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  • #16
    Japanese poster for this is pretty bad ass.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	DZS1-twXUAASs3t.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	48.4 KB
ID:	354293
    Rock! Shock! Pop!


    • #17
      I actually watched this. No really, I did. I think its aimed at those people who enjoy Fast and The Furious movies but ultimately find them a bit too cerebral. You know, sometimes you want to just be able to sit down, watch a movie and not have to do all that thinking the heavy plotting of FATF demands.

      Possibly the dumbest thing I've ever watched and I was still not entertained. I was super pissed at the end when the conclusion gets dragged out for an extra 5 minutes so it can do a sad King Kong ending and then to turn it around instantly and have a happy ending as well. The most shameless cheat I've witnessed in a while.

      I actually had this game on Atari and was always baffled by it. I'm not sure if it was broken but you couldn't get killed. Could never work out what the point was. On that front it's a pretty accurate adaption.

      But hey! Just reading through the thread and I see I predicted Jumanji being a hit. I'm damn sure that's the first correct box office prediction I've made on this forum. I think we can all agree that erases all those previous calls I made and puts me back in the black. Excuse me while I peacock.
      "Never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right." Hyman Mandell.


      • #18
        I kinda want to see it just based on the Japanese poster art I posted above. That said, I probably won't. Your review makes it sound exactly like I expected it to be. I don't mind dumb movies, as long as they're fun and hold my attention. If has a problem doing that, what's the point?
        Rock! Shock! Pop!


        • #19
          I actually saw this as well.

          I was surprised how un-sucky it was in the first third, but then it gradually got shittier and shittier, and the last 45 minutes or so were absolutely unbearable.

          CGI shlockfest galore!
          "No presh from the Dresh!"

