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Shameless Releasing Dellamorte Dellamore (Cemetery Man) On Blu-ray?
link is no good
So seems like an old scan.
Italian Blu is OK, German Blu stretches the 1.66 to 16 x 9, which is what Shameless are listing.
Originally posted by agent999 View PostI've always thought that something about this film (that I can't put my finger on) makes it look like a TV movie. I much prefer his first three movies. I doubt I'll upgrade.Why would anybody watch a scum show like Videodrome? Why did you watch it, Max?
Originally posted by Matt H. View Post
Which one is your favourite? I like THE SECT.I'm bitter, I'm twisted, James Joyce is fucking my sister.
I'm looking at their other 4K UHD releases and the most expensive ones have a list price of $69.95. Now, admittedly that's a crazy price for a single movie (and feels like the days when you could buy a VHS pre-record of TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE in the pages of Fangoria for $70) but obviously you're not only getting just the movie, you're also getting various cuts of some of the films, and quite a few extras. For example, their DR. BUTCHER MD is a 4 disc, multi-format set.
The thing is that right now those $69.95 films are "on sale" for $50. I have no idea what this sale is or how long it's been going on, but I do know that I rarely, if ever, purchase stuff directly from any of the boutique labels at full retail. It may be smoke and mirrors and maybe they should just go ahead and make the MSR $49.95 but I'm going to guess that Severin, along with Vinegar Syndrome, make their nut each year from the Black Friday, and Halfway to Black Friday sales, and then do these random price reductions, and then when things are slow something may actually be listed for full retail and if someone is willing to pay that at that time then that's what it's worth, but more often than not things are discounted in some way.
Severin doesn't show how many copies of a title they have left in stock like VS does so I'll use VS as an example here. Right now, the VS site shows that they have 711 copies left of their THRILLER: A CRUEL PICTURE standard 4K. The MSR on that is $49.98, which of course is crossed out and they're actually selling it for $34.99. There's no sale happening now, that's just their current price for that. I don't know how accurate this assumption is but let's say it cost $15 to manufacture those discs - that means they have $10,655.00 of stock sitting unsold in their warehouse for just that one title. How do they, and Severin, get the cash flow to allow for all this slowly selling backstock? Seems to me that hyping new, and upcoming releases with a high ticket price that just happens to be marked down to the point that they can make a decent ROI that covers not just the manufacturing costs of the releases that sell out quick but also the less popular stuff that may take 4 or 5 years to sell out is their way of doing that. I don't personally see that as gouging, but I guess I understand why it could feel that way. To me it's a company who're catering to an extremely niche market doing what they can to keep on keeping on.Now everyone can have a complete KRULL lifestyle.
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Severin sold their 4-disc (1 UHD, 2 Bu-ray, 1 CD)Four Flies on Grey Velvet for $55 plus tax and shipping last year and they have yet to make a "standard" edition available. I fully expect them to treat this title in the same manner. (The added annoyance with Severin, is you can never be sure of the quality. So you may end up really regretting the purchase.) I'll buy the damned thing, but I'm not happy with what it is going to cost me.
When that FOUR FLIES was offered I had to really talk myself out of ordering it, with the final rationale being that I'd be paying $55 to watch the movie once just to compare it to the Shameless 40th anniversary BluRay. At that point it became a "come to Jesus" moment about why I collect movies in the first place and at the end of the day pragmatism and moderation won out, which is a rare thing for me. Severin sold out of it quickly so they did the right thing for themselves too, knowing most people wouldn't be able to resist. Again, if people pay it then that's what it's worth.Now everyone can have a complete KRULL lifestyle.