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Star Wars: Rogue One

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  • #16
    I don't have a problem with the films being for kids, all three of the original films clearly were intended for kids.

    Not everything has to be 'dark' and stretched out of shape to appeal to adults who should just grow up a bit. This is what has killed superhero comics, material intended for 12 year olds is treated with misplaced earnestness that renders it even more silly. Alan Moore and Christopher Nolan have a lot to answer for.


    • #17
      Star Wars: Rogue One (USA, 2016) [DVP] - 2.5/5
      New Star Wars film is a standard sci-fi action, the kind of film you imagined when Disney announced they'd milk the franchise till the end of times. Pretty decent plot with some political undertones carries most of the film despite mediocre characters (Donnie Yen is a small stand out) and largely murky visuals, but the last 40 minutes is a let down: the kind of standard action/war climax we've seen countless times before, done without much style or originality. The film has a couple of fun jokes, though they sadly underestimate the audience by always adding an explanation after the punch line in case the audience didn't get it.


      • #18
        You know what? I kind of liked this one. It's so un-Star Wars without all the fucking forced funny moments and muppet shit and all that junk. And it was surprisingly dark. Everyone dies at the end like a fucking zombie movie. I like that.

        8 out of 10.
        "Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"

        Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.


        • #19
          Pretty good. Or at least all right. It felt kind of un-star wars. Excellent CGI and effects, but wtf was up with noone speaking without a thick accent? I was somewhat entertained, and it was worth a couple hours of my time.

          But as previouslky stated in this thread: Star Wars is the original 3 films, and all this rest is quite the cashgrab and pointless.
          "No presh from the Dresh!"


          • #20
            STAR WARS is ONLY the original 3 movies long as you are over about 35 years old...

            Younger than that you either dont care about Star Wars much...or you love the new few movies without Lucas....

            TAKUMA....bit harsh there on the movie calling it a standard sci~fi with not much style or originality..havent seen it yet..but I am guessing it will be better than most recent sci fi type pics....(maybe will eat my words after seeing it!!)
            Senior Member
            Last edited by sukebanboy; 12-30-2016, 11:18 AM.


            • #21
              Are you guys saying Return of the Jedi was good? If so, you are totally wrong.


              • #22
                Originally posted by sukebanboy View Post
                STAR WARS is ONLY the original 3 movies long as you are over about 35 years old...

                Younger than that you either dont care about Star Wars much...or you love the new few movies without Lucas....

                TAKUMA....bit harsh there on the movie calling it a standard sci~fi with not much style or originality..havent seen it yet..but I am guessing it will be better than most recent sci fi type pics....(maybe will eat my words after seeing it!!)
                I saw it yesterday and liked it a lot. I wanted to see more of Saw Gerrera, and it seems that the original cut featured more of his militant rhetoric and many of Whittaker's scenes were reshot. I liked the idea, in the original teaser, that Jyn had been radicalised by Saw and was reluctant to help the (dare I say 'prissy'?) Rebel Alliance. (Aside from anything else, that would have helped to cement the similarities between this picture and The Dirty Dozen, for example.) I gather the reshoots focused on problems with the film's climax and resolution, but in the final cut many scenes that introduced the various characters were also trimmed or eliminated. I'm hoping an alternate cut will work its way onto the Blu-ray/DVD release - or at the very least, some of those deleted scenes.

                It's The Dirty Dozen in space, with Death Troopers that, some say, are zombies (certainly, they don't communicate in any conventional way). I enjoyed it. It's not perfect but it's miles ahead of Lucas' wretched prequels and better than most of Hollywood's SF films.
                'You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow'

       (my photography website)
                'All explaining in movies can be thrown out, I think': Elmore Leonard


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Roderick View Post
                  Are you guys saying Return of the Jedi was good? If so, you are totally wrong.
                  It's my favourite of the three originals, bested only by the Holiday Special.

                  [Just kidding.]
                  'You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow'

         (my photography website)
                  'All explaining in movies can be thrown out, I think': Elmore Leonard


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Paul L View Post
                    I saw it yesterday and liked it a lot. I wanted to see more of Saw Gerrera, and it seems that the original cut featured more of his militant rhetoric and many of Whittaker's scenes were reshot. I liked the idea, in the original teaser, that Jyn had been radicalised by Saw and was reluctant to help the (dare I say 'prissy'?) Rebel Alliance. (Aside from anything else, that would have helped to cement the similarities between this picture and The Dirty Dozen, for example.) I gather the reshoots focused on problems with the film's climax and resolution, but in the final cut many scenes that introduced the various characters were also trimmed or eliminated. I'm hoping an alternate cut will work its way onto the Blu-ray/DVD release - or at the very least, some of those deleted scenes.

                    It's The Dirty Dozen in space, with Death Troopers that, some say, are zombies (certainly, they don't communicate in any conventional way). I enjoyed it. It's not perfect but it's miles ahead of Lucas' wretched prequels and better than most of Hollywood's SF films.
                    I forgot that there were reshoots on this. I was happy with the final product but would be interesting to see what was or wasn't included in the theatrical version.


                    • #25
                      For RETURN everything goes downhill after Jabba. I dug this though. Fun.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Randy G View Post
                        For RETURN everything goes downhill after Jabba. I dug this though. Fun.


                        • #27
                          It's decently made (and a bit grittier than the rest of the series). The acting, production design and SFX are all fine. But, my thoughts are summed up by my re-titling:

                          ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS FOOTNOTE

