Don gave an update on SUSPIRIA:
Interesting observations about SUSPIRIA after two days. First, it is the most difficult project I've ever done in my career. Second, the original negative will require extensive restoration. There are tears, dirt, splices, scratches and printed in fingerprints all over it, which begs the question: What did they use in 2007 for that blown out transfer? This doesn't look like the same element they used and, if it is, then someone severely damaged it since they scanned it. Also, who has the original Italian opening credits negative, because it is gone from the vault? We recreated the titles using the original title transparencies that WERE still on file in the vault, thankfully. The 2007 master does have extensive DNR restoration corruption (along with the blown out highlights), but there is much more severe damage to the negative that doesn't seem present on the old master. Third, it looks like all previous transfers in 2.35:1 have been zoomed in slightly to remove splice marks, glue, etc. The film frames perfectly, with more info showing on all four sides on ours, in an aspect ratio of 2.40:1, which JUUUUUSST hides the majority of bottom splices that were visible in 2.39:1.
This is exhilarating, challenging, fun and it's going to look awesome.
This is exhilarating, challenging, fun and it's going to look awesome.