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Your 2016 Film Stats

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  • Your 2016 Film Stats

    I saw 272 films in 2016

    - Subscribed to Toei Channel
    - Saw a number of super-rare films in 35mm
    - Saw 47 Sonny Chiba films (all time total is now around 125)

    - Noburo Tanaka Retrospective (Cinema Vera)
    - Kenji Misumi Retrospective (National Film Center)
    - Tai Kato Retrospective (Shin Bungeiza & National Film Center)
    - Shin Bungeiza All Night Screening (twice)
    - Yubari Fanta 2016

    Screwed up
    - Brought the number of times I've missed the super rare Toei sex doc Sapporo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Ogoto, Hakata: Toruko wataridori (1975) to three:
    1) Stayed too late in another theatre, missed the screening (2014)
    2) Had to delay my flight, missed the screening (2016)
    3) Three days later: got sick, and to leave Tokyo just before the second screening (2016)

    Fun Story
    - In February, my late evening flight got cancelled due to bad weather and I was left in Tokyo without accommodation. I spent the night watching clown themed movies in a movie theatre until 4:30 am while waiting for the first airport train.

    Favourite Discoveries
    - Red Angel (1966)
    - A Narcotics Agent's Ballad (1972)
    - Minato no Yoko, Yohohama, Yokosuka (1975)
    - Shitakari Hanjirí´: (Maruhi) kannon o sagase (1975)
    - Girl's Pleasure: Man Hunting (1977)
    - Flower & Snake: Zero (2014)

    The Worst Films I saw
    - Nihon no sex jyudan: Higashi nihon hen (1971)
    - Amorous Family: Like a Fox and a Racoon (1972)
    - Entrails of a Virgin (1986)
    - Spriggan (1998)
    - Sweet Whip (2013)

  • #2
    What website or program do you use for these stats, Takuma?


    • #3
      Originally posted by enandalusiskhund View Post
      What website or program do you use for these stats, Takuma?
      Excel. Simple and convenient. I've considered some websites, but they always have the same problem: many of the rare Japanese films I see are not in the database. Excel allows me to keep track of everything I see, and include the info I want (release year, country, rating, viewing format). That info is also easy to turn into stats/graphs.

      The asterisk (*) means the title is not in IMDb.

      I do use IMDb as well because it features some cool sorting parameters. But every year I see a couple of dozen films that are missing (I do sometimes add missing titles to IMDb, but it's frankly a pain in the ass).

      I've been keeping this list since 2009.
      Senior Member
      Last edited by Takuma; 01-01-2017, 11:04 AM.


      • #4
        My total for the year is 581 movie titles or season's of TV.
        I count 1 season as 1 in my year total.
        Last year total was 507.

        My most watched Country is USA followed by Hong Kong.

        Been keeping track since 1996.


        • #5
          471 this year....I also count a TV season as 1 entry. I don't think I'm going to keep track this year. I feel bad spending so much time in front of the TV


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mark Tolch View Post
            471 this year....I also count a TV season as 1 entry. I don't think I'm going to keep track this year. I feel bad spending so much time in front of the TV
            I've vowed to concentrate more on my music production this year and spend less time watching films. 2016 was a weird year for me because I was not working much for a 4 month period during Jan '16 to March '16. I spent those 4 months hibernating, not leaving the house much, watching tons of films and reading pretty much a book every 2 days.
            This year I will be working more and trying to do more the things I used to do, like seeing friends and recording with interesting artists, making music videos and albums. Plus I will be working more hours at work and need to delegate time to things or else it will be another unproductive year for me.

            But dammit I love films, so it's going to be hard.


            • #7
              I only saw 153 films in 2016, so I'm in the opposite camp wanting to have time to watch more films. I've started a project, sort of a New Years resolution, to see at least 365 films this coming year. I'm using my Instagram account to chronicle this, if anybody wants to add me my username is "enandalusiskhund".


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mark C. View Post
                I've vowed to concentrate more on my music production this year and spend less time watching films. 2016 was a weird year for me because I was not working much for a 4 month period during Jan '16 to March '16. I spent those 4 months hibernating, not leaving the house much, watching tons of films and reading pretty much a book every 2 days.
                This year I will be working more and trying to do more the things I used to do, like seeing friends and recording with interesting artists, making music videos and albums. Plus I will be working more hours at work and need to delegate time to things or else it will be another unproductive year for me.

                But dammit I love films, so it's going to be hard.
                I've been slowly adding to an amateur basement home studio, but have done next to nothing with it. I'm definitely going to do more productive stuff this year....probably.


                • #9
                  I've been keeping track for years but could only find a few of the lists. The first number denotes the total amount of films (or tv seasons) watched. The second number is either a first time viewing or the first in 20 years.

