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Ghostbusters Remake
Originally posted by The Silly Swede View PostI'd rather get kicked in the balls then see something like this.
This has been a lightning rod for SJW's for the last couple of months. Apparently if you have no interest in seeing this film that automatically makes you a manchild misogynist pig. According to the SJW's out there.
I have zero interest in this film. I'm not a fan of Melissa Mccarthy. And I'm not even that big of a Ghostbusters fan. I grew up with the movies and cartoon but when I revisited the 1st film I thought it was just okay. I don't really care about the "raping of my childhood" I don't care how many shitty reboots of 80's nostalgia are made by Michael Bay. But if the movie doesn't look good I'm not watching it."Ah! By god's balls what licentiousness!"
Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom.
Originally posted by Nabonga View PostFuck this fucking piece of shit abomination. Right in its ugly SJW ass.
I just wrote a thing on my tumblr about this. Ultimately, the studio is deep sixing this movie by letting all this get out of hand. I explain myself: to Costco, I love you.
First trailer looked shit, second trailer looks shit...
Love the original, hate the sequel, so I am not some rabid fanboy who thinks the franchise is sacred. I don't care about the penis:vagina ratio of the cast, I just want this to be good, and the trailers so far are fucking dire.I'm bitter, I'm twisted, James Joyce is fucking my sister.