seen a fighter start to do his best work after getting his windpipe crushed and his face smashed in. It removes all reality from any combat when you know that any damage inflicted can be shrugged in the next shot.

          Then shortly after Snake and Koji face off unarmed against about 60 samurai sword wielding yakuza. They make short work of them yakuza. Fine but that means you have to keep upping the stakes. Next time they better be facing 120 samurai. Instead in the climax they have to face off against 20 which Snake calls "heavy odds". No its not. We've already seen you kill more than twice this many Snake! No worries.

          Argh! Amateur hour.

          The movie might more sense if you know something about Joe I suppose.
          "Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.

