Call me kooky if you must but sometimes I think that Lenzi's name is more well known than the majority of his actual films, at least by more casual fans. What I mean by that is sure, everyone probably knows Nightmare City (1980) and Cannibal Ferox (1981) but I also think that because of his most well known titles Lenzi tends to get boxed into a corner the same way Deodato does by people who only know Cannibal Holocaust (1980) and The House on The Edge of the Park (1980) and like Deodato, Lenzi is one of the most versatile Italian directors.
I think the series of thrillers Lenzi did in the late 60's-early 70's are some of the best to come from that period of Italian cinema, particularly the ones with Carroll Baker with Paranoia (1969) being the best I think. I'd also call films like Oasis of Fear (1971), Seven Bloodstained Orchids (1972) and Knife of Ice (1972) as certifiable classics. Spasmo (1974) has to be my favorite of all his films though. One of the most original giallos (if you can even call it that), its like a pre-Lynchian mindtrip.
Lately I've come to appreciate The House of Witchcraft (1989) and Black Demons (1991). The former is one of the two entries Lenzi did for the House of Doom series with Fulci and the later seems like a breath of fresh air considering the oversaturation of bland zombies in recent times.
I think the series of thrillers Lenzi did in the late 60's-early 70's are some of the best to come from that period of Italian cinema, particularly the ones with Carroll Baker with Paranoia (1969) being the best I think. I'd also call films like Oasis of Fear (1971), Seven Bloodstained Orchids (1972) and Knife of Ice (1972) as certifiable classics. Spasmo (1974) has to be my favorite of all his films though. One of the most original giallos (if you can even call it that), its like a pre-Lynchian mindtrip.
Lately I've come to appreciate The House of Witchcraft (1989) and Black Demons (1991). The former is one of the two entries Lenzi did for the House of Doom series with Fulci and the later seems like a breath of fresh air considering the oversaturation of bland zombies in recent times.