                  2012: 737/223

                  2013: 673/164

                  2014: 548/204

                  2015: 574/172

                  2016: 381/155

                  And yes, I do have that kind of time on my hands.
                  "The popcorn you're eating has been pissed in. Film at 11".


                  • #10
                    2016: 221 films (194 first time viewings)

                    My film viewing was cut nearly in half this year. Down from 417 in 2015. I bought a new house in April. Numerous home improvement projects and working on professional certifications ate up most of my free time. My children are getting more of my attention as well.

                    Favorite First watches:
                    Mulholland Drive (2001)
                    The Raid 2 (2014)
                    One Deadly Summer (1983)
                    Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion (1972)
                    Re-Animator (1985)
                    Triangle (2009)
                    Lost Highway (1997)

                    Most hated first watch: The Pick-up Artist (1987)

                    Love the spreadsheet Takuma. I do something similar.


                    • #11
                      I don't keep a spreadsheet log, but maybe I should.

                      I reviewed roughly 540 releases this year, give or take - but I know we watched a lot more that wasn't written up, even if the bulk of it was.

                      I probably need to get outside more.
                      Rock! Shock! Pop!


                      • #12
                        I watched 832 films in 2016, not including director's commentary tracks (likely in the 100s). I didn't watch many TV series, but I know for sure that I watched all three seasons of "Monsters" as well as "Better Call Saul: Season 2", and both seasons of "Ash vs. Evil Dead" (I watched season 1 twice) and "True Detective: Season 2". I lost my job in January and have been living on a severance package that was generous as hell (I was with the company for 19 years). Instead of freaking out and wondering what I should do next, I decided to spend the year doing the only thing I want to do: watch movies. I figured I'll probably never have an opportunity like this again until retirement, so I said "Fuck it!" and indulged like I've never indulged before. Best year ever.

                        Top 40 I watched for the first time in 2016 (in order of viewing):

                        01. Buzzard (2014)
                        02. Pride and Glory (2008)
                        03. Love Streams (1984)
                        04. Paper Moon (1973)
                        05. Savage Weekend (1979)
                        06. The Gong Show Movie (1980)
                        07. Dolemite (1975)
                        08. Green Room (2015)
                        09. Uncle John (2015)
                        10. Roar (1981)
                        11. Mikey and Nicky (1976)
                        12. Some Velvet Morning (2013)
                        13. The Last Dragon (1985)
                        14. The Star Chamber (1983)
                        15. 3 Women (1977)
                        16. Roadracers (1994)
                        17. The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover (1977)
                        18. Runaway (1984)
                        19. That Cold Day in the Park (1969)
                        20. The American Friend (1977)
                        21. Bobbie Jo and the Outlaw (1976)
                        22. The Outfit (1973)
                        23. The Human Tornado (1976)
                        24. The Belly of an Architect (1987)
                        25. The Conversation (1974)
                        26. A Rage in Harlem (1991)
                        27. Pickup on South Street (1953)
                        28. Five Corners (1987)
                        29. Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002)
                        30. Night of the Juggler (1980)
                        31. Days of Heaven (1978)
                        32. Red Sonja (1985)
                        33. Disco Godfather (1979)
                        34. The Party Animal (1984)
                        35. Petey Wheatstraw (1977)
                        36. Magic (1978)
                        37. Cash on Demand (1961)
                        38. The Snorkel (1958)
                        39. Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
                        40. Never Take Sweets from a Stranger (1960)

                        Here's 20 movies I watched for the first time in 2016 that I did not like at all (in order of viewing):

                        01. Der Samurai (2014)
                        02. Bloodsucking Pharaohs in Pittsburgh (1991)
                        03. Beyond Therapy (1987)
                        04. The Limits of Control (2009)
                        05. When Animals Dream (2014)
                        06. Back from Hell (1993)
                        07. Welcome to L.A. (1976)
                        08. Insignificance (1985)
                        09. The Dance of Reality (2013)
                        10. Quintet (1979)
                        11. Repossessed (1990)
                        12. Mannequin: On the Move (1991)
                        13. Timerider: The Adventure of Lyle Swann (1982)
                        14. Mickey One (1965)
                        15. 31 (2016)
                        16. The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T (1953)
                        17. Tetsuo: The Bullet Man (2009)
                        18. Lawn Dogs (1997)
                        19. It's Impossible to Learn to Plow by Reading Books (1988)
                        20. The Beverly Hillbillies (1993)
                        Matt H.
                        Senior Member
                        Last edited by Matt H.; 01-02-2017, 10:03 PM.
                        Why would anybody watch a scum show like Videodrome? Why did you watch it, Max?


                        • #13
                          That sounds like my dream, Matt!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by enandalusiskhund View Post
                            That sounds like my dream, Matt!
                            Dude, it was amazing.
                            Why would anybody watch a scum show like Videodrome? Why did you watch it, Max?


                            • #15

