Starring Chris Hemsworth as the Hulkster. I loved Hogan as a kid, but I was an even bigger fan of the Undertaker for obvious reasons, but Hogan is one of the biggest scumbags in the business so I somehow doubt this will be an accurate bio pic but it's directed by Todd Philips who I like a lot so who knows? I get the feeling it'll pussy out and end just as Hulkamania fades out in the early/mid 90's. Which still gives it a chance to cover the steroid scandal and Hogan back stabbing Jesse Ventura and stopping the creation of a wrestler's union.
Starring Chris Hemsworth as the Hulkster. I loved Hogan as a kid, but I was an even bigger fan of the Undertaker for obvious reasons, but Hogan is one of the biggest scumbags in the business so I somehow doubt this will be an accurate bio pic but it's directed by Todd Philips who I like a lot so who knows? I get the feeling it'll pussy out and end just as Hulkamania fades out in the early/mid 90's. Which still gives it a chance to cover the steroid scandal and Hogan back stabbing Jesse Ventura and stopping the creation of a wrestler's union.